CLIFF PLACED A FLOOR PLAN of the building on the table and stood around them.

— This is strictly confidential, no one other than MI6 has access to this floor plan.

— Everyone here is aware of what we're getting into, Handerson.

He consented.

— We only have eleven hours to find the bomb and defuse it.

— What makes you believe we have the technology to disarm something they did?

— Zumerick, we have the best…

— No… you don't have… enough of this — we are the best-game, to this day no one knows who these bastards are, they are the world's cyber intellectual elite, they have cutting edge technology that no government in the world has, do they sell what you use, and do you think they would sell technology that doesn't already have something more advanced to replace it?

Cliff didn't know how to respond.

— It's time to face reality, this bomb is going to detonate whether you find it or not.

Cliff looked at Greg who nodded.

— I think it's time to face reality, Handerson — Zumerick continued — I know it's good to think we're the best in the world, but in this situation, we have to make some concessions, and honestly, you guys aren't very good at it, the proof is that we are trapped while some lunatics want to demoralize our country in front of the whole world.

— Greg, you know better than anyone what you did.

'That's why... and even then we didn't succeed, as the Prime Minister's brother was killed anyway.

— Urizen...— Yuliya whispered.

Greg agreed.

— We had a break from him — Greg continued, — but I believe he's back now.

Cliff didn't understand what they were talking about.

— Do you think Urizen put the bomb in here? — Yuliya asked.

— There is such a possibility.

Greg sat in the armchair and tried to visualize something the same way he did when he was cornered, he closed his eyes and glimpsed all the possibilities, that's when he had a light.

— What's the last place anyone could enter here at Vauxhall Cross? —

— We have numerous places here that no one but the Headmaster has access to.

Greg nodded, but got it out of his mind that someone could get to that place, but it would be the perfect place...

GREG WENT TO TAKE A BATH and after finishing, due to the steam from the hot air, showed him a message on his mirror:

"Be ready, we'll be out of here before midnight...


Greg knew he was fine and that his plan would finally work, he passed his hand on the mirror to erase the message, that was an efficient way to leave a secret message, a simple stone soap or a peeled potato would do that.

Soon I will meet Albion...