Chapter 102- Meeting Long Wei and Long Qing again!

"Feng'er, don't let your anger blind you. These are rank one Yang level cultivators we are talking about! We can't afford to offend them. We can only swallow up the grudge. If you don't want to leave, then at least, stay out of sight for tomorrow. Tomorrow morning, the envoys are coming again to collect their tributes. Long Qing and Long Wei are will both arrive tonight. The three of you will stay hidden for a day or two. You should know that you three are the futures of our Long clan! We can't gamble with your lives!" The old clan chief pleaded with Long Feng. It was not that he looked down on Long Feng's strength, but he also didn't think that Long Feng could compete against peak Yin level cultivators, not to talk of Yang level cultivators! The word Yang level, was a huge pressure to the weak Yin level powers. He thought that at most, Long Feng should be comparable to a rank eight Yin level cultivator.

Long Feng suddenly looked interested.

"The envoys are coming tomorrow?" He asked.

The old clan chief breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that Long Feng would agree to hide. He nodded.

"Great. Tomorrow, no one is giving out any tribute!" Long Feng suddenly said, his eyes flashing.

The old clan chief's face fell.

"Feng'er you…!" He began but Long Feng suddenly looked at him.

"Grandfather," he called softly, making the old clan chief's body shake. Long Feng had never called him that. He looked into Long Feng's pitch black pupils.

"Do you trust me?" Long Feng asked. The elders were baffled by Long Feng's question, but at the end, the old clan chief nodded.

"Ofcourse I do!" He replied.

Long Feng smiled.

"Then trust me this time too. Let me handle this" he spoke.

The old clan chief didn't know what to say. At that instant, two figured flitted towards the elders.

Long Feng was the first person who noticed the two figures and he couldn't help but smile.


         A slight wind blew and two silhouettes appeared before the old clan chief. Those two figures were Long Qing and Long Wei!

And both of them were emanating the aura of Yin level cultivators! Long Qing was a rank two Yin level cultivator while Long Wei was a rank one Yin level cultivator, about to make a Breakthrough.

"Long Qing greets grandfather!"

"Long Wei greets grandfather!" Both of them clasped their fists at the old clan chief.

The old clan chief nodded and smiled at them lovingly. Although their fathers were traitors, the sins of the parents had nothing to do with the children!

"You're back! We were just discussing with your young cousin here. He also returned at the right moment!" The old clan chief's wrinkled face broke into a warm smile.

         Long Qing and Long Wei looked at Long Feng, their expressions complicated. They couldn't even sense his aura anymore, as if he didn't exist. That was due to the disparity between them. And this was the same youth who, a few months ago, they had labelled as a trash! He had proved his worth to them with his strength!

Long Feng smiled at them.

        Long Qing smiled back and looked away while Long Wei walked up to Long Feng and sat down for him.

Long Feng wasn't worried that Long Wei would attempt anything stupid, because he couldn't.

Suddenly, Long Wei smiled widely at Long Feng as if they were good friends.

"Brother Feng, You returned at the right time! When we heard the news of how our clan was being bullied, we rushed here as fast as our horses could bring us. With you here, those bastards would have to think twice before trying us!" He laughed, clasping Long Feng's shoulder.

Long Feng was dumbfounded. What had Long Wei eaten before coming here?

"Seriously?" Long Feng asked quietly. He didn't know that Long Wei was good at bootlicking too!

"Ofcourse! After all, you are my brother! And my brother is the strongest person in this province! All you need is some time to grow and this province would belong to you!" Long Wei laughed, leaving everyone feeling awkward.

Long Wei suddenly leaned close to Long Feng.

"Brother Feng, I am about to make a Breakthrough but my natural energy is insufficient. Can you…"

Long Wei suddenly whispered with a pleading expression. "Can you help me with a pill or something? Anything will do!" He asked.

Long Feng was lost for words. Could someone be more shameless?

"Long Wei, quit that nonsense of yours! We all heard that!" Long Qing interrupted, making Long Wei's face to turn ugly.

"Mind your own business, will you? I am talking to my brother here! Can you not butt into men's issues?" He snapped at her, before smiling at Long Feng.

Unable to bear the noise anymore, Long Feng sighed and touched his void ring, taking out a Yang crystal. This was more than enough to five Long Weis to make a Breakthrough!

Seeing the crystal and the dense energy it emitted, everyone's eyes shone. Long Wei especially, began to literally drool! He looked as if he would eat the crystal raw!

"Is that a…!" The old clan chief definitely recognized the crystal. He was shocked.

Long Wei hurriedly took the crystal from Long Feng and placed it into his pocket as if it was an egg!

Many greedy eyes followed his movement, but Long Wei was past caring.

"Brother Feng is still the best!" He giggled like a child.

Long Feng felt like laughing out but he controlled himself. With a wave of his hand, a hundred Yang crystals floated out of his void ring and into the old clan chief's hands.

"Grandfather, these should be able to boost the overall prowess of the clan. Also, I sensed that you were not far from a breakthrough to the seventh Yin level. Use them to hasten your breakthrough." He said, then turning to Long Qing, three Yang crystals floated into her grasp. Long Qing's face warped in shock.

"Thank you!" She uttered inaudibly but Long Feng heard her. He nodded.

Long Wei's eyes were red as he stared at Long Feng, looking as if he would cry.

But Long Feng took no notice of him. With another wave of his hand, dozens of half Yin armaments and some top grade Yin armaments fell before the old clan chief. The top grade Yin level were in no way inferior to the sovereign sword in Long Feng's possession!

These were all the weapons he had looted from the Wuma Clan and found within the Origin Spirit Land while he was posing as 'Wuma Jie'!.


Author: LoL! I particularly love this chapter. Don't you think Long Wei is quite shrewd? I do.

Well if you have any questions about the novel or about me, write it down in the comment box and I will answer it for you.

Happy reading!