Chapter  19.  Lady Rumi Meets the Queen

Colorful tents fluttered in the wind, surrounded by lush greenery of mountainous plains. The vast encampment of Maythene soldiers emerged as Jwala and Mitra rode forward at full speed on their horses as the high sun shone brightly in the clear sky.

The sound of their horses caught a few soldiers' attention, they knew who it was and it only took a second for them to inform the others about their queen's arrival. The news charged the lazy atmosphere with anticipation and excitement.

The camp was abuzz with activity as the soldiers prepared for the welcome of their esteemed queen; they were moving things around the camp to make it more presentable and neat for their queen. The soldiers gathered in an organized formation, their disciplined demeanor reflected years of training and their respect for her.

The camp's entrance stirred with activity as Jwala and Mitra got closer and in clear sight. The distant sound of hooves grew louder, and the queen emerged, astride on her majestic black mare with her most trusted person and bodyguard. They embodied regality and strength, their presence commanded attention and respect.

Soldiers broke into joyous cheers when the women entered the camp and their queen greeted them with a smile, their loyalty and admiration for their queen was palpable. The resounding cheers mixed with the beats of drums, created an exhilarating ambiance.

"Long live the Queen. Long live Maythene!" the soldiers cheered.

Jwala and Mitra dismounted gracefully and a soldier took their horses away. They were escorted by the commander of the camp to an open shaded platform where the seating arrangements were done. Jwala walked gracefully, the flowy end of her silk tunic billowed with the soft wind as she walked up the makeshift stage erected from tables and beds.

Jwala soaked in the scenery and the sun, standing tall on the stage as she raised her hand, and the cheering and excited murmurs stopped. The air was filled with anticipation as she began to speak.

"My dear soldiers, warriors of Maythene! I stand here not just as your queen but as your comrade-in-arms. It has only been a few days since we got here and I married the king of Hanna, a foreign kingdom with foreign law and culture; it warms my heart to see the familiar faces again. Hanna feels dull without my comrades…" She waved a hand at them.

The men laughed. The wave of emotion swept through the soldiers, their eyes glistening with pride as they smiled agreeing with their queen. They hung onto her every word, captivated by her magnetic presence.

She continued, "I have crossed borders and entered the foreign lands as a bride and their queen but rest assured my allegiance to you and our cause remains unwavering. Together, we have triumphed over countless challenges, and it is your unwavering loyalty that fuels my strength to overcome all odds and challenges that awaits here…" She pointed at the ground and then in the direction of the Palace. "…on this land and inside that palace." Her voice was loud and clear, showing her resolve and conviction.

The chorus of resounding applause erupts from the soldiers, their spirits lifted by the queen's reaffirmation of their bond.

Mitra stood at attention nearby, her gaze unwavering as she surveyed the soldiers, a symbol of protection and loyalty.

"I have arranged a royal feast for my soldiers tonight. The cooks from the royal kitchen of Hanna will arrive shortly and show their gratitude through the delicious cuisine, for escorting their future queen safely to the Hanna palace. The kingdom may be dull but the food is good. I vouch for that." Jwala said raising a hand like taking an oath.

The soldiers chuckled at her word and clapped. Their faces lit up after hearing Jwala's words.

Her smile widened, her eyes shone with appreciation as she raised her arm high and the soldiers responded by raising theirs as well. Their cheers showed their support and excitement.


The pink evening sky greeted Jwala and Mitra as they slowed right before the palace gates while the guards rushed to open the grand double doors for the queen with their eyes lowered to the ground.

The servants and courtiers were taken aback to watch the strangely dressed women pass by on horses. Once realizing it was the queen, they bowed immediately, to the queen's back. But their faces couldn't hide the shock that came after seeing the queen riding a horse, carrying a sword, and returning from the outside. It was all unusual for them but the fear for their lives made them hide it. The wealthy and royals of Hanna used palanquins or horse carts as a mode of transportation, even men refrained from walking a smaller distance let alone women.

"Let's visit again soon before the troops return to Maythene," Jwala said to Mitra as they stopped at the royal stables.

"The troops will be returning, my queen," Mitra asked, taking the rein of both the horses in one hand while the stable boy rushed to their side.

The groom bowed to Jwala before taking away the horses to feed them.

"I cannot have them here, it will be met with hostility. We need to be careful for now." Jwala said walking out of the stable after saying goodbye to Bela.

"How long will you wait? Let's go home." Sumin said to Rumi who was pacing in front of the queen's residence dressed in a yellow silk tunic blouse and fluffy overskirt. Her hair was neatly braided and an emerald trinket pendant hung from the ribbon on her blouse, the sign of class and elegance for Hannian women.

"I will wait a little more," Rumi said once again standing on her toes to look the farthest distance possible. She glowed in her yellow attire under the soft pink evening sky. 'Where are you?' she thought after finding that no one was coming their way.

"We can come back tomorrow if you wish to meet her that much." Sumin held Rumi's hand to take her with him. "This invitation will easily grant you entry inside the queen's residence." He held up the invitation in his other hand.

