Chapter 153- Exposed!

Chapter 153

Some distance behind this group of Yin ghosts, Long Feng overheard the leader's words clearly. The leader's words verified Long Feng's doubt that the yin ghost forest was not as simple as it seemed, but also planted new seeds of doubts in his mind.

What seal is he talking about? Who is their master? Who are the monarchs they speak of?

Long Feng had nowhere to go and get answers to these questions. All he could do was to keep trailing after this group and he might find out more information.

But what shocked him the most was the fact that these spirit level yin ghosts were only servants to another. Who was strong enough to have spirit level yin ghosts as his underlings?

An imperial level yin ghost!

The mere thought left Long Feng sweating. An imperial level yin ghost could evaporate the current him with a single wave of the hand!

A more astounding matter was that the leader mentioned that their master was only a low grade soldier, whatever that meant. All Long Feng understood from that was that there were more powerful you ghosts above this group's master!

How strong exactly are the yin ghosts in this forest? And what is their origin? What secret is this damn place hiding?

Long Feng could only bury these questions deep in his mind presently. This matter obviously wasn't something a mere rank two yang level brat could interfere in. His priorities was to find his friends and leave this place safely.

 The other yin ghosts had expressions of shock, excitement and anticipation on their faces after hearing what the leader said. 

"Hahaha! Finally, the monarchs are getting serious about this issue! Once we break the seal and leave this forest, we will rule this land! Those humans of the four regions, we will crush them like the ants they are and turn this realm into our territory!" The yin ghosts began to laugh with intoxicated expressions, as though they could already see that scene occurring.

Another question popped up in Long Feng's mind, What four regions?

He remembered hearing something about four dynasties from Hua liuli which she mentioned by accident and refused to speak more on it. Could this four regions have anything to do with the four dynasties hua Liuli mentioned? 


The leader seemed to have anticipated their excitement. After giving them time to calm down, he added "Our current situation is delicate. The slightest mistake could lead to the failure of the plan and give the humans of the four regions a chance to attack us at our weakest moment. To avoid that, we must do our best to gather enough supplements for our masters. We will be rewarded sufficiently by the monarchs if the plan succeeds"

The yin ghosts behind him nodded repeatedly. In the following hour, the leader didn't speak anymore and the other yin ghosts kept laughing and shouting about how they would charge into the four regions and how many human wives and concubines they would have, or how they would receive rewards or the recognition of the monarchs and rise to the sky in a single leap, becoming high grade soldiers and even generals.

Long Feng almost fell asleep listening to them as they daydreamt. Sadly, he didn't get any of the information he needed or any clue on where Yan Jian and the others could be. He could only continue trailing the group patiently.

Two hours later, Long Feng suddenly felt that the yin energy had gotten even denser but on closer notice, the density remain unchanged. Frowning, he reenforced his concealment formation again just as a precaution.

A few minutes later, he stood rooted to the floor with a shocked expression on his face. His shock was understandable though, because a few hundred meters away from him was something of an ancient city on a large area devoid of trees. In the center of the clearing was a sizable palace made of yin sunken wood, a rather rare wood found only in lands with abundant yin energy like this forest. Around the palace were scattered constructions which resembled huts numbering almost a hundred. There were dozens of yin ghosts patrolling the area, with the weakest of them being peak yin level ghosts. Even spirit level ghosts were over ten! This lineup could leave all the forces of the Yihua continent in the dust and only the Yihua clan with it's thousand years heritage could barely match this lineup!

To think such a powerful army existed in the yin ghost forest! And the destination of the yin ghosts he was trailing behind was obviously this place!

Long feng frowned and the idea of retreating took root in his mind, but after some hesitation, he decided to move close enough. Nevertheless, he was fully prepared to run the moment the situation turned awry. With this thought, he inched closer to the territory of the yin ghosts and stopped when he was close enough to witness what was going on in the area.

The group he trailed behind got past the patrolling yin ghosts without issue. The leader seemed to have a high position as all the yin ghosts they came across gave way yo him respectfully. Soon, they walked into the area in front of the palace before they stopped. In front of Long Feng's shocked eyes, the spirit level yin ghosts, including the leader all bowed with their floating humanoid figures. He could already guess who was within the palace and the bowing yin ghosts proved his guess.

"Master, your humble servants are back with more supplements!" The leader shouted with reverence in his voice.

After a moment of silence, the wide palace doors slowly creaked open as a figure stepped out.

Before he even saw what the figure looked like, long feng felt his blood boil suddenly as his killing intent burst out from his body without his control. He felt as though there was a deep grievance and hatred between him and this figure just by sensing the figure's aura. There was something about the newly emerged person which made long feng loathe him and release his killing intent.

It wasn't just him. The other humans who had been captured all had the same feeling of hatred. The weaker ones at the first, second and third yin levels seemed to have lost control of themselves. Their eyes reddened and they leaped straight at the figure. Of course, they were easily suppressed by the yin ghosts around them.

The figure appeared fully and long feng finally saw what he looked like. He was a humanoid figure with his entire body intact, including his legs unlike the weaker yin ghosts. One would mistake him for a normal human if not for his frighteningly pale complexion. His skin was so pale that it seemed like he was transparent. Green veins were completely visible on him and his baleful aura made one to tremble. His eyes had a faint glint which made him look devilish. His hair was scattered across his shoulders and fingers looked like long claws of beasts.

 The most terrifying part was his aura which surpassed any spirit level aura. There was no doubt that he had transcended the spirit realm. This was an imperial realm yin ghost, a low grade yin soldier!

The pale complexioned man's lips curled up into a bone chilling smile when he senses the killing intent that exploded out before him. This happened often, anytime a human met them for the first time and all the yin ghosts were already used to it.

"Hm?" The pale complexioned man suddenly looked towards a different direction in surprise. He felt another killing intent from this direction and upon using his perception, he saw something interesting. 

"A lone human who is bold enough to dare to spy on my territory? Interesting!" His cold smile made those around him, humans and yin ghosts to feel chilly.

A few meters away, Long feng was still racking his brains trying to figure out why he and the other humans reacted the way they did when he suddenly felt a cold gaze on him which shook him to his core. His concealment formation existed only in name before this cold gaze.

Long Feng's expression changed as he realized that he had been exposed. 

"Shit!" He turned and wanted to flee immediately, but upon turning, he locked gazes with cold green eyes. A pale complexioned man with a middle aged face appeared before him like a ghost. 

Long feng froze on the spot knowing that this was the low grade yin soldier who just left the palace. Long feng never expected him to be so fast. After hesitating for a moment, he finally sighed and dispersed his inner energy which he had begun gathering. He knew that he wasn't this man's match even if he was to burn his entire life source and use his strongest skill. The man would probably need a single attack to end it all. In that case, there was no use resisting only to receive a beating which could cost his life.

The man stared at long feng with curious eyes reminiscent of a cat when looking at the last weak resistance of a dying rat.

He clearly sensed the inner energy which this human had gathered being dispersed which intrigued him. He was expecting the human to attack him with a foolish hope of getting a chance to escape. They always did. The humans were just that foolish. Nevertheless, it looked like this one was different.

"You are interesting." The pale complexioned man muttered. He wrapped long Feng with his aura and both of them vanished from the spot, reappearing in front of the wood palace a few dozen meters away. Long Feng could only sigh after witnessing the speed and might of an imperial level cultivation. It was overwhelming!