Chapter 72- Origin Spirit Land?

Chapter 72

          At the end, it wasn't only strength that mattered in the world of cultivation. If someone had the backing of a powerful clan or sect, he could still act arrogantly even if he was weak!

But in the face of absolute strength, no background or backing would matter. Sadly, Long feng didn't have that absolute strength, so Wuma Jie's backing was a threat to him!

"Can you recognize him if you see him?" Wuma Jie's uncle asked.

Wuma Jie nodded.

A pity that he was unaware that Long feng had concealed his real face!

"Very good. Tomorrow, a dozen cultivators would follow you to search for the boy. Even if it means searching the entire province, you must teach that boy a good lesson. I want to see if he will still be so arrogant after we are done with him!" Wuma Jie's uncle spoke.

Wuma Jie was very happy. He couldn't wait for the next day. Long feng had dared to humiliate him, well, he would not only cripple Long feng's cultivation, he would also kill all of his acquaintances while he watched!

That was the price he would pay for messing with Wuma Jie!


        Long feng was unaware of any of these. He had already left the deserted area. Before leaving, he dispersed all of the formations he had placed around the place. He also reconstructed his transformation formation which had faded away while he was making his breakthrough. After doing that, he walked off in a random direction again. He knew nowhere in this city, so all he did was move randomly. He might be lucky enough to run into any worthwhile encounter.

He walked tirelessly for the whole day! But this time, he used his martial power to increase his speed, so he covered a huge distance within short periods.

As he advanced, he noticed that many people were headed in one direction. He had passed by many groups of ordinary people who were headed in the same direction. He couldn't help but wonder what was attracting so many people. Most of the people he met were not even rank seven connate cultivators! The strongest he had passed by so far were rank nine connate cultivators.

Out of curiosity, Long feng stopped one of the people. The man was a rank eight connate cultivator.

"What is going on? Why are so many people headed to the same place?" He asked.

Long feng could tell that many of the people he had passed by were not even from Gan yu city. They were from the other cities of Jianhai province. Why were they all converging in Gan yu city?

The man looked at Long feng weirdly.

"You don't know? The Origin Spirit Land is about to open in a few days." He replied.

Long feng looked blank. What was the Origin Spirit Land?

He was about to ask the man, but the man had already ran off. Everyone was in a hurry not to miss the opening of the so called Origin Spirit Land.

Long feng was interested in knowing what was special enough to draw in cultivators from the entire Jianhai province to Gan yu city. It had to be a very special place.

Without thinking twice, he rushed in the same direction as everyone else.

He still stopped another person and asked.

"Do you mind telling me what the Origin Spirit Land is?" Long feng asked politely.

The man was dumbfounded. Was there anyone who didn't know of the origin spirit land? Even ordinary mortals who couldn't cultivate knew about it!

"You seriously don't know the Origin Spirit Land?" The man asked doubtfully.

Long feng nodded.

"The Origin Spirit Land is the ancestral land of the entire province. It opens once every three years and is a great opportunity for cultivators to tamper and raise their cultivation. It isn't rare to find even incomplete Spirit armaments within the Origin Spirit Land. But it is controlled by the Jianhai clan, and so, only the top talents of the Yang level powers are allowed to enter" the man snorted.

"What is the history of the land? And where is it?"  Long feng asked. An incomplete Spirit armaments wasn't rare within the land? It sounded perfect for him to enhance his cultivation.

"The history of the land is known only to the Jianhai clan. It is actually a heritage which every citizen of this province can enjoy, but the Jianhai clan are using it to train their juniors. We are all going over to have a look. Are you also heading there? I am alone so we can move together!" The man replied. He thought that judging by Long feng's young age, he was probably too weak to protect himself. By traveling together, they could ensure each other's safety.

Long feng understood what the man was thinking but he wasn't bothered. The man was a rank nine connate cultivator. He was probably an elder of a Yin level Clan.

"Yes. I would like to have a look!" He accepted the man's offer.

"I am Lin Zu of the Dusk city's Lin clan." The man introduced.

"Call me Feng" Long feng smiled. He was probably never going to see this man again, so why tell him his identity?

Lin Zu nodded.

"Okay, Feng. Let us hurry up. The Origin Spirit Land would open in three days!" He found Long feng a little weird. What sort of name was Feng?

But he didn't mind. As long as he could witness the opening of the Origin Spirit Land, he could return back to his clan and boast about his feat!

The two of them moved together in silence

"What more can be found within the Land?" Long feng suddenly asked.

"I heard that even Yang level martial skills and Yang crystals can be found. And rumors said that someone had ever found a spirit armament and a spirit level martial skill! That caused a stir throughout the province but the discussion later died down. That was six years ago." Lin Zu replied.

Long feng was stunned. A spirit armament!

It had to be known that a spirit armament could cause a bloodshed between two provinces! It was so rare that it was maddening!

"But many dangers also lurk around. The last time the Origin Spirit Land opened, over half of the talents who entered were killed or badly injured. But those who survived came out with stunning treasures!" Lin Zu added.

Long feng nodded. Opportunities and dangers came hand in hand.

If he entered the origin spirit land, his cultivation would definitely increase considerably.

"And also, the origin spirit land opens for three months only. Once the three months deadline arrives, everyone who are inside would be forcefully teleported outside." Lin Zu said.

Long feng was surprised. Three months! Three months was quite a long time to the current him. But he really wanted to enter the Origin spirit land.

"And other than the talents of the top Yang level powers, is no one else allowed to enter?" He asked.

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