End of Battle

On sky can be seen 10 drop ships Going to landing zone that is in 1 KM from slavers base.

" Kakashi status " Said Zack in coms after 20 seconds shinobi's voice was heard

" We are in positions waiting for your attack " Reported boy

" Good in base is possible strong enemy mana user don't engage him if it is possible if not buy time to moment of reinforcements to come don't try to fight

just avoid attacks " Informed Zack

" Understood " Said slightly surprised Kakashi for Zack to be so cautious enemy must be minimum Middle E rank or higher.

Drop ships start landing and Troopers start going out forming battle formation to attack base walls were no high 3M high with gate made of strong metal

Zack remembered of hidden objectives that may have something to do with slaves, so no bombardment from drop-ships that makes attack harder.

"Ok Boys and Girls We are going as one till we reach the walls then we go in two squads one 100 Lighter Troops go with Climbing ropes on walls and start shooting from high ground second squad with Heavy and rest of troops after blowing up gate march inside don't kill slaves but for pirates there will be NO PITY AND DEFINITELY NO MERCY!!!" Zack Exclaimed

"NO MERCY!!" shouted 200 troopers makes even pirates on walls fill cold chill Anyone know there is no other way, only death or victory for both sides.

Attack Started Blaster bolts covering all space between forces. Zacks Troopers taking cover but still having some loses, Pirates on walls with better cover but inferior training and equipment Fight looks to be in deadlock. Zack took out Next pirate then commotion emerged on walls, 50 more equipped pirates make their ways on walls three caring E-web and starting fire at Attacking Troops Pirates cheered. Zack Knew that situation is no good, so he decided that Drop Ships can do one run on walls with guns and even anti infantry rockets if it makes him loose hidden objective fuck it, but he will don't lose more of his troopers in meaningless way, like storm at E-Web.

"Drop ships make run on wall position I Want to see only death and destruction after that" Ordered Zack

10 Drop Ships in row makes their way to wall Flying above Zack Trooper's heads

E-web try to fire at drop ships but hit only one that start emitting smoke from one of Engines also one from two pilots get shot by window that don't withstand E-web hits but don't go down last pilot was able to fire Rockets and go out from there, but ship is not able to next attack or going into space. Hits from 10 drop ships rockets make wall shook many Pirates die from explosion someone were thrown from walls and die after fall on ground E-Web smashed from wall as well 30 from 50 elite pirates die, rest start retreating to main building

This time that was Zacks troops cheering for their pilots and Charged at enemy positions some climbing walls others blew up gate and start swarm inside

Some Explosions were heard on the Left Flank of the base.

Kakashi squad pov

Kakashis team start attacking when most pirates go to defend frontal attatck and only 20 were left to watch there and Kakashi team used moment when front wall was bombarded to attack as pirates on his side all looked what happened

in direction of front wall. They make quick work on distracted pirates and start making their way to center of camp between houses Then Kakashi feel strong mana presence

"Take cover !!!" exclaimed boy Heavy troopers reacted, but it means not much Wall on Back Right side exploded with force then a big figure was seen standing in center of 5 heavy troopers 2 got punch that shattered their Armor bones and Destroying organs knee goes in chest of other sending him flaying in other wall with force he went through wall to house then

with hands, he grabbed one trooper by throat and other by helmet with great force he broke trooper spine and others helmet with skull under it.

Everything happened in 20 seconds Troopers start shooting at figure Kakashi took stance Cold sweet on their faces Figure took shots without much mind

His Fists Coated with mana also whole skin looks like beskar Unique ability and Minimum Low D rank Kakashi Though. Then from Behind Figure go 20 elite pirates

Engaging Kakashi Squad

"Hahahah it seems that your way of mana user ends here kid" Man said man with cruel grin From Kakashis point of view he looks like metal mountain emitting oppressive Aura.

