The chaos from making the SMP

Since the owner want this season to be the best season in the first 3 seasons, he started looking for builders and coders from the Discourt server, which made the build progression faster than it would be otherwise, but this opened a lot of holes 2 of the builders leak cords of where the good loot is to people, and the owner caught the news of it, so he announced that loot cords have been leaked, and fired all the helpers that's not the original admins or someone that he trusted from getting on to build, but he needs manpower in the server, so he started to find people to become moderators by filling out a form.

People started looking for the culprits, 1 of them DeathSquad found the culprit by tracking where the leaks of intels are from and spoke to the person and got some evidence of it, so he reported to the owner and the owner immediately banned the leaker, but they didn't know there's more than one and it's going to come and haunt the server.