Deal and Return

Zack stays seven more days on Mandalor making all necessary contracts and arranges with patriarch, one of them were Weapons Deal that include

En 5


Maccan Starfighter

Star Viper mk 2

Proton Torpedos


for clan use

Patriarch sold

GALAAR-15 blaster carbine


that deal will make pretty good money and get really good Mandalorian blasters and jetpack for speciall and drop troops.

Patriarch also agreed as they are in way family now that some of his commando will go with Zack to train his troops in use of jetpack and make training for jetpack troops, including some strategy. There were many willing commando as they were very excited at prospect of use advanced real battle training VR pods used to training by 'Recruits and regular troops' from Zack Fraction.

Zack was very satisfied with that also documents that he is mate of omega were made that was clearly shown to outside world but to this document Zack needed Family/Clan name and he went with simply Shimura.

The rest of the time he spent with his mate, to get knowing each other and just relaxing or looking around compound. He even was able to see Mandalorian Commando training and he could tell that Mandalorians are much more strict training and were more partizant army attacking fast and deadly but their normal infantry was no joke either he also saw some vehicles used by them and they were

looking as animal versions and they were mesmerizing.

Machines were caled Basilisk War Droid and it were big semi-sentient war bots that had strong armor big firepower and close combat they also were able to fly, sadly these were out of question as Patriarch declined selling it I also don't my best equipment so I can't be angry maybe in future when more trust will be established I could get my hands on this beauty.

When time to go come he got escorted by all family members to his Interceptor where he made good bay with Clan members and Pariah ruffled hair of Kall to piss him off then longest moment when he kissed and hugged his omega then leave to his fleet. All of the missions were completed, and his second race were unlocked to all of that he found his first mate. That was a really profitable trip.

1 mission

Maybe you run but with heavy loses (Complete with added condition)

Main objective Defeat minimum half forces of enemy in space rewards:

10 big factories

50 three star pilots (Interceptor)

2 samurai class frigate

Blueprint for Maruder corvet

added condition if you destroy minimum 70% of enemy fleet and Kill most of the ground forces min 80 second reward will be

Blueprint for LAB Light Assault Bots

Blueprint for intelligent mines

5 Medium Factories

1 Big Mining facility

1 Gene Research facility

2. Family Friend (complete)

Make Good Relations with Mandalorians Rewards : 40M And Unlock Ghoul race bonus that will be found on Mandalor.

Zack Has 240M points at the moment

10 big factories

Blueprint for Maruder corvet

Blueprint for LAB Light Assault Bots

Blueprint for intelligent mines

5 Medium Factories

Big Mining facility

1 Gene Research facility to spend

On Jawin 3 he placed 1 Gene Research facility with call to start looking for making serums that made people live longer and stopped aging with means that body age stop on 20-21 so person will die from old age still as young, but researches need time to test on many creatures to extract DNA also Projecting Cloning templates will begin

Then on most rocky planet Jawin 5 that was big planet and had many moons but only for mining and industry Zack Placed

-1 Big Mining facility

-10 big factories

-5 Medium Factories

Also made there cargo/mining city close to facilities for 40M with transport ships and 20k Mining droids added Factories were to make:

5 big factory for LAB Light Assault Bots made 250 every week

2 big factories for SDS droid

3 big factories to produce Star Viper Mk 2

2 Medium factories to bust blaster production

1 medium factory to make intelligent mines that produced 200 a day

last 2 medium ones were made to produce Liberty Pistol that were bought by 60M with Suppressor Blueprint and bullets that can price most of the armors only have problems with Bescar ones, but it wouldn't be much problem when magazine holds 12 rounds. This pistol also don't belong to small as weight was 4.3kg. Why Zack invested in weapon on bullets in world of blasters?

For some reasons

First: Bullet without trial is harder to saw and locate shooter also they are rather significantly faster than blaster bolt

Second: With suppressor they are good assassination weapon as blasters are in use for many years most people will immediately know sound of blaster shot but even if someone heard suppressed shot, mostly they were thought of random machinery sound or something like that

Third: This Bullets are no less efficient than blasters in penetration, yes they will be costly on ammo magazines than blaster magazines/battery (I don't have a clue on what they work as in some chapter of Anime Star wars were in one scene when traitor clone aimed at Cody he said it is unloaded and show magazine so yeee..) but Zack will be giving bullet weapons to his future criminal groups and special forces rest will work on blasters.

Also bought 1 medium factory and blueprint for neurotoxin knife for 20M and start production and 1 Small shipyard to make Marouder Clacc Corvet for 50M that makes 20 Corvets a month that left 70M in Zacks Bank with that he bought 2 big factories and Blueprint of Heavy drop ship HTS for 50M that Drop ship can transport 600 soldiers or 900 droids or 200 LAB Bots had strong armor 4 turrets with four barrels of light laser cannons half on top and lower sides pluse trench with E-Webs on top it will make difference in landing operations. Factory will make 20 every month.

20M Zack saved for later.