Ch-36 Two Options.

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After Jiryoku's words fell, the ground around the general started cracking, making the general the center. The broken ground stumps stuck to him, causing the general to growl in pain. Jiryoku did this just to trap the general until he dealt with the army of 1500 ninjas and samurais.

After trapping the general, he jumped from the high platform and stood in front of the army, saying, "You are all very loyal to your general. Maybe he is feeling very proud or whatever. Now you have only two options: to defeat me and free your general, or die."

When Jiryoku's words resonated, the soldiers poised themselves for an imminent attack. One notable Jonin, who also commanded a team within the army, spoke up, saying, "Fear not! He is but one, while we number over 1000. Our objective is clear: to defeat him and rescue our esteemed general. Unleash the full force of your might upon him!"

Inspired by their commander's words, all the soldiers lunged forward, launching their assault on Jiryoku.

As the enemy forces closed in, Jiryoku raised his hand, harnessing the power of gravity to conjure a dense gravitational field around himself. The charging adversaries suddenly found their movements impeded, their once swift progress reduced to a sluggish crawl. With a swift motion, Jiryoku unsheathed his sword, swiftly slashing through the air. A colossal purple arc materialized, hurtling towards the encroaching soldiers. Hindered by the gravitational force, they were unable to mount any resistance, and their numbers dwindled significantly, with at least 100 falling to Jiryoku's lethal attack.

Recognizing the overwhelming odds stacked against them, the enemy swiftly adapted their strategy, attempting to flank Jiryoku from multiple directions. Keenly attuned to their movements through his heightened senses, Jiryoku confidently raised his sword, infusing it with the potent force of gravity. Each swing of his weapon unleashed cataclysmic shockwaves, a tempestuous display of power that reverberated through the enemy ranks, leaving behind a trail of devastation. Soldiers were forcefully propelled through the air, their defenses shattered, as the sheer magnitude of Jiryoku's abilities overwhelmed them.

The resulting surge expelled his assailants, scattering them like autumn leaves caught in a relentless hurricane, their forces fragmented and disarrayed. Undeterred by their numerical superiority, Jiryoku gracefully ascended into the skies, defying the constraints of conventional physics with his mastery over gravity. Effortlessly suspended, he surveyed the battlefield from his vantage point above.

With his hands enveloped in Armament Haki, a pulsating blue sphere materialized, taking the form of a Rasengan. Gradually, the Rasengan transformed into the formidable Wind Style Rasenshuriken, a potent technique. Jiryoku hurled it toward the ground, aimed directly at the densely concentrated mass of enemy soldiers. The Rasenshuriken cleaved through numerous soldiers, cutting them in half with its devastating power. Finally, upon impact, the Rasenshuriken struck the ground where the highest concentration of soldiers stood, obliterating everything within a three-meter radius. The destruction was absolute, leaving no survivors among the hapless soldiers caught in its devastating reach.

Up until this point, the staggering tally of enemies vanquished by Jiryoku had reached an astonishing count of 500, all within a mere five minutes since the commencement of the battle.

Observing the awe-inspiring spectacle from a distance, the general couldn't help but recollect the words of his subordinate, emphasizing the formidable might of a Kage-level ninja. Though he had heard tales of their power, nothing had prepared him for the sheer monstrous strength exhibited by Jiryoku, who now fought before his very eyes.

Realizing the futility of direct confrontation, the soldiers, driven by desperation, sought to overwhelm Jiryoku through sheer numerical superiority, resorting to hurling whatever projectiles they could grasp. However, Jiryoku, harnessing his mastery over gravity, swiftly erected a colossal gravitational barrier. The onslaught of enemy attacks proved in vain as their weapons and projectiles were irresistibly drawn towards the barrier, neutralized by its overwhelming force.

With his adversaries disoriented and weakened, Jiryoku swiftly seized the opportune moment to strike. Plunging his sword into the ground, he triggered a cataclysmic eruption of gravity spikes beneath the enemy's feet. The earth convulsed as soldiers were suspended mid-air, their movements constricted by the tremendous gravitational force at play. Capitalizing on the situation, Jiryoku unleashed his Wind Style: Tornado technique. The soldiers, floating helplessly in the reduced gravity, were mercilessly drawn into the vortex of the tornado. This was no ordinary tornado, but one infused with razor-sharp winds that tore through the soldiers' bodies, akin to a brutal grinder. Within a matter of minutes, the previously gray tornado transformed into a ghastly shade of red, stained by the blood of the fallen soldiers.

The power of this devastating maneuver proved fatal, claiming the lives of all 600 soldiers within its colossal 60-meter radius, rivaling the destructive force of a tailed beast bomb.

Turning his attention to the remaining soldiers, Jiryoku concentrated gravity upon his blade to an extraordinary extent. The sheer magnitude of the gravitational force distorted the surrounding environment, and with an unwavering resolve, he swung his sword, unleashing the formidable technique known as "Raging Tiger." A menacing slash, blackish-purple in hue, cleaved through the air, leaving destruction in its wake. Anything unfortunate enough to fall within its path was not merely severed, but mercilessly crushed under the overwhelming gravitational pressure, leaving the soldiers no chance to resist as they perished unwillingly.

(A/N: if you like the story please vote power stones.)