The rise of the D3m0N

The person scrolls to Google to find what kind of laptop would he want. He found a match for him the Azuz Seph14, then he installed MC on his laptop. Then he downloaded Bless forge to try some mod packs out, then he wants to play with other people, so he tries to find a SMP on Discord. He found a zombie apocalyptic SMP called "Dead World SMP". It's a small community and it's currently on season 2, but it's something that he'd been looking for, so he started out quite badly because the zombies in the server hits harder than the normal ones and there weren't many resources near spawn, so he died quite a bit in his first day.

The next day, he found a new ally that he has a weird relationship with because the guy tried to drown him. His name is "Glitch gamer768" he gave him a bunch of resources to him and showed him his spider farm. The demon had a great start in this SMP, but it get even better. The next day the server owner (MahloriYT) announce that he will give a full set of spec ops armor (the strongest armor in the server at that time) to anyone who killed 10 zombies on that day which the D3m0N do in his past time. And after that, he found an evoker spawner, so he makes a farm right away. He had too many totems from that farm, so he wants to sell them, and since this server's zombies are VERY deadly lots of people want the totems, but at the same time, there aren't many resources in the server, so the D3m0N needs to sell them at a reasonable price of 8 diamonds per totem.

This server has an ore trading system too. So diamonds are worth more than just armor and weapons. But in the SMP there are 4 teams

-The MLNA (Minecraft Logistics National Army)

-The AM (Assassins Militia)

-The CW (Common Wealth)

-The IRON (just iron LOL)

MLNA have the upper hand in ore resources because this SMP have something called ore TNT, which will make the ground surrounding it turns to ores, and they're the only one who knew about this, so they bought a double chest full of totems. And D3m0N's name became known as the totem trader.