Chapter 85- Most Wanted Criminal!

Chapter 85-

Chapter 85

         After contemplating on what to do, Long feng decided to gain more knowledge about the current situation of the city. As they said, Know your strength, know your enemy and be undefeated in a thousand battles!

Long feng headed straight towards a tavern by the border. Some of the Yin level cultivators were inside the tavern, drinking.

           Long feng blended easily with the crowd of people wanting to return to their cities and walked into the tavern. Looking around, he found a group of Yin level cultivators from the Yun Hai sect seated on a table. Long feng looked unsuspicious as he walked towards them and say on the table next to them.

"Let's hurry up and return to the border. Senior brother Mo will be angry if we return late!" One of the Yin level cultivators said.

"Hmph! I can't believe that hundreds of Yin level cultivators and dozens of Yang level cultivators have been sent to capture a mere rank six Yin level cultivator! I think I can defeat him without any help!" A rank seven Yin level cultivator boasted.

"It's not about cultivation level. He has a spirit armament! And the fruitous encounter he got from the origin spirit land should be able to pose a threat to us. It is safer to have Yang level cultivators on our side!" Another cultivator replied.

The group of cultivators finished their meal and left the tavern.

Long feng simply stared after them as they left. He hadn't gotten any useful information from them.

Sighing, he stood up and left the tavern.

Had there not been any Yang level cultivator at the border, Long feng would have forcefully opened a path for himself and leave the city. But sadly, he couldn't compete against Yang level cultivators. Even peak Yin level cultivators were threats to the current him. He could only compete against rank eight Yin level cultivators. There was still four levels between him and Han Man and he had only six months left out of his ten months.

Only Yang crystals could help him make more breakthroughs within these six months.

          Thinking about it, the Yang level powers had all dispatched their greatest battle power in order to capture him, which meant that their respective powers were left barely protected.

But Long feng instantly put that thought aside. The elders of the powers were still present, weren't they?

He couldn't afford to make a single miscalculation or else him, his friends and family were completely done for!

He would have to retain his normal appearance for the time being. Until he could defeat a peak Yin level cultivator and escape from a rank one Yin level cultivator, Long feng would not change his appearance back to Feng.

But he needed to breakthrough to the fifth Yin level and to do that, he needed large amount of natural energy. If he was to go into seclusion within the Origin Spirit Palace, he would definitely make rapid breakthroughs in six months, but Long feng didn't want to waste so much time in seclusion!

The highest time he could go into seclusion for was one or two months. As long as he could reach the fifth Yin level, he would be able to compete against a peak Yin level cultivator!

             The Yang level powers hated him to the bones. If he was captured, then Long feng would suffer the most miserable tortures possible! And he couldn't rely on any help, especially not from Wu Kong. Wu Kong would never interfere in Long feng's life and death situations!

             Long feng sighed again. It was ironic that he had a master who could annihilate the entire Yihua Continent with a glance, yet the master was willing to watch him die! All in the name of he was too weak!

          If he wanted to leave Gan yu city, he had to cause a huge distraction. A distraction so huge that all the cultivators who were guarding the boarders of the city would be forced to leave their positions. There was only one thing Long feng could think of, but it was very dangerous! There was a high chance of him being caught.

        After weighing the pros and cons, Long feng decided to go on with his idea. He had no other choice. Besides, he might make gains from the situation. He changed his direction and headed towards the territory of the Wuma clan!

        Long feng held no grudges against the Yang level powers of the province. He could be said to have slight admiration for them instead!

But they couldn't resist the temptation of the treasures he had in his possession. For that reason, they wanted to kill him, because letting him off after forcefully taking his treasures would be equal to releasing a tiger back to the wilderness! With Long feng's talent, it won't be long before he would come knocking on their doors, slaughtering their respective powers!

          Since they wanted to kill him, Long feng had no scruples in giving them a huge headache! And that was what he was planning on doing!

       As Long as he could infiltrate any of the Yang level powers and cause a ruckus there, the powers would call back their disciples who were guarding the boarders back! Long feng could only hope he doesn't get caught!

          As he walked away, his face began to change back to the appearance of Feng! Luckily, there was no one in sight. He slowly walked towards the Wuma clan. The journey would take a while, because he was at the northern outskirts of Gan yu city and the Wuma clan was located in the West of the city. It would take him half a day to arrive, so he took his time, moving leisurely. 

Long feng suddenly stopped. In the distance, he could see a small group of ordinary people gathered around a building. They pointed at something and talked about it. Curious, Long feng walked towards them, not forgetting to change his appearance back to normal. He didn't want to run into a situation where the ordinary people recognized Feng!

As he arrived, he pushed his way to the forefront of the group and finally saw what they were staring at. His expression was funny.

           There on the building was a poster glued to the wall. And the image on the poster was that of Feng!

He was proclaimed as a very dangerous wanted person who had stolen the treasures of the Yang level powers of the province, and should be reported upon sight to any of the Yang level powers!

         The Yang level powers also promised a reward of one top grade Yin armament and hundred Yang crystals to whoever gave any hints about Feng's whereabouts, and three Yin armament with two hundred Yang crystals for whoever captured Feng alive! This poster was specifically placed all around the city by the Wuma clan!