Chapter 78- Suppressive Tower!

Chapter 78

        Long feng put that unsettling thought aside and walked towards the staircase which led to the third floor. The pressure of the second floor only managed to slow him down a little. It took him almost ten minutes to walk to the staircase. The pressure was pushing down on him from above.

He slowly walked up the staircase and stepped into the third floor. His face paled slightly upon entering the third floor. This pressure was almost on par with Han Man's pressure! Long Feng couldn't imagine the pressure he would face in the fifth floor and above! As he was about to move, he noticed something on the floor. Looking closely, Long feng was stunned.

A skeleton!

And there were about ten skeletons on the floor!

Long feng didn't need to be told how these skeletons got here. The people who had entered this tower before. They were probably unable to bear the pressure of the third floor, and they also couldn't return to the second floor because the staircase had vanished, so they were killed by the pressure! After countless years, they had turned into skeletons!

Long feng felt a chill run up his spine!

Would he end up like this if he went any higher?

But if he remained here, the three months period would elapse without him gaining anything!

He couldn't give up! Not yet!

Long feng gritted his teeth and walked towards the staircase.

         Slowly, one step after the other, Long feng arrived at the staircase to the fourth floor after thirty minutes! He was sweating when he began to ascend to the fourth floor.

        Long feng almost fell on the floor after stepping into the fourth floor. This pressure was slightly above Han Man's pressure! Long feng face paled and he couldn't even stand straight. His back was bent slightly. Looking around the fourth floor, Long feng saw seven skeletons. His stomach sank as he imagined himself dying in this unknown land. He would definitely be full of grievances!

      Long feng steeled his resolve and took one step forward. He felt as If hundreds of boulders were thrown on his shoulders!

Gritting his teeth, Long feng took another step forward and waited for almost ten minutes before making another step forward.

        Two hours later, Long feng arrived at the staircase to the fifth floor. He was drenched in his sweat and was panting heavily when he reached.

Long feng couldn't help but regret walking into this tower! How was this a treasure land? This was a deadly killing ground!

      Long feng wished he could go back in time and slap some sense into his previous self before he walked into the tower! But unfortunately, that was not possible!

     All he could do now was to grit his teeth and keep going! He had to find a way out of this tower! No matter how slim the chance was, he still had to try.

Long feng slowly climbed up to the fifth floor.


        Upon entering the fifth floor, the pressure crashed into him, forcing him to his knees! It felt as if he was carrying a huge mountain on his shoulders! His face paled unbelievably, as if he had no blood within him! His inner energy was in a total chaos! Every part of his body was facing the pressure. Long feng was nearing his limits!

Looking around, There were only four skeletons in the fifth floor, which meant that not many people could ascend to the fifth floor!

         Long feng forced himself to his feet. All his bones and joints emitted cracking sounds under the pressure! Long feng's eyes were sharp and determined, as he took a step forward and waited for almost an hour before taking another step!

        It took him an entire day to reach the staircase which led to the sixth floor! He was unbelievably slow, taking each step after almost an hour of waiting!

Long feng couldn't continue like this! He would simply collapse if he strained his body any more. He was already past his limit!

       Long feng's eyes were red, reflecting his unbreakable will, as he began to ascend to the sixth floor. One step after half an hour, it took him half a day to reach the sixth floor.

      Immediately he stepped into the sixth floor, Long feng collapsed on the floor. He fell down heavily on his face. This pressure! Who could withstand it?

     Long feng definitely couldn't. He tried to stand up only to fall back down again. He struggled continuously trying to get back up but he was constantly forced back to the floor. He simply couldn't resist the pressure.


     Long feng spat out a mouthful of blood. He wouldn't be able to survive here for one week! And the Origin Spirit Land would close only after three months! Long feng didn't seem to have a chance of survival here.

Long feng stopped struggling and waited on the floor quietly, his face paling further by each passing minute!

He closed his eyes and waited for nothing in particular, but suddenly opened them again.

Was he going to give up without a fight?

Was this how he wanted to be as strong as Wu Kong?

Wu Kong would never give up in such a situation, would he?

No! He couldn't give up! Not without a fierce struggle!

Long feng began to rise again. He wasn't trying to stand up but Instead sit down. He slowly sat down cross legged under the pressure and closed his eyes.

      Although his body was under pressure, Long feng could also feel that the pressure was tempering him. This was a good spot to strengthen your body! As long as he could adapt to the pressure, It wouldn't be so hard for him to resist the pressure! And he could use it as a body tempering ground!

       Long feng sat motionlessly for three days! His body was slowly getting used to the pressure. He could now stand up and stay standing without falling, but that wasn't enough. Long feng remained as motionless as a statue for two more days.

On the fifth day, his eyes flashed open!