Chapter 6- Clan Meeting

Chapter 6

"The stake of the bet will be the gift of the champion. The elders have decided to give the champion, the chance to pick any weapon he wants, even if it is one of the three treasured weapons of the clan!" Long qing announced. The crowd gasped and even Long feng felt like it would be worth the trouble.

"Well, since you have said so, I have nothing to say. Now, If you'll excuse me, I have things to do" he said with a smile, before turning and walking away. everyone looked at him with a 'you are so dead' expression. Long feng went back to his room, sat cross legged and began to consolidate his foundation.

Currently, he was sure he could easily kill a genius rank 7 connate cultivator, defeat a rank 8 connate cultivator, and fight on par with a peak connate cultivator like Long qing and Long Wei. He could feel that long qing was far stronger than Long Wei. She was the real opponent he would be facing, and he may not even defeat her. The thought of that made his blood boil in anticipation. His body was thirsty for a tough battle.

If his cultivation's foundation was steadier, then his chances of defeating Long qing would be much higher. so, he focused on strengthening his foundation.


Finally, the day of the meeting arrived. This clan meeting was much more interesting than other clan meetings, because, rumors that the trash of the long clan had made a bet on the champion position left the entire Star city in uproar. It became the talk of the town, and many people thought that long feng was insane.

The clan meeting would be held on the peak of a mountain which could contain over a thousand people. A huge battle arena had been built there. Yet, early in the morning, the entire Mountain was already full of people! Even the other four clans, including the Gong clan, all sent representatives to the long clan's Meeting. The person in charge of organizing the event was Long qianmu, Long yuan's brother. The four great elders of the clan were the judges.

The Four great elders were Long yuan's uncles. They were the Old Clan Chief's brothers, which meant they were Long feng's granduncles. And most importantly, all four of them were at the rank 4 Yin realm! Also, the Old Clan Chief, who was in seclusion was rumored to be a rank 6 Yin cultivator! That was the reason why the Gong clan wasn't attacking or suppressing the long clan; they didn't have anyone who was on the same realm as the long clan's old Clan Chief. Still, they were the strongest among the five clans, because their clan Chief was a rank 4 Yin level cultivator, while their great elders were rank 5 Yin cultivators each! Not even the long clan was that powerful.

When the sun had finally risen, the meeting began. Long qianmu walked to the center of the stage and looked around with a smile.

"Thank you all attending our humble event. Although this is a clan meeting, our untalented Young generation wishes to duel against themselves, to determine the best among them. I sincerely hope that no one will interrupt us today" he said, specifically looking towards the envoys of the four other clans.

The crowd murmured approval.

"Furthermore, the two top geniuses of the clan, and our humble Clan Chief's son, Long feng, have made a bet on the champion position. So, the battle will be mostly based on the three of them" he added, staring at Long yuan and Long feng mockingly.

The crowd burst into an excited uproar!

Long yuan's face turned ugly with anger. He knew that they were trying to set Long feng up, yet, he could not do anything

"Feng'er, are you sure you are not going to withdraw?" He asked Long feng who was behind him

Long feng shook his head

"Trust me, father. I will be fine" he replied

Long yuan nodded. He had already decided that once Long feng was defeated, he would rush into the stage to save him.

"Now, the first contestants would be Long feng against Long Shen." Long qianmu announced.

Long Shen was a rank 2 Connate cultivator. Although he was so weak, the crowd had no doubt that he would easily twist Long feng into two! Long qianmu wanted to humiliate both Long feng and his father, by having a rank 2 connate cultivator to defeat Long feng. That way, his chances of becoming the clan Chief would be higher!

A bulky figure jumped onto the stage. It was Long Shen, and he turned to look at Long feng provocatively. Long yan and Long qianmu had promised him that if he crippled Long feng's legs, or even kill him, they would reward him abundantly.

Long feng slowly walked into the stage. Many people looked at him pitifully or gloatingly.

"Hmph, you are lucky enough to face me. I will end the battle fast, so you don't feel the pain" Long Shen shouted.

"To think you dared to make a bet against senior sister qing! Don't worry, you will be the champion of being the first to be defeated" he added arrogantly, releasing his aura of a rank 2 connate cultivator, and trying to suppress Long feng with it.

Seeing this, Long feng chuckled

Seeing that long feng wasn't scared, Long Shen grinned coldly, before shooting towards Long feng.

"Three heavy fists!' he shouted. White glow surrounded his fists. He was actually using a martial skill! A martial skill was a medium of using one's accumulated martial power as a skill. Doing that would double the strength of one's attack.

Even Long feng was quite surprised at Long Shen's ruthlessness. If Long feng could not cultivate, then this punch would completely destroy him. But to the current Long feng whose strength was equal to Long qing's, and whose control of connate level martial power was superior to Long qing, this punch wasn't even as strong as a heavy wind!

"You lack manners. Let me teach you some" Long feng calmly said, and his voice reached everyone's ears. The entire stage fell silent.

As long Shen's fist was about to reach him, Long feng lazily stretched out his index finger pointing it at Long Shen.

Suddenly, Long Shen screamed like a pig about to be butchered, and he was shot out of the stage. Crashing heavily on the floor, his bones broke and he spurted a mouthful of blood!

The whole Mountain fell silent. Most people couldn't understand what had happened, but all the elders of the clan, the envoys of the four clans, Long qing and Long Wei, including Long yuan were all stunned. Long yuan in particular was unable to sit on the chair, and he stood up abruptly.

Long feng had used his finger to control the martial power around Long Shen, and used the martial power to attack Long Shen! This was something that needed an incredible level of controlling martial power, and only cultivators could control martial power!

And even when defeating Long Shen, Long feng didn't release even a bit of his aura, so he still looked like a normal person who couldn't cultivate!

The whole Mountain fell into a confused silence....