Chapter 19- Yan Jian

Chapter 19

Long feng and those who followed after him were teleported to a hallway, and this time, every one had a token with him. The token was black with the drawings of ancient Mortals wielding weapons on them. The hallway seemed endless. Long feng looked at the token with his Immortal sight and finding nothing weird about it, he began to walk down the hallway. He noticed that on the walls of the hallway, there were many runes and drawings. He didn't find anything weird about them, so he ignored them.

After walking for about an hour, Long feng stopped and frowned. This was the same place he had started walking from. He had returned to his starting point! That meant that he was just walking in circles.

He used the silver radiance Immortal sight again. This time, the silver colour within his pupils were Clearly brighter. It was probably due to him awakening his soul power.

Using the Immortal sight, Long feng looked at the drawings and runes in the wall. Although he saw the drawings more clearly, his silver radiance sight could not decipher anything. This meant that the person who created this hallway was far stronger than he was. It could even be a Yang realm cultivator who was also proficient in soul power cultivation. This hallway was clearly a soul formation. Yet, Long feng could not sense anything even with his Immortal sight. But the question was, how did the Mortal heaven sect managed to have such a powerful soul power? The Mortal heaven sect was merely a Yang level sect. There had never been a spirit realm cultivator in the history of the Mortal heaven sect. Long feng frowned. Something was wrong, but he wasn't sure what it was.

"This is the second test. You are to find a way out of the hallway within three days. The exit is with you, but you have to find it. Everyone has to find their own path." A voice suddenly echoed through the hallway.

This time, everyone would be on his own. Hearing that, many people instantly gave up the hope of entering the Mortal heaven sect. Only few people still had that hope.

"The exit is with us. We just have to find it" Long feng muttered, looking at the token.

"The first test was to test our martial power or soul power. The second test could be about anything, even patience" he thought.

He sat down cross legged, closed his eyes and began to consolidate his cultivation. He had recently made two breakthroughs in a hurry, so his cultivation was unsteady.

Not Long after, someone came and sat down right in front of him. The man was quite tall, and he looked to be sixteen or seventeen years. His eyebrows were surprisingly flame red! Half of his hair was also red. Dressed in a flame red robe, he looked stunning. He was also a rank nine connate cultivator!

Long feng opened his eyes.

"It seems like you have also figured out the way to clear this test, haven't you?" The man cheerfully asked Long feng.

Long feng nodded.

"I'll say, more than half of them will surely fail. They look so hopeless" the man continued, referring to the others.

"You could have cleared the first test. Why didn't you do it?" Long feng asked.

Since this man could understand how to clear the second test, that meant that he also understood the first one.

The man laughed.

"Where's the fun in doing that? Besides, I wasn't the only one who could do it. Those Yin level cultivators could do it. We wanted to wait a dozen of days for all the unwanted trash to leave." He said.

"Sorry for my lack of manners. I am Yan Jian." He added.

"Long feng. It's a pleasure to meet you" Long feng replied.

Yan Jian laughed

"So it's brother feng! You seem to possess a soul power" he said.

Long feng didn't reply. Not everyone didn't know about soul power. Some of them could recognize it with a glance, like this Yan Jian.

"With your soul power, the Mortal heaven sect would probably take you with utmost importance. Your martial cultivation is somewhat descent too." Yan Jian continued.

He looked at Long feng and smiled.

"You don't seem to know much about soul power, do you?" He asked.

"Generally, I do." Long feng replied.

"Don't worry. Luckily for you, I happen to know the cultivation realm of the soul power." Yan Jian said.

Long feng was interested in knowing this.

"You do?" He asked.

Yan Jian laughed again

"Of course. The difference between the martial cultivation and the soul cultivation is that the soul cultivation isn't divided into so many ranks, yet, it is much harder than martial cultivation. The first level is the Heaven level. The second and highest is the saint level. Of course, that is the highest only within the Yihua Continent. In the vast world of cultivation, the soul cultivation level are probably far more than that. In the Yihua Continent, a saint layered soul cultivator is a legend. It is as rare and as strong as an imperial level cultivator. I also know that each layer is only divided into three. In the past, the highest soul cultivation of the Yihua Continent used to be the spirit layer. They were said to be stronger than an Imperial realm cultivator. Now, a spirit layered soul cultivator hasn't appeared in over a thousand years." He said.

Long feng was excited to hear that.

"You said each layer is divided into five. What are they?" He asked.

Yan Jian sighed.

"I'm afraid I don't know that."

Long feng was quite disappointed, but he didn't worry. Sooner or later, he would know everything.

"What layer are the two soul cultivators of the Mortal heaven sect?" He asked.

Yan Jian laughed.

"You really look down on the soul cultivation. Those two have not even completely reached the first level of the Heaven layer. Soul cultivation is almost twice as hard as martial cultivation. Even for you, whose soul power can be called king amongst others, it may take you almost hundred years to reach the peak of the Heaven layer." Yan Jian Said.

Hearing that, Long feng almost puked.

"Anyway, thank you for the help." He said.

"It is a pleasure, brother feng. I'll take that as you would want to cultivate your soul power?." Yan Jian replied.

Long feng nodded.

"Before you can cultivate your soul power, you need to learn some soul cultivation methods. That will help you in increasing your potential." Yan Jian added.

"Don't even try that. If you should use the useless cultivation methods of this lower realm, then it will drastically reduce your potential. Your soul power is not something ordinary. Only special cultivation methods of the higher realms can barely unleash your potential" a familiar voice stated coldly from his dantian.....