The first chaos in LastLifeInfinite SMP

On day 5 a new player join by the owner's invite, they didn't adapt to the server's theme and died a lot in the beginning and he gave up on playing by asking people to kill him and take his hearts before he left, but the SMP's owner don't want him to leave so he restored all of the new guy's hearts, and ask everyone to not kill him for a while, but then there's 1 admin named Maxie who wants more hearts, so he farmed the new guy for hearts.

The D3m0N doesn't like his action against the owner's request, so he killed the admin and then gives the heart back to the new guy. That is the start of the new chaos in the server.

On day 6 the D3m0N logged on the server and watched his friend, ShadowLord killed the admin for trespassing on our team's base, but then that admin uses gamemode creative, tp back to our base, and killed both of us. We got the footage to report him for admin abuse, so the admin gave us our stuff back and some extra stuff so we report but didn't ask the owner to punish him just give him a warning.

On day 7 the D3m0N, ManasArjunYT, and ShadowLord joined the server, the admin joined then use /tp to the D3m0N tried to kill him then failed miserably by getting killed instead. The he uses gamemode creative to put an end crystal down, but before the admin explodes it the D3m0N left, so he didn't die and didn't lose any heart. And so the admin lost his power.