The Horny Toad

Fred stepped inside the door of The Horny Toad, to a large spacey foyer. Much like the interior of Mia's house all the floor, walls and ceiling were make from a light brown wood. The level of detail however was exquisite here, no pillar was a planely carved flat surface, art work was carefully chiselled in telling stories, and the history of The Horny Toad. If only any of the patrons took the time to see the art work. The walls had large murals painted into them of naked men and women in various sexual positons, performing various sexual acts. Somewhere a musical instrument was being played. To Freds ears it sound like a badly tuned guitar, but still lovely to listen to, relaxing. This was exactly what he needed right now. Something to wind down to.

At a wooden table in the center of the foyer sat an older lady. The young woman that showed him led him to this lady.

"Good evening Sir!" she said in a professional no nonsense way, but still kind. Clearly she had heard a lot of bullshit in her time and was up for none of it anymore, "How may we be of service?"

"Hi there," Fred replied nervously. "I'm hungry. I am tired too actually, I would love a meal and a bed. Please."

"We can provide you with food and board. Is there anything else we can offer you?" she said and waved her hand slowly around the wall.

"Well..." Shit, shit, shit how do I ask this? He asked himself. Then he remembered his feet were actually killing him. "... my feet are really tired too!" he added.

"A bath perhaps?" the older lady asked. 

Fred, too tired to figure out how to ask for a sex worker, came up with another idea. It does not matter what world you are in, money talks. He reached into his purse and took out one of his remaining three gold piece coins. He stepped up to the table and slapped the gold coin down in front of her.

"What can I get for this!"

There was a silence for a moment as the lady sized Fred up. She looked at him in the eyes for a moment and must have seen a genuienly tired older man that just wanted to get laid and was happy to pay for hit.

"For this you can get anything you want." she replied in a cool voice and cocked an eyebrow. Without further ado she called to the girl that showed Fred in.

"Get Jasmine and Adi in here at once..." she said and the girl departed straight away. Moments later Jasmine and Adi appeared. Both girls looked different to each other. One was taller and had more defined features with a stronger looking build, she stood confidently staring almost eye to eye with Fred. Her long legs were covers only near her hips by a short skirt. She had large breasts and wore a white silk shirt that was buttoned only once and only to hold her breasts together. Long blonde hair rolled down over her shoulders.

The second girl was smaller standing at five foot three inches. She was very thin and had much paler looking skin. Her brown straight hair was not quite shoulder length. Her exposed legs and arms and stomach were thin, heathly looking however. It was clear that this girl was simply naturally thin, but not too skinny. Wherever she came from inside, and for whatever reason she only wore a panty and a bra. Both items of clothing were made of thin almost see thru lace where Fred could make out her shaven pussy and the nipples on her tiny breasts.

"You can leave Adi... I think he has made his decision." The taller of the two girls smiled an nodded without saying a word and quietly left the room.

"This is Jasmine," the old lady said, "she will be your companion for the night. Jasmine, show the gentleman to your quarters."

The old lady took the gold coin from the table and placed it casually in her pocket, with a satisfied smile on her face she looked at Jasmine and Fred as they walked out of the foyer into the main hall of the building.

"What would you like to do first?" Jasmine asked gently.

"I'm hungry..." he replied.

"Well you are just in time actually, we are going to have supper now." With this she walked over to one of a dozen round tables fit for six people and sat down. This table was positioned next to and cracking open log fire. The heat was not too intense and filled the room with a smell that Fred imagined Christmas would be like in one of those postcard images.

When he was sitting down Jasmine moved around and sat on the floor beside him. She undid his sandals and began rubbing his feet. There was something about the way that her fingers wrapped around each of his toes. About the way she applied the perfect amount of pressure to the ball of his foot, that she rubbed his arch and ankles that felt so good that it made him almost want to cry. No one had ever touched him this way, giving him this much attention. The second that he sat down Jasmine had disappeared beneath the table to begin massaging his feet. After what he guessed was ten minutes, while he stared to the gently licking flames Jasmine appeared again. 

"That was so nice Jasmine. That is your name isn't it, Jasmine."

"Yes it is, Jasmine. But you can call me any name you want and I will answer to it."

"I like Jasmine." he said and turned to looked at her more directly when she sat down beside him.

"How long have you worked here?" 

"I was born in here."

"Oh goodness, really" he asked distressed.

"This is perfectly normal here, a carpenter has a son who becomes a carpenter. A fisherman has a son who becomes a fisherman. A sing has a daughter that becomes a singer. My mother worked in the Toad and I was born here, and when i was old enough I began working here."

"Oh I guess. What age did you..." he paused, "begin working here?"

"We do not begin until our bodies are ready. I went to school and finished school and have only just begun working here. Every girl here is older than me. But enough about me, what are you looking for?"

At this a platter of food arrived with drinks. Fred looked hungerily at the food. Jasmine picked up a grape in her fingers straight away and placed it gently on Freds lips. He opened his mouth and took the grape between his lips and ate it. He smiled. She did this again, and bit by bit fed him his dinner. He drank a delicious red wine and had water and they talked all the while. She ate off his plate too and Fred realised that he had never been on a date this... nice before. Everything was just easy with Jasmine.

They were halfway through the meal when Jasmine looked at him in the eyes and smiled.

"What is your fantasy. Your most crazy fantay. What is one thing that you would like to do or see that you never thought you could ever ask?"

Fred was taken aback. He looked at Jasmine. She looked so petite and perfect and pretty sitting beside him.

"Can i touch your breasts?" he said in a low voice in case anyone would hear him. She smiled at him and reached her hands behind her back and her bra came off.

Jasmine had always been unsure about her breasts, they did not grow much since she hit puberty. She knew that some men liked small breasts but she often looked in the mirror and wondered if she could be mistaken for a boy.

"Do you like them?" she asked quietly.

"They are so beautiful, I cannot believe my eyes." Jasmine took his large and slowly directed his fingers to her breast.

"Mmm that feels nice" she said. It does feel nice, she thought to herself. I wonder what he really wants? What is his deepest darkest fantasy, I would like to do that for him.

"Sir, what is something you were always afraid to ask for? You can do it to me..."

"Do it for me?" he said quietly. She leaned forword and hissed him on his lips.
