Chapter 161- I'm hungry

Chapter 161

A shocked silence ensued for a moment. No one expected her to say this and they were all taken aback.

"What?" The first person to react was a mature youth with a scholarly aura from a mid class continent. His cultivation was at the rank five yang level, which was quite impressive for his age.

"How can miss Lan say this? It will be safer for all of us if we remain together as a team. That way, we can look out for each other." A middle aged man said.

"Miss Lan must be joking. You are currently badly injured. If we stick together, we can even protect you while you heal faster." The other female in the team also spoke up with an enchanting smile. She looked mature, probably above twenty years old and has a wild beauty. One would think she was the empress of a mortal kingdom if it wasn't for her rank six yang level cultivation.

The lady surnamed Lan looked at them with indifferent eyes, "You can all remain as a team. I'm not joining you."

"You… you are being unreasonable. If we stay together, we are that much safer. But if we split up… I really shouldn't have joined this group" The middle aged man sighed.

The lady surnamed Lan ignored them and simply closed her eyes in meditation.

After seeing her blatant disregard of them, the speaker's faces turned sour. Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do to her even with their higher numbers. The gulf separating the yang and spirit level wasn't something they could cross with numbers, especially not for a talented person like the lady.

The strongest youth in the group gave the lady a curious glance before he stood up and walked away without looking back.

It was obviously unrealistic to form a team among themselves without a powerful spirit level master leading them. It was better to be alone in that case.

"Let's get going. Time to go find the other two." Long Feng calmly said to Hua Liuli and stood up, ready to leave.

He was the most unbothered over the lady's decision to split the team. In fact, he was already planning on how to abandon the group and leave. Her decision only made things easier for him.

Hua Liuli jumped up excitedly. "I wonder how big sister yue'er is doing? And brother Yan jian, is he still alive or has be already been eaten up?"

Long Feng staggered after hearing her words and he rolled his eyes at her. "You don't seem to like Yan jian do you? Do you have a grudge against him?"

"Nope. I just wonder if he will still be alive considering his extreme foolishness"

Long Feng chuckled softly, but he was also feeling worried. Most importantly, he didn't know just where to start searching from. He couldn't possibly go from one Yin ghosts territory to another asking them if they had seen his two friends, or sneaking into the prison to see for himself of they were there. He wouldn't even know how he died in that case.

"Come on. Let's go" the two of them also walked away under the scrutinization of the other people seated with ugly expressions.

"Ridiculous! A mere rank two yang cultivator and rank five yang girl are planning on travelling through the yin ghost forest's depths on their own? Truly, the young have no fear. Since when has the yin ghost forest become a stroll floor?" Someone sneered.

"What is wrong with this brat? Does he knows what he is doing?" Bo Chun who was seated cross legged looked up with a frown as he looked at Long Feng's fading back.


"Brother Long Feng, where do we head to now?" Hua Liuli leapt onto a tree branch and crouched down while looking down behind her.

On the floor, Long Feng slowly strolled forward, occasionally releasing his soul power to scout out the surroundings for danger.

It has been two days since they left the group and they had been moving around randomly without any direction.

Luckily, both Long Feng and Hua Liuli we're soul cultivators with decent attainment in the soul path. They were able to sense dangers ahead of time and change direction.

Of course, these dangers were limited to wild beasts. The soul power wasn't really effective on powerful beasts though. Their soul powers had once been detected by an earth shattering ape at the peak yang level and were chased for a few hours by it. They were only able to escape because the app was not good at speed at all.

Now, they were completely lost with no idea of where they were going.

"I'm not sure. Let's keep going deeper into the forest." Long Feng smiled helplessly. He didn't expect this situation at all.

Hua Liuli pouted. "Brother Long Feng, I'm hungry."

Long Feng didn't know what to say at this point. Not to mention, even he was starving. Although Martial cultivators had less need for food than ordinary mortals, they were still humans, and needed to eat at least once a day. Even spirit level masters and imperial level masters would feel hungry after a day or two without eating. Only those masters in the deity realm and above could possibly survive for a while without eating by relying on their powerful energies.

"We should have brought more food if we had known that this would happen. Damn the Blue sky sect and their mystic realm." Long Feng said bitterly. If he had an idea that the spot competition for the clear sky realm would end up as such a calamity, he definitely wouldn't have come even if he had ten more guts.

"I don't care. Liuli wants to eat!" Hua Liuli sat down on the tree branch which she crouched on. "Or I won't move a single foot forward!"

"You can't be serious. This place is too dangerous. You can't sit here. Come on, let's keep going" Long Feng immediately replied seriously.

"Hmph. We either go get something to eat or you go and leave me here!"

Long Feng frowned and looked around at all the dead trees filled with ghost energy.

"Can any fruit even exist in this dead forest? I'm having a headache already" he turned back to hua Liuli who had made herself comfortable on the tree branch.

"Alright, let's look around for anything we can eat"

Hua Liuli immediately smiled and leapt down from the tree branch.

"Let's hurry up!"

Before he could react, she had already rushed away.

"Why in the world did I meet her before the others?" He could only shake his head and rush after her.

Three hours later, both of them had searched a few miles around with their only result being chased by a pack of wolves for an hour. As for a fruit or any thing edible at all, there was nothing in sight.

"This forest is simply a cursed land!" Hua Liuli sighed as she sat underneath a tree.

"You just noticed that?" Long Feng also slumped down and sighed.

"It's been a few days now. I'm definitely sure that Yan jian has been eaten up. But big sister Li Yue'er should be fine" Hua Liuli sighed.

"The forest is so large that we haven't even run into another yin ghost territory after running around for three days! How are we even going to find Yan jian and Li Yue'er if we ourselves are lost?" Long Feng murmured.

"Brother Long Feng, the yin energy storm only sweeps us deep into the forest. The weaker you are, the lower your resistance against the energy storm and therefore, the deeper you get swept in." Hua Liuli suddenly remembered something as she spoke.

Long Feng quickly sat up. "That means the stronger you are, the greater your resistance which means you won't be swept too deep in!"

Hua Liuli nodded. "it's quite easy to guess actually"

"Then Yan jian and Li Yue'er were swept in the same direction as us, but they are weaker so they got swept deeper than us!"

Hua Liuli nodded again.

"All this while, we were searching the wrong area. We should have headed deeper into the forest. Yan jian and Li Yue'er are almost equally strong and so they should be in the same area. All we needed to do was to check the nearest yin ghost territories. Even if they are not in the same territory, they should still be in this part of the forest." Long Feng slapped his forehead. He should have thought of this before. Now, they had to hasten their pace and go deeper into the forest without changing direction, and if possible, return to the Yin soldier's territory where they were captured.

"You mean, only big sister Li Yue'er. Brother Yan jian is a lost cause" Hua Liuli interrupted.

Long Feng glanced at her and stood up. "Let's get going before it's too late." He saw that hua Liuli made no effort to get up so he added "and we'll try to hunt one or two wild beasts on the way. If they are not poisonous, we'll roast them and eat"

Hua Liuli jumped to her feet with a wide smile. "Why didn't you say so? Let's go" and she again rushed away without waiting.

Long Feng felt his lips twitching as he watched her.


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One or Two chapters everyday is my new update schedule.