Chapter 59- Demon Awakening!

Chapter 59

"When is the competition beginning?" Long feng asked, a hint of impatience in his voice.

Lord Yi Ming smiled.

"Calm down. The weakest juniors in the competition are probably rank one Yang level cultivators and the strongest would easily defeat even me. You are simply unworthy of being mentioned in the same page as them so don't get all worked up" he poured cold water over Long feng. "The real province competition will begin in a year and half, while the competition organized by the Jianhai clan would begin in a year's time" Lord Yi Ming added

Long feng calculated that within a year, he could reach the rank seven Yin level or above. He had a chance of joining the province competition.

"Alright. You need rest. Go and rest, then return to your court in the morning" Lord Yi Ming cut into his chain of thoughts.

Long feng didn't feel like resting, so he returned to the palace and sat down cross legged, closing his eyes. He began to slowly absorb natural energies. He could breakthrough to the rank two Yin level immediately if he wanted to, but he reasoned that he had reached the Yin level recently. He wouldn't make rapid breakthroughs so as not to shake his foundation. For this reason, he continuously compressed the natural energies within his dantian, forcefully creating more space within his overfilled dantian, falling into a silent meditation.

        Early the next morning, Long feng left the core court and returned to the Elite court. He didn't run into any Core disciple an the way this time.

Nothing had changed in the Elite court other than the fact that Yan Jian and Li yu'er had both left their seclusion.

Long feng immediately went in search of Yan Jian and found him in the training ground of the Elite court.

"Brother feng!" Upon sighting him, Yan Jian waved at him.

Long feng immediately sensed that Yan Jian's aura was at the rank two Yin level.

"Brother Yan, you made a breakthrough?" He asked, feeling happy for Yan Jian.

Yan Jian was also elated. A wide smile appeared on his face.

"Yes! I can now compare to rank three Yin level cultivators!" He replied. His talent and combat power was mainly due to the bundle of flames within his dantian. Long feng even suspected that the bundle of flames was a special bloodline of Yan Jian's. If Yan Jian could gain control over the bundle of flames, his potential would be difficult to measure!

"That is great! Have you told miss Li about it?" Long feng asked.

"No. She only left her seclusion today. I was planning on looking for both of you later" Yan Jian replied.

"Well, let's go and tell her then!" Long feng dragged Yan Jian's wrist and they ran towards Li yu'er's pavilion.

They knocked on her pavilion for almost ten minutes without her opening the door.

"She probably isn't around." Long feng speculated.

"But she was here just a few hours ago. She said she was going to rest!" Yan Jian replied.

"Well, she wouldn't ignore us on purpose, would she?" Long feng returned.

Yan Jian shrugged.

"I don't know. Let's knock louder"

"This is a sect pavilion. We've knocked loud enough already. If we knock any louder, we'll disturb the other Elite disciples" Long feng replied.

Yan Jian nodded

"What do we do then? Go into her pavilion to check if she is in?" He asked.

Long feng suddenly paused in his tracks.

"What? How can you even think of that? Why would we go into her pavilion?" He stared at Yan Jian weirdly.

"I don't know! Suppose she is in need of help. How would we know if all we do is stand out here and knock?" Yan Jian replied.

Long feng remembered that the demon entity within her dantian could awaken anytime. Yan Jian did have a point!

They slowly walked into Li yu'er's pavilion, making no noise as they tiptoed.

Yan Jian motioned to Long feng.

"Brother feng, let us check her seclusion room!" He whispered.

Long feng nodded.

It wasn't hard to find Li yu'er's seclusion room because all the pavilions were built in the same way.

As they tiptoed into Li yu'er's seclusion room, both of them stopped in their tracks.

The seclusion room was quite wide with a small bed propped up at one side, some pills and herbs at one side and a refreshing scent wafted into their nostrils.

In the center of this room was a silhouette laying on the floor.

Li yu'er!

Her robe was dyed red with blood which undoubtedly belonged to her. Terrifying Black veins wiggled all over her snow white skin, and her veil was not on her face. Even though the black veins distorted her face, Long feng and Yan Jian were still struck dumb by her exquisite beauty.

Yan Jian could swear that he had never seen such beauty throughout his travels.

"Miss Li!" They both stepped out of their reverie.

Long feng frowned. The demon entity had awakened again, but this time, it was far more aggressive than before. Not even the three of them combined could hope to suppress it. Li yu'er's face turned paler and paler by the minute.

"Brother feng, what do we do?" Yan Jian asked. He also sensed that this time, there was nothing the two of them could do.

Long feng was lost for words.

"We can take her to Lord Yi Ming. His sealing formations are far stronger than mine. He should know what to do" he said.

Yan Jian nodded.

"Let's help her up!" He said.

Long feng and Yan Jian slowly propped Li yu'er to her feet, supporting her on each side.

Long feng fervently hoped they don't run into any Core disciple on the way or there was no telling what could happen.

Li yu'er was already unconscious from exhaustion due to overdrawing her inner energy to suppress the demon entity only to fail.

They walked out of the pavilion and headed towards the Core court. Many Elite disciples stared at them weirdly...