Chapter 124- Do I look like an old man?

Chapter 124

Long feng suddenly looked at Yan Jian with a grin.

"Brother Yan, since your blue sky province is so powerful, why didn't you stay there? Why run over and seek to hide in our insignificant low ranked Jianhai province? Hm?" He asked.

Yan Jian's face instantly fell. It was as if Long feng had poured cold water over his head.

"Brother feng, you must be kidding me. How could I possibly remain in that place? Only peak Yin level cultivators and above could possibly survive in that death floor of a province!" He exclaimed.

Long feng burst into a fit of laughter, pleased that he had finally wiped the annoying smile off Yan Jian's face.

Yan Jian continued,

"My adoptive father was a peak Yin level cultivator. He adopted me because he was at the end of his life and needed a successor. To me at that time, a peak Yin level cultivator was almighty and unrivaled." He chuckled softly. "I guess I was too simple minded then. After he died, I was forced to fend for myself with a cultivation of the sixth connate realm. That level of strength wasn't any better than an ordinary mortal in Blue sky province. I couldn't get connate crystals to improve my cultivation and my life was constantly at risk. I had no other choice but to flee for my dear life!" He sighed.

Long feng laughed.

"You see, brother Yan, having a powerful background or backing is not something amazing because although there are advantages to that, the disadvantages are equally severe. It is just like I mentioned, at the end, only personal strength matters. No matter how profound your origin is, if you are not strong, you can still be killed. Although blue sky province is strong, it is not as peaceful as Jianhai province for the weak."

Yan Jian suddenly grinned mischievously.

"Brother feng speaks like an old master. Wait…" he drew closer until their faces were mere inches away from each other and stared at Long feng with suspicious discerning eyes. "Are you really a fifteen year old youth? How do i know if you are not an old hundred years old monster who is pretending to be a youth in his prime?" He gasped.

Long feng's face turned as black as the back of a pot and he glared at Yan Jian.

"Do I look old to you?" He asked.

Yan Jian shrugged.

"Who knows? I really can't tell. Suppose you are a Yang level old master concealing himself. How can an innocent low ranked Yin level youth like me see through your concealment?" He sounded Frank and sure of himself.

The sides of Long feng's eyes twitched fiercely and he was tempted to smash Yan Jian's smug face into the table before them.

"Alright, forget it. Whether you are an old monster or not, it doesn't matter much. Let's go and ask that cold witch whether she's coming." Yan Jian quickly changed the topic.

Long feng snorted and stood up, directly heading towards Li yu'er's pavilion. He had already planned to leave the province immediately after his fight with Han Man. One of the reasons was that Jianhai clan would stop at nothing to hunt him down after finding out his real identity. But that wasn't the main reason. The main reason was that he wanted to visit other places to temper himself and his will. Besides, after listening to Yan Jian and learning that the Jianhai province was actually among the smallest and weakest provinces, he was even more determined to leave and witness stronger cultivators. He would never be able to achieve his aims if he chose to remain in this province.

Letting Yan Jian and Li yu'er to know about his plans was a way of inquiring if they wanted to come along.

Technically, both Yan Jian and Li yu'er were travellers and knew more about the continent than Long feng. They definitely wouldn't mind heading out again after staying in this province for a while.

Well, that was what Long feng thought. But Yan Jian agreed so enthusiastically that Long feng doubted if Li yu'er would refuse at all.

"Ah! Old man feng! Wait for me!" Yan Jian ran after Long feng.

Grinning widely, Long feng increases his pace, throwing Yan Jian into the distance.

"Brother feng! I'm sorry alright! Come on, slow down!" Yan Jian's voice sounded from a distance.

Still, Long feng outright ignored him and even increased his pace yet again.

"Ha! Brother feng! Don't be so petty. Okay, you are not an old man, I was wrong!"

"Come on brother feng, I was just joking!"

"Stop running. Am I going to eat you?"

Yan Jian's voice slowly faded away because he was too far away. He simply couldn't keep up with Long feng's speed.

A few minutes later, Long feng arrived at Li yu'er's pavilion, but instead of going in, he stood outside and waited. Three minutes later, Yan Jian ran over while panting.

"Brother feng, I already apologized. Why couldn't you simply let it go?" He spoke amidst gasps.

Long feng flashed a smile.

"Brother Yan, why are you so tired? Aren't you supposed to be an Innocent youth in your prime? How can a youth get tired so easily?" He asked.

"Hmph! This young master isn't tired. I am simply… forget it. You won't understand anyway" Yan Jian waved his hand.

Long feng laughed.

Yan Jian walked over to the pavilion doors and knocked.

After some delay, the doors were flung open.

"What?" Li yu'er asked without sparing a glance at Yan Jian.

"Won't you ask us in? Is this how you treat your guests?" Yan Jian exclaimed.

Li yu'er sent a single glance at him and her lips curled up into a cold smile beneath her veil.

"It seems you still haven't learnt your lesson. I don't mind beating you up again." She said. Her voice sent shivers down Yan Jian's spine and he shuddered.

"N…no need." He waved his hand and stood behind Long feng. "I will just wait here" he muttered.

Long feng watched this in shock, before realisation dawned on him and he burst out laughing, almost tripping over in the process.

Yan Jian's face turned red with shame.

Li yu'er turned around and closed the pavilion doors behind her before walking over to a nearby table and sat on a chair calmly.

Long feng laughed for a while before controlling himself and sat down too. But he couldn't help but laugh lightly or chuckle when he imagined the scene of Yan Jian being beaten up. It was hilarious!

Taking a deep breath, Long feng focused and nodded at Li yu'er,

"Miss Li, sorry for bothering you. I simply wanted to let you know that Yan Jian and I will be leaving for Blue sky province after I my battle with Han Man and we thought that you might want to come along." He said.

Li yu'er slowly shook her head, her placid eyes flashing slightly.

"I'm afraid I will have to disappoint brother feng. I am fine with living the rest of my days in one place. Other places may not be safe for me" She parted her lips and said.

Long feng frowned.

"Why? You don't have to answer if you don't want to" he asked.

Li yu'er nodded.

"I do have my reasons." She appeared thoughtful. "Due to my current situation, it is not in my place to fight or use my energy anyhow. It hastens the reduction of my life source" she didn't seem saddened by saying that. It could be seen that her will was truly astounding. "That is not the main reason, though. The main reason is that I came to this province to hide." She added.

Long feng and Yan Jian were both startled.

"Hiding? From who or what?" Long feng asked. He had a feeling that things weren't as simple as they seemed.

"Limitless blood assassin. I've been running away from him" Li yu'er replied calmly.