Chapter 47- Mystery of Fang Mountain?

Chapter 47

Long feng was dumbfounded. He was silent for a minute.

"Core Court!" He blurted out. The core court where most disciples never get to step into in their whole lives, but Long feng had actually been to the core court twice already! And he didn't even know!

"The core court is large and the core disciples are not much. Just a little over hundred disciples, so you may not come across any of them." Lord Yi Ming said.

Long feng opened his mouth and closed it back repeatedly without knowing what to say.

"I will grant you an entrance token so that you can come here on your own. I will also speak to the guards and the Sect Master about it. It is quite unusual for an Elite disciple to set foot into the core court, so the core disciples wouldn't want you here. You'll just have to bear with it until you also become a core disciple."

Long feng nodded slowly.

"Good. About the Natal soul script. I expect that you have comprehended the basics?" Lord Yi Ming asked.

Long feng nodded and released his soul power. The soul power was clearly stronger than before and that can be attributed to him cultivating the infinite Immortal Soul formula.

"Alright. Construct a basic supporting formation." Lord Yi Ming said.

Long feng knew what a supporting formation was. They were used to support other unstable formations, and he learnt how to create them from the infinite Immortal Soul formula.

Calming his mind, he stretched out his hands and began to make hand seals slowly. Runes began to appear in the air and danced about. Lord Yi Ming stared at the movement of his hands with interest. As he watched Long feng's control of the soul power, his expression turned to that of suprise, then confusion. Long feng's formation was clearly a supporting formation, but the way he created it was far more complex than the method in the Natal soul script. It was far stronger and better than even Lord Yi Ming's supporting formation! Also, his control of the soul power was very delicate. He completely surpassed both Lin Dong and Yi Ling and rivaled Lord Yi Ming in terms of raw control of soul power! Lord Yi Ming was astounded. This was definitely not the Natal soul script. It was far more powerful and complex than the Natal soul script.

He stared at Long feng with complex emotions in his eyes. What secrets was Long feng hiding? Where did he got such a powerful soul technique from?

A few minutes later, all of the runes floating before Long feng merged into a formation on the floor. The formation glowed brightly before disappearing into the floor of the palace. Long feng created the supporting formation to strengthen the palace! And the aura of the palace was obviously stronger.

Lord Yi Ming was unable to speak for a while. Finally, he cleared his throat.

"Is this the Natal soul script?" He asked to verify his doubts.

To this question, Long feng tactfully remained silent. Wu Kong and the three Dragons within him were secrets he couldn't afford to let anyone know about.

Lord Yi Ming seemed to understand the situation and didn't ask again.

"You seem to have mastered the basics. You can finally begin on your path of soul cultivation. The soul levels are mainly three in this Continent. They are the Heaven layer, the Saint layer and the Spirit layer, as you already know. Each of these layers are divided into three levels. I am a rank one saint layered soul cultivator, while Lin Dong and Yi Ling are both rank one heaven layered soul cultivators. You, on the other hand have yet to begin on this path. Soul cultivation is almost thrice harder than martial cultivation. This is because it deals with the soul. In this province, the highest soul level is a rank two Saint layered soul cultivator, while on this Continent, the overlord of the continent, the Yihua clan are rumored to possess a couple of spirit layered soul cultivators. That is the highest soul level within this Continent."

Long feng listened carefully.

"You have successfully fulfilled the requirements of cultivating the soul by comprehending the basics of a soul technique. Now, all you have to do is wait. Practice the soul technique repeatedly and wait. Your soul power will eventually reach the rank one heaven layered level on its own. Once that happens, you must absorb soul energy and fill your soul world before you can make a breakthrough. This often takes a few years. I am sure you know what your soul world is?" Lord Yi Ming asked.

Long feng nodded.

