— IGOR, I THINK YOU need to see this.

Igor looked at the picture of Andrew Summers hanging, but something had caught his eye.

— What is that drawn on your chest?

— An upside— down sun?

Suddenly, something caught Yuliya's attention.

— Did something happen?

— in the writings William 's mythologies Blake , there is something very similar, I don't know if we can take it as absolute truth in this case, since this riddle specifically was not created by me, but I had given the idea of doing something similar, however, it was disregarded...

— And what would it be?

— The...

— Them? Like "Los" in Spanish?

He shook his head.

— Los is the fallen, earthly or human form of Urthona , one of the four Zoas .

— In our case, Paul Leaks...

— Yes… He is referred to as the prophet eternal and creates the visionary city of Golgonooza .

— Golgonooza?

Yuliya nodded, but it was Igor who explained.

— Golgonooza is a mythical city in the work of William Blake , it is a City of Imagination, built by Los , let's say it is the spiritual London, quadruple, a vision of London and also linked to Jerusalem , and it is the great city of art and science from Blake.

— The city consists of the physical bodies of man and woman — continued Yuliya — there is the palace of Los, the intellect, in the South and its forge with furnaces in the middle, called Bowlahoola, the organs of animal man. At the North Gate in the North West towards Beulah is the golden hall of the Cathedron, which contains the looms of Enitharmon, the womb. Where man's physical body is woven. There is the Luban Gate, the vagina, in the middle of the city. All of this is surrounded by a fire pit. Golgonooza is walled in, against Satan and his wars. Around the city is the land of Allamanda, the nervous system of vegetated man, in the forests of Entuthon Benython with the Lake of Udan Adan. The city's quadruple internal structure reflects the quadruple structure of the Sons of Los.

Yuliya took her cell phone and typed for a moment and after that she said:

— Blake explains it this way:

Four times the Children of Los in their divisions: and four times,

The Great City of Golgonooza: Four Times North

And four times south, and four times east and west

One inside the other towards the four points:

The one for Eden, and the one for the Generation World,

And that one for Beulah, and that one for Ulro:

Ulro is the space of the terrible star wheels of the children of Albions:

But the one for Eden is walled up, until the time of renewal:

However, it is perfect in its construction, ornaments & perfection.

( Jerusalem 12:45— 53)

— The Golgonooza de Los building is located in London on the banks of the Thames, and covers all of Great Britain:

From Golgonooza the Spiritual Quadruple Eternal London

In immense labors and sorrows, always building, always falling,

Thro Albions four Forests that spread across the Earth,

From London Stone to Blackheath East: to Hounslow West:

To Finchley North: to Norwood South: and the weights of Eniharmons Loom play soothing cadences in the winds of Albion

From Caithness in the North, to Lizard— point and Dover in the South.

( Milton 6:1— 7)

— Los is described as a blacksmith, banging his hammer on a forge, which is metaphorically linked to the beating of the human heart. The bellows of your forge are human lungs. The emanation of Los, Eniharmon , represents spiritual beauty and embodies piety, and at the same time creates the spatial aspect of the fallen world, weaving bodies for men and creating sexual conflicts through its insistence on chastity. In the 1794 Book of Urizen , Los and Eniharmon have a son, Orc , who is the embodiment of the spirit of revolution.

They all looked at Daniel.

— But the best part comes now, for the name Los is, by common critical acceptance, an anagram of Sol, the Latin word for sun. Such innovations are common in many of Blake's prophetic poems.

— The inverted sun — Greg said.

Yuliya nodded.

— Blake attributed the origin of Los and many of its prophetic works to his home in Lambeth:

"Los came down to me... trembling I was... in the Vale of Lambeth, but he kissed me and wished me health"

— Los is the divine aspect of imagination, after it becomes more mechanical and regular in its actions, it falls and becomes part of the material world, in the fallen state, it becomes the creator of life and organic systems, it also creates reproduction and the sexes, with their own partner Eniharmon, shortly after being created, then creates consciousness through evolution, which leads to the creation of humans. Los is particularly focused on humans and uses them to create art and use their imagination, eventually it is through the evolutions of the world that Orc is formed, like Orc cycles, Los is part of cycles, while trying to create Golgonooza, at first. times and the image appears constantly in art.

