Chapter 42- I admit defeat!

Chapter 42

         He had exhausted a great deal of his inner energy and cultivation foundation by using the skill thrice. He had pushed himself to the limit, and if he used the demon Yang technique again, he would likely explode to pieces. He was lucky that his remaining opponents were not strong enough to make him use the demon Yang technique. Most of them simply surrendered. Being able to reach the top twenty five was enough for them to boast about for a lifetime. They weren't interested in getting trashed by Jio yu, because he would definitely unleash his rage on them.

     Soon, Jio yu completed his own battles. Most people speculated that since he lost twice to Li yu'er and Long feng, he would definitely be ranked third. That would still allow him to become an Elite disciple. Jio yu was filled with hatred when he overheard the discussions. He, the mighty Jio yu had fallen from being the top disciple to the third! He felt completely humiliated.

        Li yu'er was next. She didn't have to battle Jio yu again, so her first opponent had to be Long Feng!

"Brother feng, don't go easy on her." Yan Jian shouted to Long feng, who had already jumped into the battle stage. He took out his Sovereign sword and released his rank eight connate level aura. He was not going to hold anything back against Li yu'er.

      Standing across the battle stage, Li yu'er stared at Long feng meaningfully and turned around.

"I admit defeat!" She said, much to everyone's disappointment. Even Elder Zhang and Elder Bei were disappointed at being unable to witness the battle between two proud talents.

"Why?" Long feng was confused. Li yu'er was almost definitely going to defeat him because his cultivation level was inferior. His main asset was his combat power, not his cultivation level. If he was in the peak connate level, he might be able to put up a decent battle against her, but with his current strength, she could defeat him. Her admitting defeat was surprising.

Li yu'er stared at him.

"Even if I defeat you, I will gain nothing from that. It will be like I am taking advantage of your low cultivation level. I don't fight honorless battles. I will only compete against you when we are at the same cultivation level" she replied.

      Long feng smiled.

"I will definitely search for you then." He replied and jumped out of the battle stage.

      Li yu'er's opponent was now Yan Jian. Yan Jian jumped into the battle stage. Afraid that Li yu'er would refuse to fight him too, he drew out his sword and shot towards her immediately.

"Heavenly tyrant technique, tyrannic armor!" He shouted. His armor appeared on him. Tyrant energy glowed on the edge of his sword as he thrust the sword at Li yu'er.

       Yan Jian's chances of defeating Li yu'er was next to nothing. His weapon was also a peak half Yin armament. This made him completely disadvantaged against her.

She stopped the sword with a finger and  the tyrannic energy was forcefully dispersed. Within the inner court, Li yu'er was simply invincible.

She released the sword from her grip. Yan Jian steadied himself and turned.

"Okay. I surrender." He laughed. He actually bored no hope of even touching Li yu'er with any of his attacks. He was merely trying to measure the difference in strength between them, and apparently, the difference was quite massive.

He jumped down the battle stage.

         Li yu'er completed her battles, with most of her opponents having surrendered before fighting. Next was Long feng. He also did not had to fight Li yu'er and Jio yu again, so his first opponent was Yan Jian!

Yan Jian jumped into the ring, grinning widely. He smiled at Long feng.

"Brother feng, Miss Li admitted defeat and granted you a free win. I am sure you will do the same for me, right?" He asked.

Long feng Laughed. He could have admitted defeat to Yan Jian, but his goal was the Heaven absorbing jade. He needed it to fasten his cultivation Speed and increase his overall combat power.

"I'm afraid i can't do that. But I will definitely make it up to you some other time." He replied.

Grumbling, Yan Jian drew out his sword.

"Don't think I will go easy on you, because I won't!" He snorted half jokingly.

Long feng also took out his Sovereign sword. The sword glimmered coldly. He forcefully suppressed his combat power to rank two Yin level, the same with Yan Jian so as to make the battle more interesting.

"Tyrant oppression!" Yan Jian shot towards Long feng and punched out.

"Nirvana saint technique, heavenly palm descent!" Long feng thrust his palm.


Powerful shockwave rippled out of the collision between the palm and fist. Yan Jian was pushed two steps back.

"Tyrant sword strike!" He suddenly thrust his sword at Long feng's shoulder.

Long feng swiftly turned around, dodging the sword.

"Nirvana saint technique, tribulation strike!" The Sovereign sword shone with divine fluctuating energy. He swung the sword at Yan Jian.

Flipping backwards, Yan Jian also dodged the sword.

Long feng smiled.

"Void Roc technique!" His speed tripled in an instant. He appeared in front of Yan Jian and thrust his sword at him.

       The sword was about to touch Yan Jian's shoulder, when it collided against an energy. The sword emitted screeching sounds as it began to pierce through the energy, albeit slowly.

The tyrannic armor!

     It was the energy which blocked Long feng's strike. Long feng pulled back his sword and drew back, just as Yan Jian's sword shot towards him.


     The Sovereign sword collided against Yan Jian's sword and suppressed it ruthlessly. Yan Jian's sword was only a half Yin armament while the Sovereign sword was a top Yin level armament. The difference between the two was massive.

      Yan Jian retreated.

The atmosphere seemed tense. Yan Jian was clearly being suppressed by Long feng due to the difference in their talents, skills and even their weapons.

They collided again and again.



      After a couple of collision, they parted again. Yan Jian was gasping for breath, while Long feng observed Yan Jian's armor. The armor was quite tenacious. The Sovereign sword couldn't pierce through it easily.

"Heavenly tyrant, oppressive sword!" Yan Jian swung his sword at Long feng. A cold oppressive sword lights shot towards Long feng. This strike could tear a rank one Yin level cultivator apart and injure a rank two Yin level cultivator.

"Nirvana saint technique, Nine zenith sword strike!" Long feng thrust the sword nine times, gathering his momentum. The Nine thrusts combined and turned into a single sword light. The light didn't emanated any peculiar aura. It simply collided against Yan Jian's sword strike.


         A thunderous explosion went of. Energy ripples spread wildly throughout the arena, and all the elders had to suppress the energy.....


      Creation is hard. Cheer me up with your comments and votes. Lots of kisses💖💖