Chapter 140- The clear sky realm

Chapter 140

In the sky, the figure looked over the city with cold indifferent eyes. The once lively village was now filled with an eery silence that shook the soul.

And not a single drop of blood could be found on the floor!.

After absorbing all of the blood fog, the figure in the sky shook slightly.

If Long feng was here, he would have recognized this figure, because it was limitless blood assassin!

His face was currently white and bloodless. His aura was very weak like a candle in a windstorm, sign that he was merely an arrow at the end of his flight and his body was covered in blood.

After absorbing the blood fog completely though, his pale face recovered a little bit and his waning aura became somewhat stable.

Deep hatred and killing intent flared in limitless blood's eyes.

"That damn brat! I will make him suffer a fate worse than death!. And Dong yu Lu, I will get back to you soon. Hmph!" He waved his sleeves and vanished in a streak of blood red light.


Meanwhile, after resting for two days and recovering from their injuries, Long feng, Yan Jian and Li yu'er headed to a nearby city.

After paying the entry fee, they entered the city only to find it strangely deserted. Only few people could be seen roaming the streets.

"Why is the city so empty? Did something happen?" Yan Jian looked around and spotted a shop stall that was not closed.

"Let's go and ask"

The three of them walked up to the shop stall. A wrinkled old man poked his head out of the stall and smiled at them.

"Good guests, what pill have you come to buy?. I must let you know that I sell the best pills in this city…" The old man began.

"Sorry uncle, but we aren't here to buy pills." Yan Jian replied.

"Oh" the man's smile dimmed.

"Then what have you come for?"

"We are actually new in the city and we found it quite empty. We are curious if something occurred recently?" Yan Jian asked.

Hearing that, the old man looked at the three of them with a surprised look.

"Even if you are new in the city, you should have known what happened. The news has already gone all over the province."

"Actually, we only came to the blue sky province not long ago" Long feng spoke.

The old man nodded, a look of understanding on his face.

"Normally you would have to pay me for an information like this. But seeing that you are new here, I wouldn't charge you anything" he spoke with a magnanimous look on his face.

Looking thoughtful for a minute, the old man finally spoke.

"A few days ago, the overlord of the province; Blue sky sect spread a news that shook the province. They would open the clear sky realm for the whole province this year in preparation for the upcoming inter province competition. Apparently, they want to get the first position in the continent!"

Hearing that, Yan Jian's eyes lit up and he almost couldn't contain his excitement, almost laughing in the spot.

From his expression, one could see that the clear sky realm was a very good place. Long feng and Li yu'er's interest were naturally piqued and they were also curious about what this clear sky realm was.

The old man beamed at Yan Jian

"This young friend seems to know a thing or two about the clear sky realm"

Yan Jian nodded.

"I've heard about it"

The old man nodded in understanding.

"Normally, according to the Blue sky sect, only one hundred people can enter the realm whenever it is opened. This time won't be any different. In that regard, fifty of those spots belongs to the Blue sky sect's juniors while the remaining fifty would be competed for by the talented juniors of the other sects or lone cultivators. The requirements for participating in the competition is that one must be younger than thirty and have a cultivation of at least the Yin level." The old man continued.

"Fifty spots huh…" some of the lights in Yan Jian's eyes dimmed.

Apparently, the clear sky realm was a place which numerous talented juniors would dream of entering. Upon receiving this news from the Blue sky sect, it was obvious that at least a thousand juniors would participate in the competition. Filtering fifty juniors from over a thousand of talents would be a problem.

The competition was going to be very fierce in that situation. It would be very taxing on people to get a spot among those fifty.

"When is the competition beginning?" Long feng asked.

"In two days I think. Most of the juniors of the province have already gathered in the territory of the Blue sky sect." The old man replied with a knowing grin.

Long feng turned to look at Yan Jian.

"How far are we from the Blue sky sect's territory?"