She didn't want to leave but the situation wasn't in her favor, she huffed as she was pulled by Sumin, away from the entrance of the queen's residence, "what kind of a queen invites someone and then disappears! How inconsiderate?!" Rumi grumbled.

Rumi's mouth froze when she saw Jwala coming towards her. She stiffened as her small almond eyes grew big. Whereas, Sumin had an unchanged expression, his dense straight brows still frowned and one hand holding Rumi's wrist as he bowed, "your highness!"

Rumi was too stunned to do anything other than stare at Jwala. She couldn't believe that it was the same woman she had seen at the wedding, from beautiful to powerful. Her eyes landed on the sword and the dagger resting at Jwala's waist and then the other set of dagger and sword. 'the wood-faced woman' she thought staring up and down at Mitra, like verifying her brother's claims. Rumi's face lit up as she saw both these intimidating women standing so close to her.

"That is an inconsiderate behavior, indeed," Jwala said as she stood in front of the siblings. She had walked up to them with a gentle smile. Her lazy gaze stayed on Sumin for a second before they shifted to Rumi.

"Allow me to make up for my inconsiderate behavior by inviting you over." She gestured for them to follow her.

As they were entering the premises Sumin let go of Rumi's hand. Rumi turned back when she noticed her brother wasn't following her, as did Jwala when she noticed that Rumi had stopped.

"Men aren't allowed inside the queen's residence," Sumin said, reminding his sister who was threatening him in whispers to 'not leave her alone'.

Rumi abruptly turned back to face Jwala, plastering an awkward smile at her. She had been excited about this meeting but she didn't want to experience it without her brother, and more importantly without any support system.

"Ask Bano to make arrangements in the stables," Jwala said to Mitra in a low voice.

"What should I call you, Miss?" Jwala asked gesturing at Rumi as she walked out of the premise and towards the royal stables.

Rumi jogged behind Jwala as she eyed her brother to keep following. "Rumi, your Highness," she answered in a soft voice.

"Lady Rumi, Do you like horses?" Jwala said. She slowed her pace to walk side by side with Rumi and added, "I am delighted that you accepted the invitation and arrived sooner than I thought."

Rumi just smiled, not knowing what to say. She would often look back to see if her brother was still following her. Because she wanted him to keep her grounded since she was too excited to be there that her true personality took over her usually calm and formal demeanor.

"I was told that you would have been appointed as the queen if the selection process wasn't dismissed. I hope you weren't too heartbroken."

"Ah… I… I wasn't," Rumi's thoughts were running too wild to make out the words and to behave in a controlled way as she used to when she was finalized for the queen's position.

Jwala looked back at Sumin, who was following them from a few meters' distance with a dead expression on his face. "Not even for a day?" she asked again.

Rumi pressed her lips, "To be honest, I was upset for a few days."

Jwala nodded, "I comprehend your sentiments, Lady Rumi." She walked quietly, her mind working as she arrived at the stables.

"Would you like to meet someone?" She asked.

Rumi nodded a 'yes' and followed Jwala while Sumin stayed behind. Jwala took Rumi to Bela's stall in the royal stable.

"This is Bela. My sweetest girl," Jwala said rubbing Bela's strong neck.

Rumi was hesitant. She took tiny steps and stayed at a distance from Bela even though there was a thick wooden door between them.

"Would you like to touch her, Lady Rumi?" Jwala asked, stretching out her hand at Rumi.

Rumi was smiling, her eyes were admiring Bela's tall and majestic body but she appeared afraid or maybe cautious.

"I will make sure that you are safe," Jwala's voice was soft but resolute.

Rumi took a deep breath and took Jwala's hand, which was later placed on Bela's head that was peeking from over the stall.

"Calm your breathing, she can sense fear." Jwala pressed Rumi's hand on Bela's head as she added. "Don't be afraid. Trust her. She will reciprocate your emotions."

Rumi held her breath as she placed her other hand on Bela's neck and slowly rubbed it. She chuckled when Bela didn't move or tried to resist her touch. Letting out a sigh her heart-shaped lips smiled widely. "She is soo strong and beautiful." She whispered.

"Such a majestic beast!" Jwala said proudly as she watched Bela interact with Rumi. Her lips stretched wider as she fondly watched them both, "You are one of the few people that Bela likes."

"She likes me?" Rumi asked, her eyebrows raised and eyes opened wide with joy.

"Yes. you should know that she is very picky with people." Jwala said and stepped away. "She doesn't let anyone get close to her. She has her personal groom, who accompanies us wherever we go. Only 5 people can touch her like this- Me, Mitra, my father, her groom, and her mother's groom… now, you are the sixth."

Rumi was elated to hear that, she smiled, rubbed Bela's neck, and planted a kiss on her head. "I like you too, beautiful Bela," she said in a childlike voice. Her excitement was evident from her little up-and-down shoulder movements and her voice.

'She is easy to get along with unlike her brother,' Jwala thought as she watched Rumi as her petite body stretched itself to reach Bela's neck and back.

Soon a group of maids arrived with refreshments and Jwala asked Sumin and Rumi to join.
