THE CAR WAS going over 100 miles an hour and Greg had never personally seen anyone with a mastery of the wheel like he did.

— We won't have much time, you'll see a renovation barricade in the tunnel and you'll go through the door, you'll only have a few seconds to get inside.

— Is that you?

— You don't have to worry about me, the police can't arrest me, they'll have to ask an MI6 agent to come, and there's the biggest mess.

— I guess...

— I wonder how you knew I was from Cicada.

— I was suspicious, so I faked his death, because some things in the story didn't fit.

— What for exemple?

— The death of Father Melneck, who saw who killed Joel Nielsen.

— I was the one who killed him, I needed to buy time.

— I figured it out.

— It's a very simple device, it looks like a bee, it releases a poisoned stinger and the person dies in a matter of minutes, as he hadn't said anything about Albion killing the abbot...

Greg nodded.

— Like the bomb in the Headmaster's office?

fake bomb yes, but the Director's death no, remember I was with you.

— Then I can only assume it was Urizen's doing.

— Probably.

— And do you know him?

— All I know is it's someone from the government.

Morant consented, and when Greg was going to ask who Albion was, Morant made a maneuver executed with the vehicle in a sudden stop and turned the wheel, causing the vehicle to skid and turn around until it stopped in an inverted position.

— Now! Go...

Greg got out of the car and entered a door behind the renovation barricade inside the tunnel.

So that's how they got Paul Leaks out?

His imagination pictured it perfectly, Paul getting into the Prime Minister's car and they forged some kind of traffic, stopping the car at that point and rescuing him.

Greg heard Morant's car speeding away and nearly crashing into the police cars.

Now I am alone...