"It's about a whole day's journey from here. The Blue sky sect is located in the center of the province"

Long feng nodded.

"Is it worth it to go?" He asked again.

Yan Jian nodded.

"It is. The clear sky realm is a place you wouldn't want to miss. Countless fruitous encounters and life changing treasures have been found over the generations by the juniors of the Blue sky sect. This is a one in a lifetime opportunity. We definitely shouldn't miss it. The only problem is whether we can even get a spot."

"Don't worry about getting a spot. Without the Blue sky sect's juniors competing against us, we will have nothing much to worry about." Long feng replied.

Yan Jian nodded and his spirit was reignited.

"Thank you for your help." Yan Jian bowed slightly to the old man and the trio walked away, leaving the old man staring at them with his mouth agape.

"Ha! What an arrogant bunch. Without the juniors of the blue sky sect, they think they are unrivaled in the province? Youths and their conceitedness!" He shook his head and sighed.


Long feng, Yan Jian and Li yu'er immediately left the city and headed towards the Blue sky sect's territory following Yan Jian's lead.

It was really as Yan Jian said as the journey was really a whole day's journey. After passing countless  empty cities and sects or clans, the trio arrived at a seemingly endless mountain range. Mountains could be seen for as far as the eyes could see and the environment was carpeted in a beautiful greenery. Distinct buildings could be seen on the mountains and animals could also be seen everywhere. This was the territory of the Blue sky sect.

Staring at the distance in a daze, Long feng muttered.

"This is the Blue sky sect? Why it's three times larger than the Jianhai clan's territory!"

Yan Jian laughed as pride shone in his eyes.

"That is the difference between a high ranked and a low ranked province!"

"Miss Li, you're from the overlord province. How large is the Yihua clan's territory compared to the blue sky sect's?" Yan Jian asked curiously.

"I've never been there!" Li yu'er replied simply without thinking much.

"Oh. Well, that is the continent overlord we are talking about. Not every idiot has the chance to see their territory." Yan Jian shrugged and immediately shuddered, feeling a cold glare on himself.

"N…no…no miss Li. Don't get me wrong. I'm referring to others, not you."

Li yu'er retracted her gaze with a snort.

"Phew! That was close!" Yan Jian cleaned the sweat on his forehead.

"Enough bickering. Let's go!" Long feng interrupted them and dashed right into the territory of the blue sky sect.

They hadn't gone far though, when a powerful aura descended upon them.

"A Yang realm master!" Long feng and the other two froze. This aura was clearly that of a mid Yang realm master!

"Who goes there?" A matured voice sounded around them.

Yan Jian instantly cupped his fists and bowed his head slightly.

"These juniors are here to join the competition for the clear sky realm. May we trouble senior to point us in the right direction?"

"Head west. The registration pavilion is there!" The voice ordered and the aura vanished completely.

"Let's go!"

The trio headed west as the voice ordered.

"Really worthy of being a high ranked province overlord!. A mere guard outside the territory is a mid Yang realm master. That man was at least a rank four Yang level cultivator!" Long feng couldn't help but sigh.

Back in the Jianhai clan, the guards outside the territory were merely peak Yin level cultivators. The difference between the two was like the difference between cloud and mud!.

"Hehehe!. How can the trivial low ranked province of yours compare to my…" Yan Jian began when he suddenly shuddered as he felt an icy gaze on himself. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead.

"Shut up!" Li yu'er glared at him before looking away.

Yan Jian snorted but didn't dare to speak anymore.

Seeing this, Long feng couldn't help but laugh earning a pitiful look from Yan Jian.

"We're here!" Long feng suddenly pointed out to ease the awkward moment for Yan Jian.

In the distance, a large pavilion was discernable. Hundreds of youths from different backgrounds were gathered around the pavilion, making for a bustling and noisy scene.

More people arrived and entered the pavilion to register their names before waiting outside the pavilion.

It could be said that the place was quite lively.