Chapter 83- Exposed?

Chapter 83

           Long feng clenched his fists so hard that his knuckles turned white! He gritted his teeth and held on.

His soul world was in a miserable situation! The earth was cracked all over, there was no sign of life and vegetation. He wouldn't be able to last one more hour! His soul core wouldn't be able to sustain itself for any longer!

Long feng bit his lips until it bled!

"Damn it! Come on!" He muttered to himself. His soul world was on the verge of shattering when the small plant began to wriggle. The Nine different coloured leaves began to glow brightly. Every corner of his soul world was illuminated by their glow!

      Slowly, grasses began to regrow. The earth began to reconstruct itself. Trees began to regrow again.


        Soul power poured out of the Nine leaved plant in frightening amounts!

       Long feng was currently very pale and emaciated. He looked like a dried up corpse! Suddenly, colour began to return to his pale face.


       His soul power burst out of his body again. It was clearly stronger than before. Looking closely, one would notice that his soul power contained some glowing runes which seemed alive. They swam through his sea of soul power, shinning brightly.

         Long feng's soul world slowly began to widen. That only happened when he made a breakthrough in his soul cultivation!

Sensing his aura, Long feng figured out that it was no longer the aura of the first heaven layer but the second!

He had broken thorough to the second heaven layer!

     The core formation of the palace began to shake violently. It seemed like it would disperse!

The huge formation began to shrink till it was only the size of a palm. Then it sank into Long feng's chest and dispersed within his soul world.

        Long feng's soul power finally returned to his control. he hurriedly retracted his soul power back to his soul world and shot to his feet, panting. He was drenched in his sweat.

He had almost lost his life just now!

"Are you alright?" The old man asked, worry written all over his old face.

After making sure that Long feng was unharmed, he was elated.

"You actually did it! Although you can only exert a twenty percent control of the palace, it is still a miracle!" He looked like he would hug Long feng.

Long feng was also excited. He could feel an ethereal connection between him and the Origin Spirit Palace! He felt as if the palace wasn't a treasure but a part of his body!

Now that you can control the palace, the illusory world would collapse because the palace is the core of the world. You and your friends will be teleported outside immediately you leave!" The old man said.

Long feng nodded. They had spent two months within the Origin Spirit Land. And Long feng had profited the most from this land.

Long feng walked out of the palace and stood, staring at the huge palace.


     With a thought from him, the palace instantly shrank to the size of his palm!

"You will now be transported back to your friends!" The old man's voice sounded from the palm sized palace.

Long feng took the palace and placed it in his void ring. His surroundings began to blur and when he opened his eyes again, be found himself standing outside. Around him were all the other Juniors who had entered with him!

They all glared at him while the Yang level cultivators of the Wuma clan stood in front of him protectively!

"What have you done to the origin spirit palace?" A Yang level cultivator asked.

All the others looked at Long feng curiously. They were waiting for him to leave the altar when suddenly, the entire palace faded away and Long feng opened his eyes.

"How am I to know that?" Long feng replied.

No one believed him.

"Who do you think you can fool? The disappearance of the palace had something to do with you! Could it be that you got the fruitous encounter within the palace and want to share it with your clan?" A Yang level cultivator of the sword mountain asked.

The sword mountain was also a Yang level power of the province.

"He also has a spirit armament with him!" Someone chipped in.

"Mind your own business, will you? So what if he got a fruitous encounter? It belongs to him!" One of the Yang level cultivator of the Wuma clan spoke.

"Hmph! He belongs to your clan, so the treasure he got also belongs to the Wuma clan!" The Yang level cultivators argued.

Watching this, Long feng sneered in his mind. Poor Wuma clan! They were foolishly protecting him thinking he was Wuma Jie!

      Long feng knew that after this, he would not only become an enemy of the Jianhai clan but the entire province! He had a spirit armament after all! And the Origin Spirit Palace disappeared because of him!

He couldn't help it! He had two spirit treasures!

"Enough talking. Everyone, let us join hands and kill that Wuma Jie! We will decide on how to share his treasures later!" A Yang level cultivator of the Jianhai clan said. The others nodded.

     As they were about to attack, a tremor suddenly shook the entire Origin Spirit Land!

Before they knew what was happening, they all felt themselves falling down. Long feng understood that the Origin Spirit Land had finally faded!

He began to panic slightly. The leaders of the Yang level powers would definitely see through his transformation formation! Besides, the real Wuma Jie should have been freed from Long feng's restriction formation long ago!

Knowing Wuma Jie, Long feng knew that the first thing he would have done was to report Long feng to the Wuma clan's elders!

If Long feng was not wrong, then everyone outside already knew that he was not Wuma Jie but an infiltrator!

Thinking of that, Long feng smiled mirthlessly. The name 'Feng' was about to become a household name in Jianhai province!

As if he could read Long feng's mind, the old man spoke from Long feng's void ring.

"You can change the place where you would be teleported to. You simply need to control the palace and you be teleported elsewhere! The palace is the core of my illusory world, so it can also change the teleporting spot!" The man said.

Long feng felt like hugging the old man. He unhesitatingly poured his martial power into the palm sized palace and tried to control it with his mind.


      Long feng's figure slowly drifted away from the others!.



     Outside the Origin Spirit Land in the Jianhai clan's territory, the situation wasn't optimistic!

Everyone waited nervously for the juniors to exit the Origin Spirit Land.

      Even the leaders and the envoy waited on the platform! Their expressions were grim.

All these began because of one name!


        It all began six days after the juniors had all entered the Origin Spirit Land!

A battered and bruised figure had ran into the crowd and jumped onto the platform.

Almost everyone recognized that figure.

Wuma Jie!

Everyone were confused. Hadn't he entered the Origin Spirit Land?. The leaders were forced to reveal themselves to know what had happened to Wuma Jie.

       That was when it was revealed to everyone that the Wuma Jie who had entered the Origin Spirit Land was actually the mysterious youth named Feng!

The crowd had been thrown into chaos, but that was not all!

     Just a few days ago, The huge altar and door began to dim. The runes on them disappeared, leaving only few dimming runes!

The envoy had been forced to reveal himself because of that.

         As if those were not enough, the altar shattered! And the door began to shake violently!

Now, everyone was nervously waiting for the exit of the juniors. If anything was to happen to those juniors, the Yang level powers of the province would be unable to bear the loss! Those juniors were the future of their respective powers!

          If they were to be killed, the Yang level powers would decline badly for years to come! The consequences were simply unbearable!