— Lo's imagination is also linked to the natural cycle — added Igor, — and the art within the individual is developed through natural cycles. Art is mimetic of nature, but order within nature. Los represents the lifelong progression to the conscious state.

— Los appears in The Book of Urizen as an eternal prophet who links Urizen after Urizen, the creator of the world, suffers a spiritual downfall. He appears in the connected works The Song of Los, America a Prophecy and Europe a Prophecy at the same time. In these works, he begins as a prophet in Africa, who describes Urizen giving laws to the people that limited the minds of mankind. This was accomplished through the children of Los with Eniharmon:

"Thus the terrible race of Los and Eniharmon gave

Laws and Religions to the children of Har, binding them closer

And more to Earth: closing and restricting"

(lines 44-46).

— The Book of Los, completed at the same time, continues from the story of The Book of Urizen and depicts Los falling, and being bound in human form. It also describes how Los, in turn, turned Urizen into a human form. In The Book of Urizen, Los is always in a fight with Urizen to control the world and the two represent opposites. However, this changed when Blake added two other beings in his later work. In early works, however, the binary system is similar to the imaginative and rational sides that Blake split his own mind and a struggle between the two. He also felt that Los was intimately connected to Christ, which is why Los dominated within his myth.

— Clearly we see then that Urthona, or Paul Leaks, has a serious feud with Urizen.

— It's life imitating art or vice versa.

— In Jerusalem — Yuliya continued — Los is said to have been the progenitor of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and other biblical spiritual leaders. The work also describes the Four Zoas, which are four parts that were joined together in Eternity, but exist in a giant — like state after their fall. These four parts include Los and Urizen along with Tharmas and Luvah. The Four Zoas also appear in the second edition of Vala, or the Four Zoas and Milton: a Poem.

— In Milton, Los appears like a blazing sun. This vision of Los and the sun, is similar to a description in a poem that Blake included in a letter dated November 22, 1802, which he wrote to Thomas Butts , and believed that in the vision, he was able to unite with Los, in Vala, Los witnesses a vision of the Lamb of God being sacrificed, to reveal his spiritual side while Urizen and the Synagogue of Satan , work against Christ and are the ones who condemn him to death. After the Synagogue of Satan promotes deism, Los seizes the sun and moon and shatters the heavens. The destruction of the world leads to eternity and the second judgment unfolds. The poem ends with Urthona, the unfallen state of Los, rising up and shepherding science, removing dark religions.

— Exactly what they're trying to do.

— Apparently so, Greg — said Igor.

— The final version of Jerusalem — continued Dr. Barah — completed in 1820, was a Gospel about the imagination as the presence of God in humanity, and the messianic figure of the work is Los. Los's purpose was to create their own system to be free of any other system, and that system would be based on creation rather than reason. The purpose of the work is to describe the triumph of Los and the new apocalypse, in which the Lamb of God comes to England to rule.

— That's it!

Everyone looked at Greg strangely.

— They want to overthrow the government to assume power, now everything makes sense.

— What do you mean, Greg?

— Think about it... They first kill a priest to expose the church, then they kill a person from the General Staff of the English Elite Troop, then they try to kill the Prime Minister's brother, forcing him to resign, as he was already weakened due to to Brexit, but initially they don't succeed in that... so they kill an MI6 agent, who was notoriously committing crimes in the name of the state, and you yourself said that Golgonooza is on the banks of the Thames and covers the whole of the UK?

— That's right...

— And what lies on the banks of the Thames that fits the description of the legendary city?

— The Palace of Westminster?

— We were looking in the wrong direction.

— That's what they wanted...

— Remembering that they managed to kill Erick Hughes.

— Exactly, forcing the Prime Minister to ask for the resignation, the question is: who is the biggest beneficiary of this?

— He no… "she".

Greg waited for the answer.

— The leader of the Brexit movement is none other than Selene Stillton, the speaker of the House of Commons and daughter of the richest man in England.