Chapter 106- Peak Yin level cultivators?

"Hey! Do you know who we are? Stay out of this and we will forget that you ever interrupted!" One of the male envoy spoke. They were cautious of Long Feng. He emitted a certain savage air and deep killing intent that frightened them.

"I don't want to waste time. Go and tell your Yang level cultivators to get their ass over here this instant!" Long Feng spoke.

A sudden silence descended immediately. Even the sound of a pin drop could be heard!

       Long Feng's words sounded extremely jarring to the envoys. He wasn't even requesting to meet the peak Yin level cultivators but the Yang level cultivators! Was he insane?

"What audacity! Who the hell do you think you… Argh!" The first male envoy began when he suddenly screamed like a pig.

        Long Feng appeared behind him since heavens knew when and lifted him by his neck like a dead duck!

"I don't like repeating myself!" Long Feng's voice was like the whisper of a god of death, making the envoy shiver.

"How dare you!" The other two envoys recovered from the shock of Long Feng's speed. The female envoy drew her saber and thrust it at Long Feng's waist.

         Her trajectory suddenly changed and the saber thrust towards Long Feng's chest instead. Her attacks were swift and deadly!

But to Long Feng, an attack of this calliber was not worth mentioning.

       He directed a wisp of his demon energy at the lady and she suddenly faltered, almost collapsing. Her face turned from white to blue and purple.


     Long Feng slapped her away.

"Shameless whore!" He spat. The lady sprawled on the floor, immediately falling unconscious.

"Will you go and get your Yang level cultivators or do I need to speak in a different language?" Long Feng asked, ignoring the unconscious lady.

        The two male envoys almost peed their pants! Compared to Long Yuan, this youth was hundred times more ruthless and powerful! They simply couldn't muster the slightest courage to resist him at all!

          Picking up the unconscious lady, they fled without looking back. But they would definitely return. Long Feng wouldn't go free after humiliating them!

"Feng'er," the old clan chief sighed after the envoys left. "You went too far. You and your cousins should hurry up and leave this city. We will be able to buy you enough time!" He added.

Long Feng smiled and didn't reply, opting to simply sit on the floor and wait for the envoys to return. Waiting all day wasn't an impossibility as long as the envoys would come back!

          No one moved an inch from their positions. All the elders remained standing behind Long Feng. They were ready for the worst! Of Long Feng seemed to be in danger, they would unhesitatingly risk their lives to protect him and give him a chance to escape.

           The worst scenario would be the Long clan getting annihilated totally. But as long as Long Feng was alive, then the elders would be able to rest in peace, knowing that he would avenge them.

            The air was tense. Sensing their reservations, Long Feng couldn't help but chuckle. They wanted to protect him? It must be known that unless a rank two Yang level cultivator was to show up, then no one could hope to defeat Long Feng!

            Two hours later, Long Feng felt several powerful auras headed in their direction. His lips curled upwards.

"Those envoys aren't so useless after all!" He stood up and dusted his robes.

           The Long clansmen stared at him curiously. But it was understandable, after all, they were weaker than Long Feng by a huge margin. Unless the incoming cultivators were to arrive in the vicinity, then the Long clansmen wouldn't be able to sense them.

           After about ten more minutes, dozens of silhouettes riding horses appeared in the distance. The expressions of the Long clan turned grim.


        The Suppressive pressure of peak Yin level cultivators rolled in waves, all directed at the Long clansmen.

       To Long Feng, this pressure was like the normal air he breathed in. He was simply unfazed by it.

Forget peak Yin level cultivators. Even if a rank five Yang level cultivator was to direct his pressure at Long Feng, Long Feng would remain unfazed. That was one of the benefits of going through the tempering process of the Nine tower smelting trial within the Origin Spirit Land.

         But the Long clan were different. The pressure ruthlessly suppressed them, forcing over half of the elders to their knees! Some of them spat blood! The pressure was like a divine mountain pressing upon them.

           Suddenly, the pressure faded, replaced by a warm energy rejuvenating the elders. Without doubt, this was Long Feng's doing. He dispersed the pressure with a wave of his sleeve.

          The horses finally halted before Long Feng and twelve peak Yin level cultivators dismounted. Behind them were several other cultivators including the three envoys, all below the peak Yin level.

          Long Feng didn't place these people in his eyes, but the Long clansmen all shivered. They felt that the situation was hopeless for them.

It was weird, though, why the peak Yin level cultivators came together. One or two of them would have sufficed, although the fact that they came together wouldn't change their fate.

      But Long Feng could also understand. These peak Yin level cultivators were all in their late twenties. They were still young and frivolous, so moving in group was normal to them.

        On the side of the peak Yin level cultivators, many eyes were scrutinizing Long Feng. He had just ignored the combined pressure of twelve peak Yin level cultivators after all.

         But even at that, the peak Yin level cultivators didn't place him in their eyes. What could a small fifteen year old probably do to them? Even if he had somehow managed to attain the peak Yin level, although it would be stunning at his age, they still had an advantage in numbers!

"You! What nerves you have to beat up my envoys!" An oval faced youth spoke up. Sharp sword lights roared around him.

"Please forgive him and let him off. He is an ignorant child!" As much as the old clan chief hated these scums, he still had to put aside his dignity and plead for Long Feng. He would do anything to keep Long Feng safe!

"Hahaha! You want us to let him off old man?" The peak Yin level cultivators laughed.

"It isn't impossible. If you double the tributes, kowtow to us thrice and call us your ancestors, then lick our shoes, we will consider letting the boy off!" The oval faced man grinned evilly.

         Long Feng's face iced up. He was about to speak when the old clan chief beat him to it.

"You're going too far!" The old clan chief shouted but the peak Yin level cultivators merely laughed even louder, dissmissing him.

"You either do it or we punish the boy for his insolence!" The oval faced man replied.

Gritting his teeth, the old clan chief actually began to bend his knees!

"Grandfather…!" Long Feng, Long Wei and Long Qing were stunned by the old clan chief's decision just to protect them.

A hand suddenly appeared and helped the old clan chief to stand straight. It was Long Feng. His eyes were as calm and placid as a lake but underneath those calm eyes was an ocean of killing intent!

"Grandfather, you don't have to reduce yourself to their level!" Long Feng spoke calmly.

"Hehe! It looks like the boy does have some backbone! He isn't a coward!" One of the peak Yin level cultivators giggled.

"Too bad he chose a wrong time to act bold!" The oval faced man scowled, his eyes flashing with a ferocious glint!…