"Very good. Now go and practice. But be careful not to overdraw your soul power often. That also causes slight injuries to your soul." Lord Yi Ming dismissed him. "And here is an entrance token to the core court." He added, taking out a brown token and giving it to Long feng. The token had two characters written on it. 'mortal heaven sect' and 'lord Yi Ming'. These two characters were boldly written on the surface of the token. Long feng took the token, bowed his head slightly and left the palace. As usual, Elder Zhang was waiting for him outside the palace.

* * *

After cultivating for a few days, Long feng's cultivation was still at rank nine connate level. He decided to go away from the sect for a couple of weeks and cultivate somewhere else. He would only return to the sect after becoming a Yin level cultivator. When he told Yan Jian about his plan Yan Jian decided to go with him, and Long feng agreed. Even Li yu'er accepted to leave the sect with them!

They met at the bottom of Fang Mountain.

"So, where exactly are we going to?" Yan Jian asked.

"I don't know. I was thinking of roaming around the city to clear my mind." Long feng replied, staring at the tall Mountain before him.

"You Know, Fang Mountain is the tallest mountain in this Continent. And no one knows it's origins. It seemed to have appeared here overnight" Yan Jian said.

Long feng stared at the mountain intently. Since he awakened his soul power, he had been very sensitive to even the slightest soul power. Now, he could feel a slight soul aura being emanated from this Mountain.

"The mountain is weird." He hummed. He released his soul power and observed the mountain, but sensed nothing.

"Let's go!" Yan Jian said and was about to turn around.

"Wait!" Long feng exclaimed excitedly. Li yu'er and Yan Jian stared at him curiously. His pupils had turned bright silver coloured. This was the sign of him activating his silver radiance Immortal sight! As he used the Immortal sight to view the mountain, what he saw wasn't a mountain, but a large formation spanning the entire Mountain field!

"This is not a mountain but a formation!" Long feng exclaimed.

"What! A formation?" Yan Jian and Li yu'er were confused.

Long feng studied the formation and concluded that only a rank two or three saint layered soul cultivator could lay such a large formation. It was a concealment formation. Concealment formations were mainly used to cloak things. Like this Fang Mountain. It was actually a deep tunnel which was concealed as a mountain. And if not for his Immortal sight, Long feng may have never known this. Even Lord Yi Ming may not know of it.

But thinking about it, Long feng came to a realization. The Mortal heaven sect was a degrading sect. Why would a powerful soul cultivator like Lord Yi Ming agree to stay in a weak sect? Could it be that Lord Yi Ming also sensed a slight soul aura being emanated from the mountain, so he decided to stay in the Mortal heaven sect to observe the mountain? That was highly possible. Long feng told Yan Jian and Li yu'er what he thought.

"Well if it is true, then that Lord Yi Ming is a sly one" Yan Jian said.

"Can you get us into the tunnel?" Li yu'er asked. It would be almost impossible for Long feng to unravel this formation, but getting the three of them into the tunnel shouldn't be too much to ask of.

"I can try" Long feng nodded. He sat down cross legged and began to make hand seals. Runes danced in the air around him and soon merged into a formation. This was an unravelling formation. Long feng could use it to create a small passage into the tunnel for the three of them.

His unravelling formation sank into the mountain. Using his Immortal sight, Long feng could see the tunnel and he knew how to control the formation. Beads of sweat soon started forming on his forehead. He was trying to create a passage within the formation of a rank two or three saint layered soul cultivator! He had only a thirty percent chance of success, and he could even crack his soul world while trying. That would cost him his entire life!

He was very careful as he controlled the unravelling formation. Time passed slowly.

One hour....

Two hours....

Three hours....

Four hours.....

Long feng began to shiver slightly. His face was already becoming pale.

Two more hours later, he finally stopped, gasping for breath.

"Come on" he uttered as he shakily rose to his feet. He had severely overdrew his soul power to create a small passage. He walked towards a certain direction in the mountain and passed right through the mountain, disappearing into it. Yan Jian and Li yu'er also followed him, both disappearing into the mountain....