Chapter 23

I groaned. "Oh, man! We've known this forever, but you're really driving it home. What are we going to do? Nothing we've tried seems to work."

Mindy suggested, carefully, "We know she has this sexual desire to please you. In case you hadn't noticed yet, she really wants to please you. You're her whole world. We should exploit that somehow."

We sat there for a full minute. Finally, I said, "You know, we're beating around the bush. You haven't said a word yet about the sexual incidents today that I just told you about. Especially the so-called 'hugs' the Gruesome Twosome gave me when they were fully nude. That was nothing less than an all- out attempt to seduce me! Both of them at once! If I hadn't at least somewhat resisted, we would have wound up… Well, I don't know what, but it would have been bad! Adultery!"

She still didn't react, so I prodded, "And yet you just sit there with a poker-face."

"What do you want me to say? I told you last night that whatever happens between you and them on that front is none of my concern. They're family, so it's impossible for you to commit adultery with them."

"What?! You didn't say that before! How can you say that?! And Ruby isn't family!"

"Don't let her hear you say that. She'd be heart-broken! You know as well as I do we would have adopted her long ago if it weren't for the fact that she still lives with her mother. And Cindy does a great job raising her."

I grumbled, "So great that she spends most of her time here. But let's not get sidetracked. Your reaction to what those girls are doing to me isn't rational. And by the way, I'm dying to ask you something: did you tell them this morning what we talked about last night?"

Mindy smiled mysteriously. "I may have given Michelle a clue or two." She winked. "Then I'm sure she told Ruby."

I groaned. "I wish you would have told me that, or at least answered your phone!"

"What would the fun of that be? I thought you'd enjoy their increased teasing if you didn't know what was going on."

I groaned louder. "UGH! You're treating this like it's a big joke or something! They want to have some kind of sexual relationship with me! Both of them!"

Mindy said with sudden plaintive emotion, "I love them both! I can't deny them that! It would break their hearts, and I'm not willing to do that."

"Wait a minute. Did you REALLY go to Santa Barbara on Sunday? I know you love your sister Erica, but you detest her husband."

"Of course I went! I wouldn't lie to you about that. And yeah, I certainly don't get along with Bob. But it's also true that the timing of my visit wasn't entirely coincidental. I was hoping you could get more chummy with the Hellions while I was away."

"'Chummy?!' That's the understatement of the year! Why are you so big on pushing us together in a sexual way?!"

"I know how strongly they desire you and I think it may be healthy for them to play around with you some."

"'Healthy?!' I'd love to hear THAT explanation!"

"Think about it. Neither of them have had ANY boyfriends. There's all kinds of rumors about them having sex with girlfriends though, mostly each other."

I blanched. I had some vague notion things like that could be happening, but it shocked me to hear Min speak this out loud. We'd never openly discussed this before.

She continued, "I don't think they're lesbians though. It's just a matter of 'any port in a storm.' They're young, horny, and no boy will date them. Think how they must come across. So gorgeous it's scary, and then their personalities are even more daunting. They don't even have any friends who are boys. So of course they turn their sexual interest to you. Honey, you don't seem to realize it, but you're a VERY handsome man! And you're exceptionally virile. You've got the equipment and you know what to do with it. And your stamina is off the charts!"

I probably blushed a little. "I don't think that's true at all. You're biased."

"Trust me, I know what I'm talking about. Women compare notes. Why do you think we always go to the bathroom together?"

I asked in surprise, "Do you really…?"

She chuckled. "That's neither here nor there. Anyway, they've gotten fixated on you, and they're so fixated that they probably wouldn't go on a date with a boy if one got the courage to ask either of them out. We can't have them go off to college in a few months with NO sexual experience whatsoever!

They'll be eaten alive. You've heard of cases where a person who doesn't know how to kiss asks a loved one for kissing lessons, haven't you?"

I said, "Not really. It sounds like the start of some erotic story, not real life."

"It happens, believe me. And it's not that big a deal. Let them gain a little bit of sexual experience and confidence with you. Then they'll go off to college and the handsome men will sweep them off their feet."

I must have sat there with my jaw to the floor, because after a few moments Mindy joked, "Close your trap; you're letting the flies in."

I finally gathered my wits to say, "Mindy, what you're suggesting is crazy! Totally nuts! I can't do that!" "Yes, you can. Remember, whatever happens is up to you. If all you can handle is some kissing, stop

There. You'll know where to draw the line. I trust you completely."

I sighed. "I don't trust me. That's the problem. We're not talking normal-looking girls. We're talking… UGH! They're just too much!"

Mindy shrugged. "You're a big boy. Make clear that you're the boss. If they get too hot to handle, just bend them over your lap and give them both a good spanking!"

I shook my head in disbelief. "It's wild that you say that, because that's just what they said to me today."

She raised a curious eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"Oh, did I leave that part out? I must have thought it was too silly to mention. After I came down hard on them for taking too many liberties with me, they all but insisted I give them solid spankings."

Mindy put a hand on her chin. "Hmmm…" "What are you thinking? Oh no! Don't tell me…"

She grinned impishly. "That's right! You know what I'm thinking: give 'em good spankings! Why not? Nothing else has worked to get them under control. Even you can't rein them in that much with normal means, and they listen to you more than anybody."

I complained, "But we're not talking regular spankings. After what they did to me today, it's pretty clear they're talking about sexual spankings."

Before Mindy could reply to that, I had an idea. "Hey! What if I give them the impression I'm going to give them sexual spankings, and then surprise them by giving them REAL spankings? I know they're 18 and normally that would be completely out of the question. But they've crossed a sexual line with me already. A true spanking might actually restrain their behavior!"

I pondered my words after I said them, wondering if I was actually serious. I asked, "I dunno. Am I crazy with that suggestion?"

Mindy seemed intrigued. "No, you're not. Actually, I think it's so crazy that it just might work. I'm thinking about Michelle in particular, since she's so willful, and yet she adores you. It's not so much the physical pain as the fact that she's forced you to resort to that; I think that would really get through to her. But still, let's wait and see for a day or two first. Maybe she'll cave in to your ultimatum."

"Yeah, maybe. But I'm not hopeful. She's a stubborn one. I wonder where she gets it from?"

Mindy grinned. "Okay, I am too, I'll admit it. But so are you, bucko. Us Coopers, we go all out to get what we want."

She looked at me with bedroom eyes. "Let's talk about this more later. This is the first time in over a week when I came home and you didn't all but carry me upstairs! Enough talking: make love to me!"

We'd finished dinner by this time. I felt so inspired that I actually did carry her upstairs!

And by God, we made love! I was so worked up from what Michelle and Ruby did to me that day that I nearly set some kind of personal record for non-stop fucking. I had some great orgasms, but I made sure Mindy did too, as I always did. As we lay together afterwards, once we were tired out, my mind wandered back to the problem at hand.

I decided I needed to take action sooner rather than later. I got dressed and called to Michelle down the hall to come to me.

When Michelle entered our bedroom, I was dressed in shorts and a T-shirt. Mindy was still lying down

Naked, but had the sheets pulled up to her shoulders.

I noticed Michelle curiously and repeatedly sniffing the air, which concerned me. Did she really not know what that "yummy goo" was, and would the spermy smell in the air give it away? I decided to push all such thoughts out of my mind or I really would go crazy.