Last Minute Preparing

Jennifer brought some ingredients to a table in front of the rest of the alchemists and quickly created the potion within 5 minutes.

The speed of making the potion was a big point in her favor, since the other alchemist was still in the back working on his after a couple of hours. If her potion worked, it would be clear that the alchemist in the back was wasting time and didn't really know how to make the potion.

I leaned in closer to look at the light green liquid in a small vial. "How does it work? Do we need the parents to be here as well to confirm its accuracy?"

Jenifer explained, "when someone drinks the potion, two balls of light will be created that will shoot towards their mother and father and disappear once it hits them. We would need both parents to be here to have a super accurate test, but at last Wayne and Gil work here together, so we can have a preliminary test."

Two men stepped up, it was obvious from their looks that they were father and son. The older man just had more wrinkles than his son.

Jennifer handed the potion to the young man, "okay Gil, please drink this and see what happens."

Gil drank the potion and one of the light balls that was created instantly hit Wayne in the chest and disappeared. The other light ball went right through the wall of the lab before we had the time to follow it.

Wayne nodded, "the other ball did go in the direction of our house, so the potion most likely works like the girl said."

Jennifer added, "I can give my Lord another potion and you can use it on yourself when you return home. The two light balls will go to the location where the former Duke and Duchess are buried…"

I shook my head, "I already believe that the potion works as you say. I am going to order a lot soon so we can have supplies when they are needed in the future. How much do the ingredients cost to make one potion?"

Jennifer smiled, "only 2 copper coins, I wanted to make it as cheap as possible, so even kids at the orphanage could use it."

"That's great news! In that case, I'll make sure to supply a potion to any child in an orphanage that wants to use one."

An alchemist on the side grumbled after seeing my enthusiasm, "if she had the photographic memory potion, she just needed to look at the recipe that the original creator made once and she could pass it off like she was the one to make it…"

I wanted to refute the alchemist who was complaining, but his logic wasn't totally unfounded. It would be a lot easier to fake being the creator if you saw the recipe once and had photographic memory.

As a hesitated for a moment to respond, Becca jumped in by laughing. "Have any of you seen the original recipe for this potion?"

The whole group of alchemist looked

at each other curiously, but no one spoke up. It seemed clear that none of them had actually seen the original recipe, which proved none of them could be the original creator.

Becca then revealed, "the original recipe only has vague amounts, so even if you memorized the recipe, it will take a few attempts to get the right ingredient ratio. That is why the alchemist in the back is taking so long. He found the recipe, but needs to figure out the actual ratio."

The group of alchemists seemed to accept this explaination and nodded their heads in silence.

I was glad that no one was trying to fight back now. "So, will you all agree to have Jennifer be the potion vision coordinator? We can still research some potions about battle, but we need to focus on potions that can improve the standard of living for all the people in the Duchy."

The group of alchemists did not want to loss their comfortable high paying jobs. They all agreed, "yes, My Lord, we will make sure to expand our scope to help improve people's everyday lives."

I smiled, "good, I'm glad you all could see it my way. Now, time to deal with the rat in the back."

My face suddenly turned cold and I entered the back room of the laboratory. The place was a mess with papers and alchemy ingredients everywhere. Once the alchemist saw me, he jumped up and asked, "what are you doing here, my Lord? I still need some time to finish up the potion for you…"

I wasn't going to play along, "we all learned the truth from Jennifer. You can no longer work for our alchemy team, pack up your things and leave immediately."

The color from his face drained instanstly. He screamed, "Don't listen to that bitch! She set me up!"

I clenched my fist and let a little electricity flow. "We have already confirmed the truth without a doubt. Leave now or I'll personally kick you out."

He quickly grabbed his things and ran out the room. Afterwards, we took a handful of photographic memory potions and paternity test potions from Jennifer and returned home.

I made sure to let Paul know that he needed to compensate Jennifer fairly for all her contributions. Then I handed over the paternity test potions to James to help him finalize the wording of our new laws.

James was delighted when he heard the news and let me know that our laws should be ready to present to the noble counsel in a few weeks once we increased the publicity.

His words reminded me that I needed to get with Tanya and her husband to see if we could successfully set up a newspaper to help the approval rate of our new laws.

He also explained that talking about our new laws during the wedding banquet would not be a great idea because announcing it in a big group like that would be harder to control the people opposed to it instead of starting with smaller gatherings.

The rest of the week, I spent my free time taking photographic memory potions to study and be as ready as possible for our wedding banquet on Saturday.

Sadly, it didn't help me be better at ballroom dancing since that skill was more about experience than memorizing the moves.

However, the night before our wedding banquet, I felt confident that I did enough to make the event memorable for Becca.