Chapter 150- Increase in strength

It was a good while later before Hua Liuli finally calmed down. Still, her eyes contained shock and disbelief whenever she looked at Yan Jian.

Soon, she sighed softly with a complicated expression. 

"The continent will soon become chaotic again. The four dynasties will definitely not let him grow if they find out about his existence." She rubbed her temples.


 The trio's auras rose steadily. The most eye-catching one of them was Yan Jian, who stood out due to the blazing heat emitted from him. His increase in strength was also the most obvious as he gave off rapidly rising powerful energy fluctuations. The heat around him slowly receded in the next couple of incense worth of time and there was no sign whatsoever that anything even happened around him. 

Their cultivation session continued for over an hour. The first person to open his eyes was Long Feng. The energy fluctuations around him slowly weakened till they faded and his eyes shot open. An invisible pressure seemed to radiate from him for a split second while he organized his thoughts. Then he clenched his fists, feeling the powerful energy coursing through his body. This energy had transcended the Yin martial power. This was Yang martial power! 

Long Feng couldn't conceal his excitement and a wide grin appeared on his face. At last, he had reached the Yang realm! 

"You have reached the Yang level?" Hua Liuli noticed when he opened his eyes and she walked towards him.

"Hmm." Long Feng nodded and released a wisp of his aura. 

"Rank two Yang realm? The Yin essence purity flower's reputation didn't go to waste." Hua Liuli exclaimed after sensing the aura.

Long Feng had actually broken through two minor levels using the Yin essence purity flower's energy and directly attained the second Yang level! 

Nevertheless, the grin on his face didn't fade. "That's not all. Have you forgotten the main aspect of the Yin essence purity flower?" He asked. 

Hua Liuli thought for a moment before replying slowly, "You mean... The ability to enhance your dao comprehension if you are a yin based dao cultivator? Or to purify and cleanse the body and soul?" 

These were the two other most important uses of the Yin essence purity flower, and that was also why it was so precious. It could cleanse your meridians, energy and soul while enhancing your comprehension abilities. 

Long Feng nodded and released his demon energy. Black icy cold aura poured out of his body and covered him in a cloud of demon energy. The demon energy felt far more powerful and complex than it was a few days ago. It was far purer than before too. 

"Third demon concept level?" Hua Liuli exclaimed again, feeling surprised. His dao concept had actually increased by three levels! It seemed like she had underestimated the potency of the Yin essence purity flower. The effect was better than imagined. Of course, it was also due to this being their first time using it. Even if they were to use it again, their increase in strength would be far less than this. Long Feng's current demon concept was only below her own music concept with one level. 

"Surprised? Well that's still not the end." seeing her expression, Long Feng chuckled. 

Before she could reply, he withdrew his demon energy and released his soul power completely. The intangible energy covered almost fifty meters around him. 

More importantly, his current soul power was giving off energy fluctuations that were stronger than even those of Gu yuan! 

"Peak of the third heaven layer?" Hua Liuli's eyes bulged as she wore a shocked expression. Wasn't this huge increase in strength too sudden? 

The soul cultivation was three times harder than martial cultivation. That was universally agreed on. Therefore, even though he had the Yin essence purity flower, Hua Liuli didn't expect Long Feng to have any huge increase in his soul power cultivation. Who knew that this would happen? Now, Long Feng was only one step away from the spirit soul layer! At that level, one would earn respect in any force or sect one joined. 

"You gave me quite a few surprises these few days. I figured that it wouldn't be polite of me to not return the favor?" Long Feng felt pleased seeing her expression and he couldn't help but laugh. 

"Ha! They grow up so fast!" Hua Liuli shook her head and muttered softly. 

Long Feng shook his head at her comment and didn't bother about it. A few minutes after he woke up, Li Yu'er and Yan Jian both opened their eyes almost simultaneously.

Long Feng could sense that they both had significant increase in their strengths. 

Li Yu'er had broken through from the sixth Yin level to the peak of the Yin level. She was currently half a step into the Yang realm and only needed a little more time to truly reach the Yang realm. Her increase in strength was quite significant. Her Ice dao concept had also surprisingly reached the third level! 

But Yan Jian's increase increase in strength could only be described with the word insane. 

He broke through from the fourth Yin level to the rank eight Yin level. He also reached the second concept level in his flame dao. 

All in all, their group's overall strength had skyrocketed. Although they were still helpless in front of a spirit realm cultivator, if they worked together with Hua Liuli, it would be possible for them to challenge a peak Yang realm cultivator. 

"Ha! This feels so good!" Yan Jian roared loudly in excitement as he clenched his fist. He was just one step away from the peak Yin level. He couldn't conceal his excitement. Although he knew that with his talent, he would definitely reach this level, he didn't expect to progress so fast. 

Even Li Yu'er smiled faintly behind her veil. 

Long Feng and the other two spent an hour or two consolidating their cultivations because such a sudden huge increase in strength could offset their foundation and affect their combat power. 

After that, they prepared to leave this area. 

"I wonder how those fellows are doing. The ghost python would undoubtedly be extremely furious after it breaks free. I wonder if they survived or they all died." Long Feng looked in the direction they came from and asked. 

"They'll be fine. At most half of them will die. But none of those juniors there are pushovers. They may have some special skills or protective formation up their sleeves." Hua Liuli replied. 

"Even if they do survive, I'm sure they wouldn't like the experience." Yan Jian added.

"It has nothing to do with us whether they survive or not anyways. Let's go" Long Feng shrugged and began to walk away. 

"We're staying together right? Because I absolutely won't agree for us to split apart a second time!" Yan Jian ran over to Long Feng's side and spoke in a hushed tone. 

"of course. There is no need to split up anymore. Besides, if those guys do survive, they will definitely be hunting around in search of us. Even though I am not afraid of them, it doesn't mean I'm not wary of their backgrounds. We will just have to stay low key and continue hunting for more beasts for the remaining two weeks period." Long Feng replied. 

Yan Jian nodded. "Where are we going to now? In case you don't know, we will soon leave the search range of the blue sky sect if we keep moving in this direction." 

Long Feng laughed. 

"The beasts in this region are too weak to satisfy us. I just had a breakthrough and I need some real powerful beasts to help consolidate my cultivation. We might not even have to really leave this blue sky sect's region." He paused to glance at Yan Jian with a playful grin. "What's wrong? Scared?" 

Yan Jian snorted. "what's there to be scared of? Just a few stronger beasts. I can also use them to train. Besides, I need to confirm how much stronger I have become." He clenched his left fist and hit it against his right palm.

The four of them headed deeper into the yin ghost forest. Of course that was relatively speaking, as they were still at the edge of the forest. Not to mention that with their current strength, they wouldn't reach anywhere near the depths of the forest and would die without even knowing how they died, they definitely wouldn't go even if they had a thousand times the courage.

Back at the ghost Python's pond, the pond was dyed red and the ghost Python's mutilated corpse floated above the pond. The surrounding trees were all either uprooted or destroyed completely. It was obvious that a huge battle took place here.

"The damn ghost Python is finally dead!" The earlier blue clothed youth supported himself using his spear as he panted. His clothed was in complete tatters and he had none of his earlier Noble disposition. A deep wound ran from his left shoulder to his waist. 

Looking around, only half of the competitors we're still alive. And they were all covered in varying degrees of injuries.

"That bastard Gu Yuan! I won't let him get away with this!" The blue clothed youth spoke with gritted teeth as he swallowed down a bottle of healing pills. He also felt curious about the other person who took the Yin essense purity flower with complete disregard for gu yuan. After all, the gu clan behind gu Yuan was not to be underestimated.