Chapter 74- Meeting Wuma Jie again!

Chapter 74

       What further stunned Long feng was the strength of the Wuma clan! They had three juniors who were Yang level cultivators!

And the Mortal heaven sect was only able to raise one Yang level junior!

The disparity between the two Powers was quite huge.

All the other Yang level powers had at least, two Yang level juniors in their ranks! It was clear that in terms of talents, the Mortal heaven sect was the weakest!

"The Mortal heaven sect have arrived!" Someone cried out.

Long feng looked towards the direction the person pointed at and saw some people donning the clothes of the Mortal heaven sect. Long feng recognized the person who stood in front.

Han Man!

These were the top ten disciples of the Core court!

The other Yang level powers merely glanced at Han Man and the others before ignoring them. To them, the Mortal heaven sect was unworthy of being mentioned!

"I heard that this time, the Mortal heaven sect was allowed to bring only their strongest disciples!" Lin Zu muttered.

"Why?" Long feng asked. He had noticed that the other powers all brought almost twenty disciples. And half of them were merely Yin level cultivators. But the Mortal heaven sect only brought their top ten Core disciples?

"The Mortal heaven sect has been degrading over the years. It is natural that the Jianhai clan would lose interest in them. Besides, the Mortal heaven sect was unable to completely pay their tributes to the Jianhai clan this year, so this could be a way to punish them" Lin Zu sighed.

Long feng understood. That was also the reason why the Mortal heaven sect had not announced the matter of the origin spirit land to their Elite or inner court disciples. Only the Core disciples knew about it.

      Long feng Also noticed that the Yun Hai sect was on par with the Wuma clan. They also had three Yang level juniors in their ranks!

As people were discussing, the pressure suddenly doubled! Even Long feng frowned slightly.

A dozen of figures appeared on the platform again.         

        The aura emanated by these figures was sharp and overwhelming!

They numbered almost twenty, but nine of them were Yang level cultivators! And those nine were only juniors who were below thirty!

The rest were either rank eight or nine Yin level cultivators!

This level of strength was mind blogging!

Within the entire Jianhai province, only one power could have such insanely powerful juniors.

The Jianhai clan!

They had finally revealed themselves. Even Long feng couldn't help but gulp at this frightening display of power. All the other Yang level juniors had to give way to the juniors of the Jianhai clan!

After the juniors of all the Yang level powers gathered on the platform, the pressure suddenly increased yet again!

Eleven figures appeared on the platform. Long feng instantly recognized the Mortal heaven sect's Sect Master among the people. He was stunned. The Wuma clan Chief also came. The Yun Hai sect's Sect Master was also there! All the leaders of the Yang level powers came personally!

"Have everyone arrived?" The man who stood in the center asked.

"Yes, envoy!" The leaders replied without any arrogance.

The man in the center was actually an envoy of the Jianhai clan! Yet, the leaders of the Yang level powers were all respectful to him!

"Very well! Let us proceed!" The envoy said.

He took out a weirdly shaped token. The token looked somewhat like a key, and it had many runes on it. These runes were glowing as brightly as the altar and the door.

"Lend me your energies!" The envoy said. All the leaders began to pour their martial power into the token without reserve! The runes on the token glowed so brightly that you couldn't look straight at it!

"That's enough!" The envoy spoke again and all the leaders stopped pouring their energy.

The envoy jumped off the platform and landed on the huge altar. He walked to the center of the altar and placed the token on a similarly shaped hole.

The hole was so hidden that If the envoy hadn't done that, no one would have noticed it at all.

After doing that, the envoy jumped back to the platform.

"We will have to wait for a day! The opening will take sometime!" He said calmly.

"Yes, envoy!" The leaders spoke simultaneously. Nodding, the envoy disappeared. All the leaders also vanished, leaving the juniors standing on the altar.

"Brother Jie, when we enter, we the Yin level cultivators of the Wuma clan should stay together. We would share any thing we get equally and also protect each other." One of the Wuma clan's Yin level cultivator spoke to Wuma Jie.

Wuma Jie nodded. The threats and dangers within the Origin Spirit Land wasn't something a Yin level cultivator could withstand alone. Besides, other than the dangers of the land itself, the Juniors from the other powers were also a threat to them. Once you got a very special treasure, the others would chase after you in order to kill you and steal the treasure!

Being in a team was definitely a good idea!

"I understand. And stay away from the Yang level cultivators at all cost!" Wuma Jie spoke gravely.

He casually glanced around the crowd, only for his gaze to freeze. He stared intently at a particular person and gritted his teeth.

"I searched for you for days , only for you to deliver yourself to me!" He muttered.

The person he was staring at was actually Long feng! Currently, Long feng was in his concealed form, so Wuma Jie recognized him as Feng, the youth who had humiliated him.

"Brother Jie, what's wrong?" A rank five Yin level Wuma Clansman asked Wuma Jie.

"That is Feng! The person we have been looking for. He actually brought himself here!" Wuma Jie replied.

"Should we take care of him now?" The person asked again, staring at Long feng's direction

Wuma Jie smiled.

"Brother Zhou, Let's go and teach that boy some manners. The rest of you should stay here in case any thing happens." He said. The brother Zhou he had called was the strongest rank six Yin level cultivator present. Wuma Jie had no doubt that Wuma Zhou would be able to easily defeat Long feng..