Chapter 165- Hard choices

Chapter 165

Long Feng felt complex emotions at this moment and he didn't even know what exactly it was that he felt.

On one hand, he was very happy to know that Yan jian and Li Yue'er were safe before his eyes.

On the other hand, he was quite frustrated to see them here in this peak imperial level yin soldier's territory. There was nothing he could do to save them from this situation. In fact, even he himself was at the risk of being killed at any moment.

"Brother Long Feng, it's brother Yan jian and big sister Li Yue'er..." Hua Liuli said gently in a flustered tone.

This reunion was undoubtedly the worst they could ever wish for. While they hid and thought of what to do in this hopeless situation, the yin soldier looked over the human prisoners and gave off an overbearing aura. Many humans immediately spat blood under the pressure of the aura.

"This is the final set of supplements I can get before I must leave for the ghost source land as the monarchs ordered. I only have a day left, so let's make it memorable." The yin soldier laughed, feeling satisfied with these prisoners.

Among them, there were actually over ten humans who were at the spirit realm! Two of them were even at the peak of the spirit realm. Alas, in front of a peak imperial master, they were no different from weak babies.

"Separate the men from the ladies." The yin soldier ordered.

The yin ghosts behind him immediately set to work and did as he said. In a few breaths, the over two hundred humans were grouped into two based on their genders.

The ladies numbered slightly over fifty while the males were almost a hundred and fifty in numbers.

Looking over the two groups, the yin soldier nodded. "I am different from the others. I respect the ladies and so, I don't like using the cruel method of forcefully stripping you off your cultivation and life sources. That is only a method I reserve for the men." He looked at the group of men with a light smile.

"As for the ladies, well, I get a nice and quiet hall were we all have a wonderful night where I take your yin essense and your blood essense while you die peacefully. I call that, respect" he looked at the group of females with a gentle smile and an obscene glint flashed in his eyes.

Everyone shivered slightly after being looked at by those cold eyes.

"And I can see that there are some particularly extraordinary beauties here." As he spoke, he vanished suddenly and appeared right in front of a young girl like he had teleported to her side.

The girl has a curvy figure and a pretty face. But what really attracted one to her was her extreme cuteness coupled with her pure aura which made one have the urge to either protect her or break her. Long Feng thought that the girl was very similar in temperament to Hua Liuli especially those large puffy eyes, only that she was older.

The seventeen year old girl was completely suppressed by the yin soldier's overwhelming aura and she could only watch as he stroke her chin.

"You are so cute and innocent. I almost feel like letting you go you know"

He vanished again and appeared in front of someone else. This time, a very beautiful young lady with an extremely curvy figure which made one to sigh. She had a sharp determined expression on her face which made her seem like she could do anything, and it actually turned out that way.

The moment he approached her, the lady clenched her teeth and suddenly released her aura which was impressively at the rank four spirit level.

One would think she wanted to attack the yin soldier, but the truth was that she didn't do that at all. Instead, she forcefully severed her heart veins by herself, ending her life on the spot. But she actually had a faint smile on her face, a smile which symbolised her freedom.

This scene caused everyone to freeze, even the Yin soldier whose hand was just stretched out to stroke the lady's cheek. Then his expression became gloomy.

He was completely capable of stopping the lady from committing suicide with the large disparity in strength between them. He could simply appear right in front of her and seal her inner energy before she could even react, but the thing was that he wasn't prepared in anyway for her sudden action. He had imagined many scenarios when she released her aura, including her attaching him desperately or trying to escape but didn't expect that she would be determined enough to end her own life.

Looking at her corpse, he felt a deep sense of humiliation.

"Throw the corpse into the source land and leave her to rot for a hundred years!" He ordered coldly as he looked at the remaining humans, the warning in his eyes very obvious and intimidating. Now that he was prepared, no one here could successfully commit suicide again, which everyone was actually beginning to consider!

The lady's corpse was quickly carried away by the yin ghosts.

The Yin soldier's expression slowly eased up and a faint smile reappeared on his face. "Sorry for the commotion just now. It was just a slight miscalculation on my part. I should have expected that to happen, considering the stubbornness and foolishness of you humans."

"Now, where were we?" Looking over the group again, his eyes landed on a particular figure among the ladies. He once again vanished and appeared before this figure in a flash.

Long Feng's pupils immediately shrank after seeing who the Yin soldier was targeting.

"Big sister Li Yue'er..." Hua Liuli also clenched her fist desperately.

The yin soldier appeared right before Li Yue'er and sized her up with his eyes.

Li Yue'er's expression remained unchanged under her veil as she circulated her inner energy as silently as she could. Unfortunately, she couldn't hide her movements from the Yin soldier and was immediately discovered.

