Chapter 100- Star Mountain City!

Chapter 100

      Long feng changed his direction and headed out of the forest after concealing himself from dozens of Yang level cultivators. The Yang level powers really took him seriously.

Chuckling slightly, Long feng flitted towards star Mountain City. He wanted to see his father before heading back to Gan yu city.

           Within Jianhai province, there were about a dozen cities and six Yang level powers. Among these dozen cities, almost half of them had no Yang level power occupying the territory. That was either because the cities were too small, or had limited crystals to be mined, but star Mountain City was among these cities.

       The star Mountain City was a city, where the strongest powers were five Yin level clans, but Long feng had wiped out four of the clans, leaving the long clan as the overlord of star Mountain City. Star Mountain City could be counted as one of the weakest cities in the province. The natural energies there was thinner than normal and the cultivation resources were very limited in numbers. For this reason, few people ventured out to the Star Mountain City.

       At this moment, star Mountain City was a little bit livelier than before. That was because with the appearance of a mysterious youth named 'Feng, the Yang level powers had dispatched multiple Yang level cultivators all across the province to search for and probably capture him.

The Star Mountain City was not an exception to this.   

          Currently, two Yang level cultivators and tens of Yin level cultivators including peak Yin level cultivators had been positioned at the star Mountain City. The Star Mountain City had never witnessed such a flourishing time! The former overlord of the city, the Long clan was completely overpowered. In front of the Yang level cultivators, the Long clan was simply unworthy of being mentioned. The Yang level cultivators could annihilate the entire Long clan within the blink of an eye!

        The Yin level cultivators of the Yang level powers created their own sects for fun. But surprisingly, almost all of the star Mountain City joined these sects! That was understandable, because the Yin level cultivators who opened their own sects were mostly peak Yin level cultivators! In the past, peak Yin level cultivators were legends within the city, and now, peak Yin level cultivators were creating their own sects! And all the peak Yin level cultivators were juniors who were below the age of thirty!

      Who wouldn't want to grab this chance to become a proud disciple of a peak Yin level cultivator? Even clan Chiefs of their own Yin level powers instantly dispersed their clans and became elders within the peak Yin level sects!

         A new hierarchy was created within the star Mountain City by the Yang level cultivators. All previous Yin level powers like the Long clan were expected to pay a tribute to the peak Yin level cultivators every week!

That was absurd, considering the fact that the star Mountain City had very limited resources. It was obvious that the Yang level juniors only imposed that order for fun. All Yin level powers who refused to comply were instantly annihilated!

         This was the situation which Long feng came to the Star Mountain City and witnessed! Most of the ordinary people who roamed the streets were now cultivators! Most of them had the strength of even the peak connate level!

As far as Long feng could recall, peak connate cultivators were the elites of the five great clans of the city! Since when had peak connate cultivators become so easy to spot?

      Long feng figured out that this change might be a good thing to the Star Mountain City. The star Mountain City was now a dozen times more stronger than before! That was an excellent progress within a few months!

He headed to the Long clan, hopping to see some improvements in the overall prowess of the clan.      

           He wondered if Long Qing and Long Wei had already reached the Yin level. Judging by their talents, they both had the potential to reach the middle or even peak Yin level in the future!

Although he hadn't been treated well within the Long clan, Long feng beared no grudges against them. He wished for nothing but the best for them! After all, there were some people there who cared about him and whom he cared about!

       People Like his foster father, Long yuan, and the old clan Chief.

Long feng wasn't so narrow minded that he would let the Long clan be bullied because of an insignificant grudge like that! If anyone dared to harm any Long Clansmen, then Long feng would make sure he avenged the person!

       As he arrived at the territory of the Long clan, he narrowed his gaze. The Long clan was clearly much smaller that it used to be. It now occupied only half of its former area!

Long feng kept this thought aside and walked over to the main gate of the clan.

The guards there were rank one Yin level cultivators! Long feng nodded in contentment.

"Stop! Who are you!" The guards unhesitatingly pulled out their weapons and pointed them at Long feng. Smiling, Long feng waved his hand and dispersed the transformation formation in his face. His face slowly reverted back to his youthful appearance.

One of the guards froze, but the others obviously didn't recognize Long feng.

"Are you a member of the Sword alliance?" One of the guards asked.

Long feng lifted his brows slightly.

Sword alliance? Was that one of the new peak Yin level sects?

Long feng was about to reply when the guard who had froze earlier Suddenly blurted out.

"Young master Feng! You are back!" He exclaimed excitedly.

The other guards were dumbstruck

"Young master Feng, isn't that...." One of them murmured, staring into Long feng's face. He suddenly recognized him. He was a new member of the Long clan and he was lucky enough to see Long feng's picture once or twice. This was definitely the powerful young master of the Long clan!

"We pay respect to young master!" They all clasped their fists excitedly.

Long feng felt awkward. All of these guards were older than him. He was just turning sixteen in two months time!

He waved his hand, prompting them to forget the pleasantries.

"Take me to my father!" He ordered. He hadn't seen Long yuan in almost a year! It had been approximately seven months since he left the Long clan, and Long feng couldn't wait to meet hos father.

At this moment, the expressions of the guards suddenly changed, turning sour.

Long feng instantly knew that things were not right!


Author: Sorry for the rather late update. I wasn't in the best of mood lately, but I am back now.

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