"Retreat to center!!!" Kakashi Ordered In same time Coating Himself with Lightning as only speed can save him

"Hooo There is no much Lightning users Lets see if it can save you!!!" Roared man and charged

Zacks pov

We Eliminated much of resistance when we go to center there was like last 200 pirates waiting Blaster pistol and blade in hands E-web on stairs

Elite Pirates on roofs hell unleashed Blaster shots E-Web Firing it killed 20 before get direct shoot from rocket launcher. Then Zack Feels Bloodlust

and strong mana getting closer. From left alley start running Heavy troopers, some turn around and shooting Then BOOM!!! Was heard and from alley like cannonball shot Kakashi when landing he was able to role then he stands shakily his sword broken left arm dangling complete unresponsive lightning coating him weaker and weaker telling of almost 0 mana in him left from Smoked, alley goes out man with grin following him squad of elite pirates. Battlefield stopped Man's eyes momentaly go to my location he must feel me

"Hohoo Another one stronger this time but still too weak to entertain me" Said man with smirk.

" Let's find out, shall we ? " Was my answer in same time I Told in comms to evacuate Kakashi he can still go so it shouldn't be hard also I told Rocket Launchers Operatives to hide and target Man

I'm not 100% sure of winning it but some rockets even if he tanks it should have drain much of mana to point that it will be his death.

Troopers stand behind me pirates behind D rank

" Kill Them All!!!" Roared Man and charged at me Immediately I activate Pure Blood to lessen the gap now it is Middle E Rank against lower D still big gap

but I'm Confident on taking some hits especially with my faster regeneration from blood reserve I made. Then also charge at him

For Troopers and Pirates that on roofs shooting at each other and to Enemy under them on Ground some makes position and shoot but much more to not hit their Leaders just take out Their Blades and Vibroblades and Engage with brutal Fight in close combat, blood start flowing.

I saw coated punch Flaying in my face I Ducked under it and slash with blades their even coated in mana don't go through his beskar skin When trying to make Distance I see fist going for my chest With blades making X I Took Hit Force make me slide 3 meters till I Stop some blood go from lips blades broken armor slightly bend on chest

"Hahah I knew that when you changed your eyes color you had special ability also your rank raised ahahha you are more fun than that kid but you don't have your weapons right now how sad" Smirked Man. When I Answered with chuckle he was stunned with punching my two fists together Blue Flame Cowered them And then charged at man again

"Yes give our all !!" Mans grin intensified when we engaged I try to duck under his hits and punch or kick in his sides for novice my hits do nothing to him but any experienced mana user that had many fights on his count know that effects are not seen but his mana with every hit is decreasing

After jump back I instantly jump forward knee coated in blue flames goes to his face but he blocked it easily by crossing arms after that instantly my open hand shot forward and launching a Burst of blue flame at him Force of blast was enough to make him stumble his vision coated by Flame then I jump back 4 meter and shout


4 Rockets fly at him " Boom!! " Explosion ranged on battlefield some closest People were thrown to ground by force of explosion When Smoke clear

I Was Shocked some elements were seen to come back to human skin, but mostly he was fain !!! This unique skill was more powerful than I Though

But I Still Have one card in hand with smirk from my nails formed claws long on 10 cm infused in blue and red mana

"Lets end it!!" I Said unleashing full Pressure of my mana mixed with heavy bloodlust, which type can be only built on mountains of corpses and rivers of blood.

Fear was seen in D rank eyes but fast it changed into acceptance and determination when I Charged

"Don't underestimate me !!!" Roared man channeling all mana that he have left into hands. My right arm with claws shot at his Throat then it stands his hand hold my forearm Pressure start breaking my armor and arm underi it his other fist going for my head. Fuck !!! if it connects I'm dead

This arm is already gone so with claws on other hand I slashed at armored broken and captured part of arm cutting it of and duck back going out of range. His Face had look of Shock and Admiration looking at cut of clawed forearm in his hand and at my Dripping with blood stump of arm to do something like that without hesitation, a person must have years of bloody battle experience. Immediately I Shot forward he drained all of mana it this last try.

With my only hand I Slash at his throat Sharp claws cute of his head Body after some seconds of kneeling fall to the ground thud

Pirates screamed in despair seeing that their Boss is dead and my troopers cheered attacking even harder Killing every one of enemies.

Medic Trooper immediately come to me but I just said that it is no need I Took Lost hand and hold it connected to the stump veins muscles and skin start growing and connecting mana regenerate armor hahhhh I Feel Light Headed but still standing regeneration drain most of my blood reserve and mana good that I Have refill for that smirked Zack looking at Dead pirates . D rank is great

bonus maybe my normal rank will go to E Rank who knows. Now Time to check kakashi and this Place, I Hope it was worthy the risk.