Chapter 127- Embroidered Pillow

Chapter 127

At noon, a gong suddenly sounded three times in the grand arena and the atmosphere around the arena became solemn. A moment later, the great elder of Mortal heaven sect stood up up from his seat above the highest viewing platform and cupped his fists.

"This old master thank everyone here on behalf of the master sect for taking the time to come here. Most of you have been here for a while now, so this old one won't waste anymore time. The rules of the fight is simple. The first to admit defeat losses. The fight won't stop until either of the parties involved is unable to continue. Deaths are not allowed. Let the fight begin!" The great elder instilled his inner energy into his voice, so everyone could hear him clearly.

A wave of excitement erupted in a certain direction among the crowd as a figure slowly made his way to the arena.

Dressed in a snow white robe, this person's body was as straight as a sword and his movement was steady. His emotionlessness face gave off a lonely solitary feeling and his aura didn't leak out of his body even a bit, which was proof of his solid foundation. His brows were slanted, his light blue eyes sparkled and shone like jade and a long sheath was hung on his waist, from which an ice cold sword aura was released.

Han Man!

The crowd broke into an uproar upon seeing him.

"Who is that?" Someone asked.

"Han Man of course. Who else?" A knowledgeable person replied.

The eyes of the person who asked shrank.

"That is Han Man? He is so far away but i still feel like a sword is pressed against my neck when I look at him!"

"Hmph! What do you know? How can an unknown person like you understand such profundities? Even among other geniuses of equal cultivation, Han Man is almost invisible! He once battled against the young Lord of Jianhai clan and the result ended in a draw!" Another person snorted.


Some listeners drew in cold air and tried to imagine what the outcome would be if they were up against Han Man.

"He's actually so strong?"

"Which fool dared to challenge him?"

"It's a brat named Long feng or something like that. I bet he won't be able to last ten breaths worth of time against Han Man!"

The chatters were seemingly endless as Han Man stepped into the arena and cupped his fists in the direction of the highest viewing platform where the elders of Mortal heaven sect and other sects were seated.

The elders either nodded or smiled and Han Man stood there like a statue. Except for the fact that he was breathing, he could really be compared to a statue.

Half an incense stick worth of time later, a black robed youth jumped into the arena with a carefree smile. He looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old and he gave off the feeling of being a free and unrestrained person.

"Who is that?" Some people inquired. Almost no one knew who this youth was. But they had a guess in their hearts as only one person dared to climb into the arena at such a moment.

"I think that is Long feng."

"That is him? He doesn't look like much!" Some people were taken aback.

Although they hadn't expected much from this Long feng who dared to foolishly challenge Han Man, they still expected him to stand out in some aspects.

But this black robed youth was no different from an ordinary mortal. Some people even doubted whether he was the one.

But that was normal, since Long feng looked carefree, almost too carefree for a person who was about to have a spar. His unrestrained air did make him stand out among the masses, but that was not really something special. Besides, due to his special dantian, his aura was so restrained that only those old masters on the highest viewing platform could spy on his cultivation.

"Hm? Such a young boy, but he is already one step away from the peak of the Yin realm. His talent shouldn't be bad. Brother Chang, you really know how to hide your talents well!" Old man Jian glanced at the Mortal heaven sect's Sect Master as he spoke.

The sect master simply smiled wryly.

"It is nothing if that sort. Even I am just knowing his cultivation level" he replied, but of course, no one believed him.

Only the Mortal heaven sect's Sect Master himself knew that what he said wasn't a lie. He was just knowing Long feng's cultivation level.

On the arena, Long feng grinned at the cold faced Han Man and cupped his fists.

"This feng asks elder brother Han for guidance. Please take care of me"

Han Man didn't bother to answer as he directly released his aura. His inner energy poured out of his body. His cultivation became clear to all instantly.

Rank two Yang realm!

It was just as Yan Jian said. Han Man really made a breakthrough.

"I don't want to be someone who bullies the weak. Junior brother, please stand down while you still can." His expression remained calm as he spoke.

Long feng shook his head.

"Then I will have to turn down senior brother's goodwill." As he replied, his inner energy exploded out of him like a broken dam.

Some people who initially held some hope for him lasting for a while against Han Man all had their hopes shattered. That was because his aura was only that of a rank eight Yin realm cultivator!

A rank eight Yin level cultivator going against a rank two Yin level cultivator, the results was obvious to even the blindest of people.

It could be considered a miracle if Long feng could last three breaths against Han Man!

That was the thought everyone present had. They instantly lost interest in this seemingly one sided battle!

"Are you sure this is your last choice?" Han Man asked.

Long feng smiled.

"If I step down now without even fighting you, how would I know whether I am not your opponent? I will probably develop a heart demon if I admit defeat before even starting." He slowly shook his head. "Either I defeat you, or my Martial Dao path ends here!" He spoke resolutely.

The silence that followed was quite awkward. If it was another Yang realm cultivator speaking this words to Han Man, it wouldn't be so unbelievable.

But the point was, a mere rank eight Yin level cultivator was the one saying these words!

Either he was an arrogant fool, or he really had the strength to back up his words.

The crowd were more likely to believe that he was an arrogant fool though.

"What bold words! Isn't he afraid that the wind would cut off his tongue?" Some people mocked.

"Han Man should teach this arrogant brat a good lesson."

"I think Han Man should break his limbs. That brat would immediately start begging and calling Han Man his ancestor!"

"He is probably only an embroidered pillow, only knowing how to run his mouth!"

The mocking words continued on and on...