Chapter 104- The Demon Ball!

         When Long Feng began to meditate, he felt as if he had opened up an ancient door within his acupoints. His mind had sank into utter darkness, his acupoints and pores opened up and his body began to absorb the demon natural energy instinctively.

        Long Feng roughly ascertained that the natural energies he had absorbed in that state was equal to his two days of his normal cultivation!

        If possible, Long Feng would prefer to remain in that meditation state for a month. His cultivation speed would increase by two times! Who wouldn't want that? But sadly, Long Feng had no idea of how he entered that state. He didn't even know what the state was. It seemed to have come as a stroke of luck.

         Nevertheless, he was still quite excited. He wouldn't be surprised to find his dantian half filled after the natural energies he had absorbed. Even if his dantian was almost filled up, he still wouldn't feel curious.

       Sending a wisp of his soul power into his dantian, Long Feng was dumbfounded. His dantian was empty!

It was as if he had never absorbed any natural energy in his life! His dantian was completely devoid of energy!

"What the…!" Long Feng was stunned. Where was all the demon natural energies he had absorbed? Long Feng was very sure that his dantian should have at least, become half filled up.

He felt his heart sink. Was the meditation state just for show? Or what was going on?

        Long Feng dispersed the wisp of soul power and stood up. He felt like he had been played with. His entire body ached with fatigue and his clothes gripped onto his body tightly because he was drenched in sweat.

      Who had ever suffered such grievances?

        Long Feng grudgingly filled a tub with warm water. He had to take a shower to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling of his sweat drenched body.

He couldn't stop thinking about the demon natural energy he had absorbed and where it went to.

       Natural energy was present everywhere, although in varying levels of density or thickness. But absorbing the natural energies depended on one's own talent and aptitude. Your speed of absorbtion have an overall knowledge of how talented you were.

        That was why when Long Feng was unable to cultivate within the Long clan, he was deemed as a trash. They thought he was unable to absorb natural energies because he literarily had no talent.

          And to some extent, their views were not wrong. They were right to have called Long Feng a trash. The weak were useless and only the strong had the right to live and speak.

But even for the strong, their lives was not so peaceful. They risked being killed by a stronger cultivator at any moment!

        After all, above every tall mountain is another taller mountain peak!

That was the brutal law of the cultivation world. And every living being, either humans, wild Beasts or alien races were all subjects to this brutal law!

        The weak could only submit before the strong. That was why everyone strived to become stronger and stronger!

         That was also why Long Feng deemed it useless to hold a grudge against the Long clan for mistreating him during his stay with him. They were merely living according to the rule of the cultivation world.

         Now that he was strong, who among the Long clansmen would look into his eyes and still call him trash? They could only look up to his shadow!

         Warm mist from the tub filled the room. Gruntling slightly, Long Feng took off his clothes and slipped into the tub. The feeling of the warm water submerging his skin was so comfortable that Long Feng momentarily forgot all his problems.

          A sudden burst of demon energy within his body from his dantian brought him back to his senses. The demon energy was tyrannic, threatening to rip Long Feng's insides apart!

          Long Feng was alarmed. Gripping the sides of the tub, he instinctively channeled his inner energy to suppress this raging demon energy.

         After a while, Long Feng's face flushed white. He had managed to exile the demon energy from his body, but he had also suffered some internal injuries in the process.

         Disregarding his injuries, Long Feng sent a wisp of his soul power into his dantian. He was pleasantly surprised by the source of this tyrannic demon energy. It was an insignificant looking pitch black ball which floated about his dantian aimlessly.

The Demon Ball!

           It was a mysterious ball which had been formed by the brutal compression of over half of Long Feng's inner demon energy.

This demon ball seemed useless and had nothing particularly interesting or special about it, so Long Feng had ignored it, planning on inquiring about it from Lord Yi Ming.

          At this moment, the ball was revolving around slowly, releasing an insane amount of demon energy which flooded every inch of Long Feng's dantian.

        Pitch black demon energy overwhelmed every corner of the Boundless Starry Sky which was Long Feng's dantian! And the source of this phenomenon was an insignificant black ball!

         Long Feng's wisp of soul power drew closer to the revolving demon ball so that Long Feng could have a closer view of it.

         Long Feng was shocked to find out that the demon ball was actually pulsating!

It was actually beating like a heart!

        This was completely absurd. How could an energy form pulsate?

         Long Feng pondered for a minute and suddenly understood where his natural energy had disappeared to.

         His demon natural energy had been cleanly swallowed up by the demon ball, thereby resulting in this change to the ball!

         No matter how surprising this seemed, it was the only acceptable reason Long Feng could come up with!

         Long Feng held his breath and waited, his heart beating with anticipation. The demon ball slowly pulsated in the same place as Long Feng's heart.

          After an hour, the demon energy slowly receded back into the demon ball as if nothing had happened.

Long Feng was disappointed. Considering the huge amount of demon natural energy which the demon ball hd stolen from him, he should have gotten something in return! He felt severely aggrieved.

           Long Feng slowly completed his bath and got into a clean set of robes. After clearing up his room, Long Feng laid down on his bed and tried to take the demon ball off his mind. Few minutes later, he was snoring away.

           Not long after he fell asleep, a black halo covered Long Feng's body. Within his dantian, the demon ball began to pulsate at a faster pace. It was obviously the source of the halo around Long Feng.

           Suddenly, dozens of shimmering black runes floated out of the demon ball and quietly sank into Long Feng's flesh, etching themselves into his veins, bones, acupunctures, marrows and even his soul!

After that, the black halo around him disappeared into nothingness…