Old Hina

The long winding road up to Hina's home was cut out of a century old forested hillside. Both sides of the dusty dry road were filled with flowers, shrubs and old oak trees. Brooks ran down the sweeping hillside and every now and again they came close enough to the side of the road that Fred, Jasmine and Hina could stop and get a handful of refreshing cold mineral water.

Every now and again Fred would find himself contemplating how beautiful this land really was. The leafy green trees. The blue of the sparkling waters, the massive height of the snowcapped mountains and the rich diversion of animals, people, flowers, buildings, trees. Everything seemed more amazing the longer he stayed here.

"This morning, I found myself wondering what my life was like before this." Fred suddenly blurted out to Jasmine. All three stopped walking. Jasmine, who held Freds hand since they had left the town centre down below them turned to him with an inquisitive look on her face.

"What WAS your life like before this?" she asked.

"Well I... I was a... I worked with my hands..." There was a moment of confusion. What did he do before this? He knew he worked on... that was it. A computer. He wrote things. But what did he write? For the life of him he could not remember what it was he wrote. He figured that Jasmine and Hina would not know the concept of a computer so he settled with "A writer. I wrote things."

"Stories or law?" Hina asked.

"Oh... law. Mostly. Some stories, you know since you are writing, in for a penny in for a pound." As long as he kept things vague they probably would not ask anything.

"Well," Hina continued, "that explains your money and your funny way of speaking. You reason things in a funny way. But you are very trusting too, so that would explain the poet in you I guess."

"It is amazing what you are able to do Master Fred," Jasmine said beaming at him. Then she turned to Hina, "are we far away from your house Hina. I need to poop."

"I am afraid my dear that we are just about half way. If you really need to go you can pop into the bushes and we will keep an eye out for you. Although there really is hardly ever anyone on this road."

Fred suddenly remembered the dinner he had with her and an erection began to grow in his pants.

"I would like if you both came with me." Jasmine said casually. "Alone in the woods is no place for a girl!" she said playfully. With that she turned on her heel and walked off the path to a clearing a few feet in from the road and was followed by Hina and Fred.

Both Jasmine and Hina essentially wore the same type of clothing. Leather shoes, stockings, a dress over a white blouse. But while Hinas dress was large and multi-coloured, long enough to reach her ankles and very heavy looking, Jasmines was a light blue, very light looking dress that just went down to her knees. Sometimes when she twirled around, the top of her pure white knee length socks could be seen, While Hina was somewhere in her late fifties, or early sixties, Jasmine was not yet in her twenties. But it was clear to Fred that Hina was once beautiful, and to a degree she was still very good looking. Jasmine however, who was walking around the little enclosure was simply a beautiful piece of art.

"Hina, do you mind if I just go here in front of you." Jasmine casually asked all of a sudden.

"Oh dear, I would like that a lot!" said Hina, "I mean, of course you can sweetie."

But Jasmine had heard it... "You would like it a lot?" she asked with a smile on her face and a cocked eyebrow.

"Hina, would you like Jasmine to pee for you?" asked Fred, know that both he and Jasmine were well established exhibitionists at this stage.

"No, stop! Let her do her business Master Fred and don't bring me into it."

"Well will you help me undress Hina?" asked Jasmine walking up to her.

"Of course dear..." Hina replied nervously.

Jasmine let her arms down by her side and stood waiting for Hina who walked over to her and undid the buttons on the back of her dress. Then Hina pushed the straps off Jasmines shoulders and the dress began to slip itself off Jasmines thin body. As the dress fell to the ground Hina placed a hand behind Jasmines knee and lifted her leg, where she removed the dress from beneath her foot. Hina repeated this with the other leg and placed the dress aside. Then she stood up and took in the sight before her. Jasmine stood in her shoes and socks and a blouse that went down to her lower back covering her underwear from view.

"Is it okay if Fred disrobes as well Hina? I think he might need to go as well." Jasmine said with a smile.

"Well if Master Fred wants to disrobe that would be..." she found herself lost for words.

"Can I take your dress off Hina" asked Jasmine.

"Oh sweetie. You don't have to!" replied Hina, before adding nervously "I would be happy to watch you and Master Fred go however - if that is okay. As an older lady it has been a while since i have seen a young persons privates."

"Didn't you ever marry?" Fred asked slowly, carefully. "You are an attractive woman, even today."

Hina found herself staring at Jasmine. Looking her up and down. "I was interested in more than just the drunk man that called himself my fiancé. He was just interested in my money, what little of it there was. I was looking for... my heart was looking for a lady."

"Do you like men?" Jasmine asked.

"Oh i liked men a lot, but they were second to.... all this!" she said and looked at Jasmine in her brown eyes. "You are beautiful!" she added.

Jasmine walked around to Hinas back and undid the colourful dress she wore. After her dress was off, Jasmine continued and unbuttoned her blouse and took that off too. Hina stood topless, wearing now just her panties that looked plain and comfortable around her ample waist. Kicking off her shoes, Hina turned around and faced Fred and Jasmine. She touched her hand nervously on her big belly but it was clear that she was actively trying to keep them off her exposed breasts.

"You are not the only beauty here Jasmine..." Fred said. With that he walked over to Hina and while he was standing beside them both he stripped down naked. Somehow, seeing how overweight Hina was made him feel okay with his body that was itself overweight. "This is going to be nice..." he added and leaned in and kissed Jasmine on the lips.