THE UPLOAD WAS HUGE when they saw the Prime Minister's bloodied body in the middle of the hall, for this, not even Gregory Evans expected, he believed that Selene could cause something, never that she was the sacrifice of that day.

— What are we going to do, Greg?

— We've watched… there has to be something we're not seeing.

— She's still alive — shouted a man who immediately introduced himself as a doctor — lift her leg above the level of the heart for the blood to circulate better.

The men obeyed.

Good thing she's alive... — Greg thought.

Suddenly, Greg realized what it was.

— The attack on Selene was just a way to distract from what they really wanted.

Igor didn't understand anything, so Greg pointed in the direction of the royal family and one person was missing.

'They wanted the Prince of Wales all along.


ALBION DRINK A LITTLE more of his port and thought satisfied with himself...

Countdown in... 1...