Chapter 69- Wuma Jie

Chapter 69

"Why would I scram?" Long feng asked quietly.

Many people were stunned. Even the waiter looked at Long feng in astonishment.

"He dared to talk back!" Long feng heard some people murmur, but he was undaunted.

The man was about to speak when the leading youth raised his hand, signalling the man to remain silent. The man lowered his head obediently like a good little dog, making Long feng chuckle slightly.

The youth studied Long feng for a minute.

"Please, carry on. We will find another seat!" The youth said, but his eyes were freezing cold!

He and his group went and sat on another table.

It seemed as if the matter had been resolved, but everyone who knew who that youth was, knew that the matter was far from over!

As they sat down, The youth spoke slowly.

"Find his origins. Cripple his cultivation and bring him to me to apologize!" He spoke murderously.

The reason they didn't attack Long feng instantly was because they didn't want to destroy the tavern and cause damage to the Waiter.

Long feng was unaware of what had just happened and had resumed his meal. After some minutes, he finished eating and stood up to leave after paying for the meal.

      Immediately he left the tavern, two rank one Yin level cultivators and a rank two Yin level cultivator stood up and walked after him. Many people left their food unfinished and went out of the tavern to watch the show!

"He seems to be an ordinary person. He probably doesn't know who he had just messed with. He should be from a weak Yin level clan!" Some people discussed within the tavern. They spoke slowly as they were very cautious before this youth! Still, the youth overheard them.

"Hehe! That boy is in trouble now! He dared to talk back to them! He will soon learn that his crappy clan is simply unworthy of being mentioned!" Many people gloated over Long feng's incoming misfortune.

      Hearing their discussions, The youth lifted his brows, his lips parting in a particularly wicked grin.

         Outside the tavern, Long feng stopped. Standing before him were three men whom he recognized as part of that youth's group. The man who had told him to scram was among the three men.

"Why are you blocking my way?" Long feng asked. Although he was outnumbered, he was looked perfectly calm. As if everything was under his control!

The men were displeased by his calmness. They thought he was merely being arrogant.

"Yo! You were so heroic within the tavern, weren't you?" One of the rank one Yin level cultivator sneered.

"Hehe! You didn't give face to our young master! You think you can leave? You think you are within your clan or what?" The other rank one Yin level cultivator laughed.

"Your young master? Who are you?" Long feng asked. The three men had their mouths wide open.

" don't know who we are?" The rank two Yin level cultivator asked. Was there anyone in this city who didn't recognize their young master? Or was Long feng merely trying to fool them?

But Long feng looked innocent and serious, like an ordinary scholar. He probably wasn't joking.

"We are members of the Wuma clan!" The rank two Yin level cultivator said with pride.

Long feng blinked. He was quite amazed by their identity. No wonder everyone seemed terrified of them.

But other than suprise, he felt nothing.

Seeing that Long feng had no change in his expression, the three men were annoyed.

      Who would dare to act so calm upon hearing the name of their clan?

It had to be known that the Wuma clan was second only to the Jianhai clan! They were a powerful  and influential clan! Yet, Long feng seemed unfazed by their identity?

"You damn bastard! You dared to not give face to Wuma Jie! Do you know who Wuma Jie is? He is the third Young master of the Wuma clan!" One of the rank one Yin level cultivator swore furiously.

Long feng groaned slightly.

"And so what?" He asked straightforwardly, stunning everyone. Even those who had come to watch Long feng get beaten up were shocked. Was Long feng really deaf and dumb or what?

"Go to hell!" The rank one Yin level cultivator was so enraged that he threw a punch at Long feng.

Long feng frowned. What had he said wrong?

But he wouldn't simply stand there and get punched! He easily moved to the side, dodging the punch. Then he grabbed the man's fist and flipped over the man's broad back, twisting the man's arm and forcing him to his knees.

The man's face contorted in pain. He felt as if his arm was going to break! If Long feng slightly increased the force, the man's arm would definitely break!


Long feng sensed two more attacks coming for him. He flung the man away and turned around, thrusting out his two palms.


"Argh!" A loud explosion reverberated as the other rank one and rank two Yin level cultivators were flung away by the energy of Long feng's heavenly palm descent skill.

     The three men glared at him but they didn't attack again. They knew that he was stronger than them and they couldn't compete against him. He looked like an ordinary person but he was actually a Yin level cultivator too!

"The boy is so strong!"

"Yes! But sadly, he has offended the wrong person!"

"Wuma Jie would never let him off. Especially now that he has attacked back!" Some people sighed sadly.

"You dare attack back? You are dead meat! Now, our young master would definitely kill you!" The rank two Yin level cultivator cackled. He was filled with rage at Long feng. Long feng's palm had nearly crushed his ribs!

Long feng found them ridiculous.

"What you mean is that I should have let you hit me as you want and I shouldn't retaliate? Do I look stupid to you?" He asked.

The rank two Yin level cultivator laughed.

"It doesn't matter. All that matters is that our young master would kill you. If you hadn't retaliated, the you could have been spared. But now, not only will you be killed, but your entire relations and friends will be buried along you! Hehe!" He laughed ferociously.

Hearing that, Long feng frowned. He didn't want to do anything that would end up harming his father or Yan Jian and Li yu'er. The Wuma clan were definitely strong enough to do that!

        Suddenly, a few silhouettes flitted out of the tavern and came towards Long feng. It was Wuma Jie and the others. They had seen Long feng's battle against the three cultivators and Wuma Jie had come out. The others naturally followed.

Wuma Jie had a smile on his face, but Long feng had no esteem for him. He was shameless!