Chapter 138- Spirit realm masters

Chapter 138




Long feng was quite surprised by that request. He stared at limitless blood up in the sky, then he turned to look at Li yu'er and smiled.

"You can have her..." he began.

Behind him, Li yu'er felt her heart clench, but she knew that even if Long feng chose to leave now, she couldn't blame him.

Limitless blood also began to move.

"After you pass by me!" Long feng added. His killing intent flared again and he swung his sword at limitless blood.

Limitless blood assassin was so angry that he laughed.

"Very good boy. I will definitely pass by you!" He spoke through gritted teeth.

Long feng replied grimly.

"I can be defeated, I can be killed, I can be threatened and humiliated, but I won't betray my friends!"

He kept swinging his sword sending powerful sword energies into the sky, causing a headache for limitless blood.

"That's it. Die!" Limitless blood assassin pushed out his palm. A palm phantom enlarged and slammed down on Long feng, shattering all of his sword energies.

If this palm landed, Long feng would definitely be crushed to dust!

But he didn't feel anything upon facing death. His mind became tranquil like an ancient well. His aura completely faded and he closed his eyes.

But at this moment when he was facing immenient death, a petite figure appeared in front of him.

A soothing voice echoed.

"Ice Dao! Endless blizzard!"

Ice energy spread out and formed a huge ice wall in front of him.

The palm ashed into the wall and shattered it while slamming into the figure and Long feng.

Both of them were flung away spitting out blood.

"Miss Li?" Long feng noticed that the person who helped him was Li yu'er. Her veil was torn to shreds and her jade like face was open to view. her beauty seemed to dull the surrounding world and outshine the moon!. She was covered in blood and her face was frighteningly pale which added a slight mystery to her beauty.

Seeing her in this situation, Long feng felt pain assaulting his heart.

Both of them crashed into the floor as limitless blood assassin made his way towards them.

"I've had enough of the both of you! I don't want any of you alive anymore. Die!" Smoke poured out of his mouth and turned into a curved blade which swung at Long feng and Li yu'er.

"Let me out!" Long feng could hear Yan Jian shouting from within the Origin Spirit Palace. Of course, Long feng ignored him.

Long feng's thoughts turned and the Origin Spirit Palace hurled towards limitless blood. The curved blade was intercepted and the palace smashed towards limitless blood assassin.

"This damn palace again!"

Limitless blood was incensed.

Using the time while limitless blood dealt with the spirit palace, Long feng stood up, pulled Li yu'er up and ran.

"You think you can escape?" Limitless blood punched the spirit palace and sent it flying, only for it to come hurtling right back, frustrating him to no end.

"Did you comprehended your Dao?" Long feng asked as they fled.

Li yu'er nodded imperceptibly.

"Ice Dao? Reminds me of Han Man" Long feng laughed.

Perhaps only him would be able to talk and laugh while being chased by a spirit realm master!


Annoyed, limitless blood unleashed a barrage of martial skills on the spirit palace, sending it flying into the distance and shot towards Long feng and Li yu'er.

"Boy, if I don't rip you Into ten thousand pieces, I won't be limitless blood anymore!" He glared at Long feng's back with rage filled eyes.

"You talk too much!" Long feng shouted back.

"Good! Very good!" Limitless blood laughed.

The distance between them existed only in name for him as he rushed towards them.

Feeling the powerful aura drawing closer to them, Long feng's expression turned grim. He recalled the Origin Spirit Palace back with a thought and it enlarged in front of them.

"You go on. I'll come meet you!" Long feng didn't give Li yu'er any chance to argue and he pushed her into the palace.

If he was alone, he would be able to escape faster. Having someone with him only worsened their situation.

The spirit palace shrank to the size of a palm again and Long feng took it into his void ring.

He breathed in deeply and pushed his void roc agility technique to the peak. His figure flickered like a ghost as he struggled to increase the distance between them, but how was that possible?

Even mid ranked Yang realm masters like old man Jian were able to almost kill him.

What more could be expected of limitless blood who was a genuine spirit realm master?

Limitless blood slammed his palm at Long feng's back.

Long feng felt a desolate aura of death encasing him.

[I can't block it!] And he was also unable to dodge because the palm energy had sealed the space around him.

As the palm was about to press on him, another palm energy suddenly appeared out of nowhere and collided against limitless blood's palm.


The resulting energy ripples almost tore Long feng to pieces as he felt like a lone boat in the middle of the ocean; facing the risk of being frowned at any moment.

Luckily, he survived. When the dust settled, he looked up and saw limitless blood assassin facing another person who had just arrived. The newcomer was rather huge and his entire body ripped with explosive strength. Moreover, he was also a spirit realm master!. Both of them stood in stark opposition and sized up each other.

"What are you doing here?" Limitless blood asked in a grim voice.

The other man chuckled.

"Why does that concerns you? I can be anywhere I want. I should be asking you what you are doing here instead!"

Limitless blood looked impatient.

"Dong yu Lu, I don't have time for you right now. Step aside!"

The man called Dong yu Lu laughed.

"Why should I step aside? You are an old and respectable spirit realm master. How can you bully a small child?"

"That's none of your business!. I must hack that boy to pieces today!" Limitless blood replied coldly.

Dong yu Lu's smile widened.

"Well, I can't sit back and watch such injustice. I insist on protecting this kid!"

Limitless blood suddenly laughed

"You speak of injustice as thought you are any better than me!"

Dong yu Lu ignored him.

Limitless blood then narrowed his eyes.

"Do you have to go against my every move?"

Dong yu Lu shrugged.

"If you make it sound that way, then, yes!" Fighting spirit blazed in his eyes.

From their discussions, Long feng figured that both of them knew each other and they were not on good terms. Dong yu Lu wanted to protect him just so as to annoy limitless blood.

"Dong yu Lu! Don't go too far! I am not afraid of you!" Limitless blood really did get annoyed.

Dong yu Lu ignored him and looked at Long feng.

"Boy, what is your name?" He asked.

Long feng cupped his fists and spoke in a clear voice.

"Senior, this junior is Long feng!"

Dong yu Lu nodded.

"This old master will protect you from this bastard bully. Go ahead and leave!" He smiled like a kind old man.

Limitless blood was instantly enraged.

"You dare!" He glared at both Long feng and Dong yu Lu.

Long feng was quite relieved.

"Then this junior must thank senior. I will be on my way" he cupped his fists again and turned around. Without looking back, he fled.

Limitless blood tried to chase after him only to be blocked by Dong yu Lu.

"Dong yu Lu!" Limitless blood was truly incensed as he attacked.

Dong yu Lu didn't flinch and collided against limitless blood.

Like that, a battle between Spirit realm masters ensued.