
Fred pulled down the zipper on his pants. His massive fat belly obscured his own penis from his vision. He reached into his underwear and groped his own small chubby penis and began to massage it, his thumb and forefinger around his penis and the other available fingers fondling his balls.

He looked at his own artwork - Mia's crotch covered by a skimpy piece of cloth - and began to feel his dick growing in his fingers. He held on tighter and rubbed his fingers up and down his small but growing shaft. He imagined Mia walked over to him, fully naked. He closed his eyes and there she was. Standing 5 foot 4 inches, smiling at him as they greeted each other. She had tiny A cup breasts and her curly brown hair fell over her should bouncing in time as her small boobs giggled.

In his imagination they always met in the colorful world of the game that he was working on. The grass was a bright green, dotted with flowers of yellows and reds and purples. Soft toned grey rocks stuck out of the ground here and there and the perfect blue sky had a lovely yellow sun warming up the whole environment.

"Hi Mia" he said to her and she ran over to him waving but when she was close enough she jumped into his arms. He held her up by placing both hands under her bum cheeks. He could imagine the feeling of her tight little ass so warm in his hands. He began to jerk himself off faster. Then Mia would usually groan...

"Ohh!" and he would release her and she would stand in front of him with her knees touching and her face blushing.

"I have to pee pee!" she said this time and held her fingers over her vagina and squirmed where she stood.

"Okay Mia. It is okay. We'll just do it here!" She looked around embarrassed to check if there was anyone else around. But there never was in this masturbating fantasy of his. He kept it nice and simple, his creation Mia was bursting to piss and only he could help her.

"Lean up against this rock Mia" he would say pointing to a nearby boulder jutting out of the ground warmed by the perpetual Sun. Then Mia would struggle to walk over now holding a hand over her belly... forgetting her shame that she is about to piss in front of this man, such is the pressure to relieve herself. Fred was already on the ground looking at her tiny ass pass his face as she turned around and leaned against the stone. Facing Fred now, her beautiful naked body shudders before he leans in and opens his mouth over her bald pussy lips.

Then she explodes. Her legs open wider and he opens his mouth easier engulfs her vagina at the moment that her piss shoots directly back his throat. As his mouth fills up he breaths through his nose and swallows a mouthful of her golden nectar. But it keeps coming, mouth full after mouth full and this is when Fred usually comes.

In fact, this is when he came this time too... he opened his eyes to see his still small but erect cock tipping up past his fat belly just as a long wade of cum fired from its tip. The string of cum flew in the air a few inches and landed near the image of Mia's crotch on the tablet. Fred shuddered and gasped for breath.

This was a fantastic wank. But here came his piss that he was holding in all day. As if he had no control over it whatsoever hot urine gushed out over his workbench. In a panic Fred craned his penis back towards himself and his stream reached over his belly and landed on his chest. The warm strong smelling liquid turned him on even more however and he began to masturbate furiously again squeezing out squirts of piss that now landed on his face. He opened his mouth and gave a gigantic push to his groin and aiming his dick he managed to aim his own stream right into his mouth. This he swallowed his urine and gurgled it and let it pour out of his mouth until finally his piss ran out, at which point he now had to shit.

Feeling warm pee turning colder on his t-shirt took nothing away from what he had just done. He looked at the cum covered image of Mia and reached over to his mouse and clicked on another layer on his drawing app and make her panty disappear. Now he could see her clitoris and tiny pee hole in perfect detail. He began to jerk off furiously again when he felt the need to shit badly. But with all the erotic actions that he had gone through in the last few moments it seemed right in the moment to just shit himself. Staring at her pee hole and jerking off, he squeezed.

He squeezed again. And again. And again and this time he could feel a piece of poo pushing out of his opening butt hole. It felt amazing. He pushed harder.. harder. He could feel the whole turd evacuating his bowl and finding its place between his fat butt cheeks and up the other way under his ball sack. It was so amazingly warm and pleasurable feeling his open asshole gaping his own shit that he jerked faster... and faster.. and faster...

And that is when it happened. Fred's heart could take no more. Just as he came a second time with an ejaculation that was mostly wet cum, Fred froze, it felt like his chest was hit by lightening. He tried to breath in, gasping for air. As he looked at Mia the corner of his vision began to darken. His leg cramped, up then darkness.