The end of season 2 in DW SMP

The D3m0N is still on vacation, he was just checking the server's discord just like normal, then there's a DM from a client that said "I want to buy all of your totems". The D3m0N said he will sell 30 of them, then said to the client "You want to buy quite a lot of totems from me, I will give you a special offer of 6 diamonds per totem". They both agreed, but the D3m0N isn't available due to traveling, so they set a trading time at a later time.

The trading time arrives. Both of them are ready to do the trading, but then when they try to join the server, the admins are putting more add-ons in, so they need to delay it again. After that, both of them aren't available at the same time. While all of that was happening, people are making raid farms, iron golem farms, and a lot more farms, so the server lagged a lot during those times while no one knows what was happening. One day people can't connect to the server.

2 days have passed since then there's no sign of recovering the server, so the admins announce the world corruption as the end of season 3. Then MahloriYT makes a meeting announcement for Q&A for any question you have before working on season 3 DW SMP.