I can't do this:

Time skips:

Queen pov:

I m in my way to corridor then my eyes fell on Elezabeth's and Alen where are they going? I start following them then they both went in Alen's room I peeked inside and for my shook Elizabeth is sitting on Alen's lap I got shocked then I hear some foot steps I immediately hide somewhere then I see Sofia also went in and after sometime she is back outside I went Infront her and say

Queen: So you also know about their relationship

Sofia pov:

I go in Prince Alen room cuz Elizabeth wants me to give her some soup but when I went out Queen is standing in front of me and say

Queen: So you know about their relationship

Sofia: your highness I...

Queen: follow me

Sofia: ok

Time skips:

At Queens room:

Sofia pov:

She took me in her room and order me to sit on floor I did what she says

Queen: So you know about them?

Sofia: yess your highness

Queen: I think you miss your boyfriend

Sofia pov:

When she admits boyfriend I am shocked

Queen: I can set him free then I also allow you both to get married

Sofia: How your highness

Queen: I just want a little favor

Sofia: What is it my Queen

Queen: Just give some prof that they both are in relationship to king and I promise I will set free your boyfriend

Sofia: But..

Queen: And if you don't do what I say then you will found your boyfriend dead in Prison

Sofia: please don't my queen I will do it

Queen: good girl now go

Time skip:

Sofia pov:

I am sitting near royal pool side there is no one cuz it's night I am confused what should I do now I love Adem( Sofia's boyfriend) and Elizabeth is my friend she always considered me as her friend I can't do this but if I don't do this then she will kill Adem

Sofia: urghhh Ooo God help me

Time skips :

Next morning:

Elizabeth's room:

Elizabeth is talking with Sofia and Sofia is totally zoomed out

Elizabeth: uhmmm uhmmm Sofia ( she moves her hand infront of his face)

Sofia: umm yes yes

Elizabeth: where are you lost?

Sofia: nowhere what are you telling me

Elizabeth: nothing lets go to garden area I want some fresh air

Sofia in her mind:

no I can't do this what should I do know did I tell her no no I can't tell her

Elizabeth: come on

Sofia: coming coming

At Garden:

Elizabeth: Sofia look at this butterfly who beautiful she is

Sofia: yes it is

Alen pov:

I m walking near royal court then I decided to go to garden then my eyes fell on Elezabeth she is playing with butterflies I can't explain it on words that how beautiful is she she has everything that made a man goes in his knees

then I went near her and hug her from behind there is no one aspect me Elizabeth and Sofia

Elizabeth: you are here

Alen: yess your fragrance took me here

Elizabeth: Ooo someone is flirting

Alen: A little bit

Sofia pov:

I am watching them but deep down I feel guilty because they trust me and I am gonna betrayed them I m dying inside

Time skips:

At night:

Elizabeth pov:

I am waiting for Sofia but she is not here so I decided to go to her room when I go inside I am shocked to see

Sofia pov:

I wrote a letter and drink the poison cuz I don't want to do this I just don't want to do this but Elizabeth see me and went near me

Elizabeth: why you drink this Sofia? Are you ok ?

Sofia: plz forgive me Elizabeth plz I can't do this

Elizabeth: what?

Sofia: Queen got to know about you and Alen he order me to give proves to king then she will free Adem and she also says if I don't do this then she will kill him I cant see him dead and I also don't do this with my friend

Sofia pov:

I feel like someone is choking me I fell on floor Elizabeth comes to me

Elizabeth: stat with me plz

Sofia: I m sorry

Saying that she passed out Elizabeth scream and shack her

Elizabeth: No plz nooooo