Chapter 155- Escape plan

Chapter 155

Long Feng fell silent for a moment after this revelation. Then he shrugged.

"We inadvertently got pulled into a battle between two hegemons." He glanced at hua Liuli and added. "You seem too calm. You are probably going to get eaten up, yet you are still in the mood to speak" He inquired.

Hua Liuli pouted a little. "What do you know? Since I don't have anyway to escape, then isn't it better to give up and spare myself some troubles? But now that you are here, you can take me away from here right?" Saying this, she stared at him with twinkling eyes.

Long Feng scratched his neck. "Actually, about that, I was also captured, so for the meantime, I have no choice than to sit and probably wait for an opportunity to run"

"I should have known. We have no chance of getting away from an imperial level bastard. Trust me, I know that from experience." Hua Liuli giggled.

"Let's wait and see for now" Long Feng said. "About the four regions, how powerful are the Juniors there compared to the strongest geniuses of the continents?" He asked.

Hua Liuli frowned in thought and hesitated slightly before replying. "How do I put it… each of the four regions have a genius ranking of all the top thousand geniuses in each region. The weakest and lowest ranked of these geniuses can destroy low ranking continents like the Yihua continent with a single palm. Middle ranking continents can also be destroyed just as easily. Only the strongest continents can barely resist.

That is only barely."

Long Feng stared at her wide eyed.

"How is that even possible?" No one would easily believe it if they heard this and some would think that it was merely stories for kids. How could a single Junior have the strength to suppress even the peak continents? No matter how one saw it, it was simply myths.

"It might sound impossible but it is the truth." Hua Liuli smiled bitterly. "Compared to the Juniors of the four regions, we from the continent zones are simply frogs in a well."

Long Feng took a while to digest this information before asking something that he was really curious about. "What are the cultivation realms above the imperial realm?"

Hua Liuli shook her head. "I don't know. It has been hundreds of years since anyone above the imperial level has appeared in the Yihua continent that those realms are now vague to us." She paused and looked upward. "My greatest wish is to leave this backwater land and head to the four regions, specifically the northern region. I want to explore the higher martial path, and tour the world freely. Ha! The world really isn't fair at all."

Long Feng smiled. "Don't belittle yourself. You can definitely do that. Besides, having a lower starting point does not mean you are any less talented than them. If anything, it makes you stronger and more decisive than them. One day, we will leave the continent zones and tour the world. All we need is more time"

He felt his blood boiling at the mere thought of the countless geniuses and opportunities in the four regions.

At this moment, the doors of the building flung open. Dozens of yin ghosts walked in, lead by the yin soldier at the imperial level. His aura was as deep as a well and he emitted pressure from the slightest movement he made, giving those around him an oppressive feeling.

Long Feng frowned as he felt his killing intent spiraling out of control again after seeing this pale yin soldier. Not only him, every human in the building was emitting their killing intent uncontrollably.

The yin soldier glanced over all of them with an eerie smile.

"These ones will be enough for a while. Start searching for more." He ordered. "Three spirit level humans, twenty one at the Yang level and almost hundred below the Yang level. Good. Now, who do we start with?" He stepped forward slowly and stretched out his thin hands. Two men at the peak yin level were suddenly pulled towards him with no hope of resisting.

He grabbed the two by their necks and lifted them up.

"You should be grateful, that your worthless lives are going to help me in ascending to a higher level."

He suddenly began to emitting a ghastly aura which surrounded the two men in his grasp.

Their cultivations began to drop inexplicably from the peak yin level. In matter of  breaths, their realms had fallen back to the connate level and was still falling!

Watching this scene, everyone in the building felt their hairs rising with fear.

The two unlucky fellows had looks of despair on their faces as they could only watch as their cultivation vanished completely. But that wasn't the end. Their life sources also began to vanished after their cultivation was absorbed completely. Their skin became wrinkled in a few breaths and soon, all that was left of them were two dried up corpses with no sign of life.

The Yin soldier threw the corpses away and closed his eyes, licking his lips. "Humans are still the best supplements!" He muttered with bliss on his face.

By now, all humans in the building were completely terrified. The scene was simply too gruesome.

"Who's next?" This time, he pulled over a youth and a lady at the rank five and seventh yin level respectively.

After being captured by him, one didn't even have the chance to scream before they were reduced to dried corpses.

Corpses began to pile up in a corner and the number of connate and yin level cultivators rapidly diminished. Soon, only half of them were left and they were all sitting in trepidation, wondering if they were next.

He seemed to be leaving those at the Yang level and the spirit level for the last.

"Brother Long Feng, Liuli is scared!" Hua Liuli sat so close to Long Feng that it looked like she wanted to pass through him. This was her first time seeing so many corpses and she naturally felt terrified. Before this, she had never even killed someone before! This place was no better than hell to her.

Long Feng couldn't speak. He couldn't tell her to calm down because she was right to be frightened. Even he felt a chill in his spine at the ruthlessness of this yin soldier.

As everyone was shivering in fear, a couple of yin ghosts floated into the building hurriedly.

"Master…!" They bowed.

"What is it?" The yin soldier asked indifferently.

"A huge battle is taking place at soldier nu ya's territory and all the soldiers in this area are rushing over to the place. According to a reliable source, a human deity was found and is currently battling nu ya and some other peak soldiers." The yin ghosts reported.

"A deity? Are you sure?" The yin soldier paused as shock appeared on his face.

"These subordinates are sure, master!"

"Good! Good!!. You have done well. I will definitely reward you when I return." The yin soldier was so excited that he even forgot about the humans in the building and charged out directly, vanishing into the air. Compared to the gains he would get from absorbing the essense of a human deity, those humans in the building were not even worth mentioning.

Even the yin ghosts were startled by their master's sudden disappearance before they quickly gathered and sealed off the entrance of the building to prevent the humans from using this chance to escape. Even though their master left abruptly, that didn't mean he didn't want these weak humans again, after all, a mosquito's meat is still meat.

Long Feng's eyes twinkled as he observed the Yin ghosts.

This is our chance!,

He thought as a plan began to form in his mind. He was also curious as to who or what level was the so called human deity for so many yin soldiers to be attracted. Could it be the realm above the imperial realm?

Only four spirit level yin ghosts are here. The rest followed the Yin soldier!

He observed. This was undoubtedly a good news to them. All he needed to do was to act on his plan and they might be able to escape.

He turned around and glanced at three people at a corner; two old men and a very young lady. They were all emitting the auras of spirit level masters!

The young lady especially, was probably only about nineteen or twenty years at most but from her aura, she was a rank six spirit level master, stronger than the other two old men. She was probably a genius from a peak continent and she could even be from a random place in the four regions.

If Long Feng could get them to work together, then escaping from here would be a piece of cake.

The spirit level masters seemed to have already thought of that, after all, they were not fools. The two men approached the young lady and discussed in low tones.

Their movements didn't escape the detection of the yin ghosts who instantly became cautious.

A few minutes later, Long Feng suddenly heard a voice in his mind.

"Everyone, let's work together and break out of this place before the imperial level yin ghost return. Us at the spirit level will hold back the yin ghosts at the spirit level while you all keep off the rest and charge out with us!"

Astounded, Long Feng looked around for the source of the voice in his head.

"Don't bother looking. It's one of those two old men at the spirit level. Spirit realm masters have formed their spirit cores and have far greater control over energy than others. They can transmit their voice directly into our minds without speaking out loud." Beside him, hua Liuli spoke.

Long Feng nodded. It looked like it was not just him. Everyone here had received that message in their heads.