GREG WAS in his first— class seat, in a rare moment of doing nothing, his mind was in another universe when he heard the voice of the plane's captain announcing that they would be landing soon.

Gregory strictly followed the directions and was waiting.

What will await me? Why is it that after so many years Ben Morant, requests your presence in England?

The plane landed at Heathrow International Airport and after leaving, he knew that someone would be waiting for him in the airport hall.

It's been so long since I've been to the Queen's land...

HE WALKED NEAR a highly — aligned, clergyman — like gentleman holding a sign with his name on it.

Gregory Evans

And that was the most unexpected situation possible.

What the hell is a priest doing here?

— Excuse me, Mr Evans? — Said the priest.

Greg held out his hand.

— Nice to meet you, Greg.

— Pleasure, Father Igor Zumerick, I work for MI6, the…

— English Secret Service.

The priest smiled.

— I'm glad you know us.

— I just find it strange that a priest should be part of the English Secret Service, after some well — known historical incidents.

The priest smiled.

— It's just that I'm an Anglican priest, so these small and justifiable mistakes were up to the Roman Catholic Church, we can say, they were different times and the church had to do something to stay strong.

— So I don't think much has changed.

— Maybe not.

The two laughed.

— Sure, what brings you here?

The priest handed him a document.

— This is Your Majesty's direct request to your government to be part of an investigation in the service of the British Crown.

Gregory was stunned, he had already lived through everything, except being in the service of any royalty in the world.

— My boss is already aware and has given me some details of what happened.

The priest agreed.

— You will receive an excellent bonus, I know that in theory, today would be your last day of service, however, let's say the world will not exist in a little over two weeks if we don't do something.

Gregory nodded warily.

— Where exactly am I getting myself?

— There was a murder inside Westminster Abbey tonight.

— Wow! That's something that would make all the papers.

— It was muffled, I believe you know why.—

— It's a place that has a huge tourist flow and everyone would lose a lot of money.

The priest agreed.

— I still don't understand why they called me.—

— Because we believe it wasn't just any murder, but a sacrifice.

— But then this would be your area of expertise, not mine.

— In theory, yes, but there is much more at stake.

The priest opened the folder and showed the photos of the murdered abbot, and Gregory was stunned by what he saw.

Suddenly, what was in those photos had been replicated by newspapers around the world.

— But how?

Greg had seen it several times.

— I think your killer wants to show the whole world what he just did while you were trying to hide it.