My daughter and I had a fairly normal breakfast, though she still wore those maddeningly distracting harem pajamas of hers. That basically guaranteed that my dick would stay hard, but that had become par for the course for me lately.
Michelle was a generally cheery person, as we pretty much all were in this house. But she seemed to be in an unusually good mood. She was downright ecstatic.
I asked her, "So what's gotten into you today?"
She replied excitedly, "It's not what's gotten into me yet, it's what WILL be getting into me! Over and over again!" She groaned with delight.
"Can you be a little less cryptic?" I asked.
"Sorry. It's just that I'm still psyched over that yummy goo. I want a lot more of that!" She suddenly leaned across the table, setting her huge tits surging forward in her see-through pajama top. "I know I'm on a diet, so you don't have to tell me yet. But I can't wait to find out what it is. Then I can buy a big container of it and guzzle it right down my throat!"
I held out my hands defensively. "Okay, already. Enough about that stuff!" I was desperate to change the topic to literally anything else. I had this mental picture of shooting my ropes of cum straight into her open mouth from an inch or two away!
Thankfully, she leaned back in her chair. Her tits stopped wobbling, oh, about five minutes later. Okay, that's a wild exaggeration, but it sure seemed like that! Although her F-cups jutted out so much, they jiggled at the slightest movement, even when she wore a bra.
I kept thinking back to earlier. Even after masturbating and taking a very long shower, I still couldn't shake the mental image of her licking my sticky cum from the palms of her hands. In particular, the sight of her sticking her fingers into her mouth one by one and slowly licking them clean of cum, was like a movie clip that kept playing over and over in my mind. It didn't take a lot to imagine those weren't fingers she was sucking off. I was a wreck!
Worse, she was constantly laughing and telling jokes. The problem with that was that each time she laughed or giggled, her breasts shook and heaved like you wouldn't believe. Because her twin torpedoes jutted out so dramatically, it didn't take much to get them jiggling and bouncing. They seemed unusually stiff for breasts, and even a little bit of giggling could cause them to swing around in small circles and repeatedly crash into each other.
She was in such a buoyant mood that she giggled at things that weren't supposed to be amusing. For instance, I asked her, "By any chance, did you and Mindy talk this morning?"
"We might have." She giggled.
"Did she talk to you about what she and I discussed last night?" "And what would that be?" She giggled a lot more.
"I don't know. I'm asking you." I was far too embarrassed to bring up Mindy's "reasonable bounds" idea. And what if I'd misinterpreted some joking around?
"Then if you don't know, how could I know?" She giggled even more.
I dropped the topic, since she was in far too silly a mood for me to get answers.
With her semi-transparent harem pajamas, I had a perfect front row seat to the proceedings. She
Seemed to deliberately keep the show interesting by constantly reaching for things or simply stretching like a cat for no good reason. When she made a big move like that, her pajama top had a bad habit of riding to the top of her breasts and then getting stuck there. It seemed she was topless more often than not.
Had that happened out of the blue, I would have gotten very upset and made her cover up. I didn't realize it at the time, but she and Ruby had basically conditioned me for months. Day by day, little by little, they exposed more and more of their voluptuous bodies so there was never any dramatic change of behavior where I could draw a clear line. And I would complain frequently, but it was always one step backward and then two steps forward. They were relentless, and by this point I'd basically given up trying to police their clothes, or lack of them.
The fact that they looked so damn gorgeous and sexy made it hard to remember to be upset.
While we ate breakfast, I faced the usual constant battle trying to keep my eyes on her face. But now that she'd planted this image in my head of her licking my cum, looking at her face only made me even more aroused. I imagined my cum dripping from the corners of her mouth and down her chin, and more splatters of cum across her cheeks and nose!
She seemed quite innocent and calm as she ate, but the way she ate her banana made me wonder. No normal person sucks on bananas, especially the way she was doing it! But I was so shy about these things that I couldn't just come out and say, "Could you stop sucking on your banana like it's a penis? I'm your father, dammit." Besides, I'd long known that she had an oral fixation. She'll suck on just about any object at hand.
So I tried to ignore it (an effort that was a near-total failure).
Attempting to make small talk, I asked her, "So, what are your plans for today?"
Her eyes lit up. She raised her arms up high in a "V" pose. "Today is a BIG day! It's a great day! It's the first day of the rest of my life! You might even say my life truly begins today!"
I was surprised at that enthusiastic outburst. "Geez. Okay. I take it you're happy. Care to share your secret of happiness with me?"
"Nope!" She kept the "V" pose, with her bouncy bare breasts right in front of my eyes. I noticed she had erect nipples, but then again she seemed to always have erect nipples lately.
Finally, she dropped her arms back down and her pajama top fell down to just below her nipples. That still left the round undersides of her rack wonderfully exposed. She said, "Sorry, I guess I'm just feeling giddy. I'm eighteen, it's the start of summer vacation, I'm beautiful, it's a sunny day, Ruby's coming over, my Daddy is the best dad ever and he's a good cook – what's not to love?"
I chuckled. "Okay, fine. Boy, I wish I had that kind of youthful enthusiasm again. Can you clean the dishes? I'm going to get to work."
"Sure thing, Daddy."
I stood up to walk away, but then I stopped. "By the way, what's with you calling me 'Daddy' all of a sudden? I noticed you started doing that this morning, for the first time since you were, I dunno… Five? Four?"
She grinned impishly. "I don't know. I just felt like it. It's fun. It's like, you don't call me 'Michelle,' you change it to 'Shelle' for our special private nickname. I want to have a name like that for you."
I walked away. But I said, "Fine. But maybe think of something other than 'Daddy' though, okay? That sounds juvenile."
She pouted while still sounding giddy. "Oh, you're no fun!"
I went to the den and tried to get some writing done, but it was useless. I couldn't even channel my erotic energy into writing sexy scenes. I was lost in thought, thinking about the discussion I'd had with my wife the night before and what exactly it all meant. Plus, I kept thinking about all the sexy things my daughter had done lately, especially that morning.
I was very tempted to masturbate again, but I prided myself on my self-control, and one firm rule I had was to never masturbate in my den, my place of work. Furthermore, I knew that she could burst into the room at any time, and that could lead to a very compromising situation. And what if she came in right after I'd climaxed and she figured out that the "yummy goo" smelled exactly like my cum? I couldn't let that happen!
My overactive imagination can be a blessing at times, like when I need inspiration for my novels, but now it was a curse. I couldn't get the thought of Michelle, licking up my cum, out of my head. I'd find myself daydreaming. For instance, I envisioned my dick shooting gallons of cum at her stunningly beautiful face, like my dick was a fire hose. Then, suddenly, I'd remember my parents and how my father left my mother and ruined all of our lives with his cheating, and my ardor would come to a complete halt. But a few minutes later, I'd find myself drifting into daydreams and the process would repeat itself, over and over. I was going mad with barely suppressed lust.
Furthermore, I couldn't stop thinking about what Mindy had said the night before. Is she really okay with me doing whatever I want with Michelle and Ruby, as long as it's within "reasonable bounds?" What the hell does that mean, anyway?! What if I decide to have sex with my daughter, in every way possible, and declare that it's "reasonable?!"
The mind boggles. I don't know if she really means it or if she's just trying to get me aroused, but in a way it doesn't really matter. I know that touching any other woman in any kind of sexual way could only lead to disaster.... Or would it, necessarily? God, why does Mindy have to have such strange
Notions – and why does Michelle have to be so HOT?! And Ruby too. Put them together and no man can resist!