Chapter 158- Bo Chun

Chapter 158

After a moment of silence, the other old man spoke,

"Anyone who wants to join this old master should come behind me."

Many cultivators hesitated for a moment as their gaze moved between the three masters, before almost half of the dozens of surviving cultivators walked over to the side of this old man.

The man stroked his beard and nodded faintly.

The other old man also cleared his throat and spoke, "if you trust this old man, then come along with me."

This time, there was no hesitation as the remaining people flocked over to the side of this second man, leaving only seven others standing; five males and two females.

"Good. Since you all believe in this old me, then this old me will not let you down and will lead you to safety." The second old man nodded with appreciation.

Long Feng was among the seven others who didn't move and Hua Liuli naturally remained with him. He frowned upon seeing the current situation. He could understand that the group was to be broken into three so as to reduce the risk of being recaptured, but this was too much.

Everyone else had gone to the sides of the two old spirit level masters, but as for the other young lady, only seven people remained on her side.

He could guess why though. This was the yin ghosts forest, where out of ten people, only one might survive. Not to mention that they were currently trapped in the center of the forest. Out of a hundred imperial level masters, perhaps all of them would perish here. These people naturally wanted to follow behind a strong master who could possibly protect them to some extent.

The young lady surnamed Lan currently wasn't in an encouraging situation. She was severely injured in the previous battle after fighting two spirit rank Yin ghosts and had her injuries worsened by the final counterattack and explosion of the spirit level yin ghost. She was currently only able to unleash the strength of a rank three or four spirit level cultivator. It was obvious from her fluctuating aura.

In her current state, any of these two old men could easily defeat her, not to mention other unfathomable existences within the forest. Forget protecting a group of people, she was unable to protect herself!

In this circumstance, those two old men were far more reliable. Even though being among a large group of people like this would make then to be a pretty conspicuous target for the yin ghosts, it was better than risking their lives with a weaker person.

Even these seven people who remained, they mainly didn't join the other two groups because they were afraid that their group would be hunted down by the yin soldier. In this case, being part of a smaller group was safer, though the risk of death was far higher.

The young lady hesitated slightly before speaking. "You can come with me if you wish".

Personally, she preferred to be alone and not part of a group, especially when everyone else would be relying on her to protect them. If she was alone, she could use some secret formations given to her by her seniors in the clan before she left. She would use the formations to conceal herself and wait for the masters of the four regions to arrive which would be in a few days at most.

But now, she could only accept these seven people.

There not too much. Hopefully, they shouldn't be too much of a burden.

The seven people slowly walked over and stood behind the lady. Long Feng also stood behind her. In his opinion, joining a large group in such a dangerous place like the yin ghost forest was simply the recipe for seeking disaster. They would be an obvious target and would easily be spotted and hunted down by a powerful Yin ghost.

Joining this team of seven was less dangerous to him. It would make them seem less conspicuous and would attract less dangers.

Anyways, his current priorities was to find Yan Jian and Li Yue'er before it was too late. As long as they were together again, finding a way out of here would be possible.

Therefore, as long as he got the chance, he would sneak away with hua Liuli and go to find the other two. This team was only a stop point for the meantime. He wouldn't risk moving alone with hua Liuli and end up running into another you soldier. Even an ordinary spirit level yin ghost could easily subdue them.

"Alright, miss Lan, it was a pleasure meeting you. I hope we all meet outside this cursed land again." The first old man cupped his fist at the young lady and left with his group in tow.

"Till we meet again miss Lan. It shouldn't be hard for miss to stay safe is you find a relatively safe place and hide away with your team for the next few days. The arrival of the four region's masters would definitely cause a stir in the forest and you should then be safe to reveal yourself. This old me is planning on doing the same." The other old man also cupped his fist and advised.

"Hmm. Thank you" The young lady nodded and sent off the man with a faint smile.

"Let's go". After the two groups had vanished from sight in two different directions, the lady turned around and walked in a third direction away from the other two and definitely away from the Yin ghost zone they just escaped from.

The seven people with different age and cultivation slowly trudged along behind her with absolute caution.

The lady didn't speak at all on the way. She didn't even turn around even once. Her cold air and powerful aura deterred anyone among the seven behind her to speak to her.

Nevertheless, that didn't mean they couldn't speak among themselves.

"This brother here, I'm Bo Chun from the southern region."

Long Feng turned around and noticed that the person speaking was a youth with a fifth yang level cultivation. His cultivation was among the highest in this group as the strongest person other than the lady surnamed Lan, was a rank seven yang cultivator. He was the twenty years old youth who killed as much Yin ghosts as the peak yang cultivators during the previous battle. His combat power could be considered equal to the weakest rank nine yang level cultivator. Long Feng had some impression of this youth as his strength was also not to be underestimated. It was a surprise that he also joined this team.

As for this youth called Bo chun who was standing before him, long feng had little impression of him.

"Long Feng." He paused for a moment and looked at this youth with some surprise. "You come from the southern region?"

The youth smiled and nodded. "I come from a humble fifth grade sect in the south region. It looks like brother Feng comes from the continent zones?"

"That's right. Yihua continent." Long Feng replied. "You spoke of a fourth grade sect? Are the forces of the four regions classified?"

Bo Chun gave him a weird glance. "I thought you should know that. All the clans and sects in the four regions are classified based on the strength of the force and it's heritage. The higher the grade of a force, the stronger it is."

Long Feng nodded in understanding. He should have guessed this. Even the

Forces of the Yihua continent we're divided into a hierarchy with the Yihua clan being at the top of this hierarchy. It should be the same for the four regions

"Then that means the four dynasties are…" He asked, although he already knew the answer in his mind.

As expected, Bo Chun replied with respect in his voice. "First grade forces. The four dynasties are the strongest forces in the four regions. No other force can stand on equal grounds with them."

"How powerful are these forces? I mean, what level of power would a force have to acquire to reach these grades? And what is the lowest grade? How strong exactly are the Juniors of the four dynasties?" Long Feng asked. It was not easy to find someone who could answer his questions regarding the four regions. In fact, he had never spoken to someone from the four regions at all. This was the first time. He naturally wouldn't let go of this chance.

Bo Chun frowned. He was truthfully uninterested in this conversation. The reason he approached Long Feng was because he assumed that with Long Feng's cultivation and young age, he should be from the four regions like him. Then they could exchange pointers and discuss many things.

Although he was from a fifth grade sect, in truth, he was only an unremarkable outer sect disciple. He wasn't worth anything compared to other Juniors even in the outer court and inner sect disciples were unreachable existences to him, anyone of them could defeat him with a single palm. And as for the core disciples of the sect, they were like elders of the sects to him. Each core disciples had cultivation above the imperial realm! What was his meagre spirit level cultivation before such masters?

As for the geniuses of fourth, third and even higher second grade sects, they were simply legends, what more the first grade four dynasties? And yet this guy was ignorantly asking about these taboo existences? Was he sick in the head or was this how all the trash from the continent zones act?

Even then, he had an inborn sense of superiority to those so called Juniors of the backwater continent zones. Upon learning that Long Feng was from the continent zones, he completely lost interest in speaking to him and only continued to answer him out of courtesy. Now, he was getting fed up.

"The existences of the four regions aren't something you can fathom or ever compare to. Let's all stay in our boundaries." Bo Chun replied with a slight sharp edge in his tone.


Author: Two more chapters incoming tonight. I will try to post them all at once. Tnxs for reading and voting