His expression instantly changed as he stretched out his palm. "Nice try. You think the same trick will work on this king twice?"

His palm landed on Li Yue'er's forehead, releasing a powerful strand of his aura which completely sealed up her inner energy.

It turned out that she was actually planning to do the same as the other lady did; to sever her heart veins. Unfortunately, the yin soldier was on guard this time and he immediately restricted her, after which he scanned through her with his perception.

"You have an unusually vibrant vitality and life source. Your yin essense is also very vibrant. But all of this vitality is being devoured by something. If this continues, your life source will completely diminish in a year at most." He gave her an interesting look as he spoke.

Then his eyes landed on her veil. "I want to see what exactly you are hiding beneath this veil..." he slowly reached out and ripped the veil right off her face, revealing a stunningly beautiful face which shone like the moon in a dark night. Every other female beside this face seemed to dull, becoming ordinary regardless of their looks or background.

Even the men who were soon to have their cultivation and life sources absorbed were completely entranced by this otherworldly beauty.

Everything was perfect, the almond shaped eyes and ink like pupils, flawlessly white and smooth Jade like skin, red lips...everything was like a god's personal artwork. Only one word came to everyone's mind; Absolute Perfection!

"Woa! Big sister Li Yue'er is actually so pretty?" Hua Liuli's mouth fell open, forgetting the current situation. She unconsciously compared her own beauty and could only shake her head at her inferiority.

Long Feng was a lot more restrained. He was equally entranced when he first saw her face back at the mortal heaven sect. But in this case, he could only restrain himself and think of ways to rescue her.

"Impressive! I didn't expect to find a treasure like you among these humans. Truly, humans are one of the most beautiful races. I think killing you will be a pity. I will spare your life and your cultivation and in return, you serve me faithfully. I won't mistreat you as long as you remain loyal and do my every bidding. What do you think, lady?" The yin soldier also quickly restrained himself. Even then, he couldn't help but fall into a trance whenever he looked at her face. It took all his will power to resist. He spoke this condition which in his opinion was the best opportunity for her to keep her life. She would probably jump straight into his arms, but reality was quite harsh...

Li Yue'er gave him a cold glare filled with icy killing intent and spoke slowly, her voice spreading to everyone's ears. "Go to hell. I'd rather die!"

The yin soldier was quite startled by her reply, but he surprisingly didn't get angry. "Very good. If you won't submit to me on your own, then I will have to force you to. I will brutally cripple your pride. Let's see for how long you can act so arrogantly later at night." He smiled lewdly and left her side.

Looking at the group of men, he couldn't wait to deal with them all and get a quiet room, only him and this beauty.

"Alright, let's begin with the weaker ones don't you think?" He smiled and stretched out both his arms.



Two youths at the rank six and seven yin level felt his aura cover them and they immediately shouted in despair. They were definitely the weakest ones among the group of men here. Their energies began to leave their bodies, visibly flowing into the Yin soldier's body. After their cultivation had vanished, their blood essense and life sources also began to glow out until they were nothing but dried up corpses with everything sucked cleanly from them.

After them, two more youths were killed in the same way.

Even after seeing this scene before, Long Feng still felt a chill in his spine after seeing it again. This...was simply too brutal!

"Brother Long Feng, brother Yan jian is..." Hua Liuli spoke nervously.

Long Feng nodded gravely. "I know"

Yan jian was only at the rank eight yin realm and was among the weakest in the group. Judging by the speed in which the yin soldier was killing the youths, Yan jian's turn was close.

"What should we do?" Hua Liuli began to panic.

Long Feng closed his eyes and took a deep breath. When he opened his eyes again, they were clear, filled with a strong determination.

"Liuli, I have a plan."

Hua Liuli gave him a panicked glance. "Don't be rash brother Long Feng. Of you go out there, you will be killed immediately!"

"I know, but we can't sit by and watch them die. I won't be able to forgive myself and my martial path will end" he replied calmly.

"What is the plan?" Hua Liuli asked nervously.

"I have a skill. If I can use this skill, I should be able to draw the attention of the Yin soldier for a split second. I am confident that I can save them and send you all away in that time frame" he explained. The skill he was referring to was naturally the third wave of the three wave demon annihilation skill, demonic annihilation. After he reached the Yang level, he was able to use the forest wave freely without receiving a backlash, and he could exhaust his energy to barely use the second wave. As for the third wave, even if he could unleash it, the cost would definitely be too high, not something he could endure, so he never even considered it. But now, it turned out to be his only chance to survive a single confrontation.


Good morning everyone. Here's the first chapter of the day. I guess the regressing cultivation part will be in the next chapter.