Chapter 80- Mysterious Altar!

Chapter 80

        By the time Long feng arrived at the palace, almost all the others had already gathered at the palace door. Long feng tried as much as he could to stay out of sight but he was still spotted by the juniors of the Wuma clan.

"Brother Jie!" The Yin level juniors gathered around Long feng.

"We found a hundred year old ginseng! What did you find?" One of the juniors asked excitedly.

A Ginsen was a special grass which could live for over hundred years! A hundred year old ginseng was as precious as a half spirit armament!

"I found a bunch of half-Yin armaments." Long feng replied with a sigh.

"Don't worry brother Jie. You may find something within this weird palace!" They comforted him.

They all turned to look at the huge palace. Their elders had never told them of any palace called the Origin Spirit Palace!

       They were all excited to know what was hidden within the palace!

The Yang level juniors of the Jianhai clan were the first to walk towards the palace doors. All the others, including Long feng trailed behind them.

      One of the Yang level cultivator slowly pushed open the palace door! Looking closely, Long feng noticed that this palace door looked identical to the huge door outside the Origin Spirit Land. Was there any hidden secret behind that?

        As the door of the palace swung open, a cold air rushed out of the palace, pushing everyone one step backwards.

They all walked into the palace, stepping into a wide palace hall. The natural energies were so thick within this palace that some Yin level cultivators instantly sat down and began to cultivate. Even Long feng felt tempted to sit down and absorb the natural energies. But he didn't. Something else had caught his attention.

        In the center of the palace hall was an ancient altar! The altar was identical to the altar outside, only that is was smaller. There were also dozens of side rooms within the palace.

"What sort of fruitous encounter is this?" A Yin level cultivator asked. Other than the mysterious altar, nothing here was able to catch their attentions!

In order words, they were disappointed in the palace. Some of them even wanted to walk out when,

"Look! There is a keyhole in the altar!" Someone shouted. Everyone looked in the direction he had pointed and saw a small hole on the altar. The hole was surprisingly shaped as a sword!

"I thinking the fruitous encounter has something to do with the altar. If only we can insert the key into the hole!" Someone sighed.

      A Yang level cultivator hopped unto the altar and took out a sword from his void ring. He slowly inserted the sword into the hole, but it didn't fit in.

"Who has a sword shaped in that way? I will definitely compensate the person!" The Yang level cultivator spoke. No one moved or replied him.

       Long feng was currently dripping cold sweat. The hole in the altar was shaped in the same was as the Spirit armament he had found within the tower!

Did that mean that the spirit armament was the key to unravelling which fruitous encounter was hidden within the palace?

But if Long feng was to take out the spirit armament here, there would be a bloodshed! The Yang level cultivators would unhesitatingly attack him. And the current him couldn't resist before a Yang level cultivator!

          And there was no was he could conceal the aura emanated by the sword. The Yang level cultivators would instantly recognized it as a spirit armament.

Long feng was in a spot! He really wanted to know what fruitous encounter was hidden within the palace, but the risk was too much! He could possibly lose his life without even knowing how!

     After a while, no one could find any sword which could fit into the hole. They were all frustrated. But no one left.

        After a few more minutes, Long feng decided to step forward. He decisively jumped onto the altar and took out the spirit armament. Immediately it appeared, a pressure descended upon the entire palace! Even the Yang level cultivators couldn't resist the pressure of a spirit armament.

Everyone's eyes began to shine with greed. They could see that the sword was shaped exactly like the whole. And the aura it was emanating was overpowering! It had to be a special sword!

"Is that....." A Yang level cultivator squinted his gaze, sensing the aura of the sword.

"A spirit armament!" A Yang level cultivator of the Yun Hai sect cried out.

No one could remain calm.

         A spirit armament! In the hands of a Yin level cultivator! Not even the Yang level powers of the Jianhai province possessed any spirit armament!

       All the Wuma Clansmen shivered with excitement. After all, 'Wuma Jie' was from the Wuma clan! The Yang level cultivators of the Wuma clan took different positions, ready to protect 'Wuma Jie' from any attack!

Long feng wasted no time in inserting the spirit armament into the hole. It fitted perfectly!


       The altar began to glow. A powerful aura spread out of the altar. Even the Yang level cultivators paled upon sensing the aura!

A thin layer of energy surrounded the altar, isolating Long feng from the others.

"Stop him!" A Yang level cultivator struck at Long feng with a palm strike. The palm energies burst it's way towards Long feng. The attack was so sudden that the Yang level cultivators of the Wuma clan were unable to react on time!


      There was a muffled explosion as the attack crashed against the thin layer of energy and dissipated. The layer of energy wasn't damaged in the least!

Long feng was being protected from within the altar!

All the Yang level cultivators, including Han Man attacked the thin layer of energy but all their efforts were in vain! The layer of energy didn't even dim!

"Damn it! He is going to reap the fruitous encounter alone!" The Yang level cultivators shouted in frustration. Those from the Wuma clan all felt proud. They would even sacrifice themselves to protect 'Wuma Jie' if necessary!