Ch-49 Its impossible.

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Ten minutes had ago when one of the ANBU ninja finally arrived at the location where the Third Hokage Hiruzen had taken his last breath and now lay on the ground. He was surrounded by Jiraiya, Kakashi, Guy, and other Jonins. As the ANBU ninja saw the lifeless body of the Hokage, he was stunned, and a profound silence overtook him, as if he had been struck by the force of thunder itself. He even forgot momentarily that he had come to report an important piece of news.

With a mix of frustration and concern, Jiraiya inquired, "Where is Jiryoku? I didn't see him anywhere. Neither was he defending the village against the serpents, nor was he here to protect the Hokage. What the hell is he doing at a time like this? Even with all this commotion, he remains nowhere to be seen. For someone as powerful as him, a sense of responsibility towards the village's affairs should be a given." The anger in his tone was unmistakable, and deep down, he couldn't help but wonder if Jiryoku's presence might have prevented his teacher's unfortunate demise.

Kakashi responded, trying to shed some light on the situation, "We don't know the exact circumstances surrounding Jiryoku, but ever since his return, he hasn't been seen outside his house much."

As soon as the name of Jiryoku was mentioned, something triggered in the mind of the ANBU ninja, and he remembered the reason he came here. If it had been any time before, the Jonins present would have asked why the ANBU ninja was in such a hurry. However, they assumed that the ANBU ninja came after hearing the news of the Hokage's death.

The ANBU ninja, now back to his senses, said, "Jiraiya-Sama, Jiryoku is killing the members of the Hyuga clan. It appears that he has targeted the elders of the Hyuga clan and a few other members."

"What!?" Everyone present was stunned upon hearing the ANBU ninja's words.

"Are you sure it was Jiryoku, the same Rajin no Jiryoku?" asked Yamanaka Inoichi.

"Yes, no one except him has the strength to toy with the elders of the Hyuga clan," replied the ANBU ninja.

"His perception is too powerful. It is said that he can sense almost everything within a 50-kilometer radius. So, are you saying he let you go even after you witnessed him killing the elders?" asked Shikaku. After hearing Shikaku's words, everyone's eyes became sharp, as they realized the magnitude of the disaster they had just faced and couldn't risk another one.

The ANBU ninja became flustered under the sharp gazes of so many elite ninjas present.

At this time, Hyuga Hiashi came forward and said, "What the ANBU ninja is saying is correct."

"But why would Jiryoku do such a thing?" asked Inoichi.

Hiashi was embarrassed to tell the truth, but he knew that he had to tell the truth if he wanted to save his father. He had wanted to come earlier, but on his way, he met many Sunagakure ninjas. As the clan head of the Hyuga clan, they stopped him, and he was compelled to fight.

"It's like this…" After that, Hiashi explained how he met Jiryoku and how Jiryoku gave them two choices.

"It seems that the reason for Jiryoku's outbreak on that day was probably this news he received," said Kakashi.

"Just because of the branch family policy in your clan, this is happening. If you had punished that man honestly, then probably Jiryoku wouldn't have taken such a drastic step," said Inoichi, angrily pointing at Hiashi.

"Every clan has its own rules. It's not your turn to point fingers at my clan," retorted Hiashi.

"It's not the time for you all to bicker among yourselves," said Jiraiya, interrupting both Inoichi and Hiashi.

"Let's go and see what is happening first," said Jiraiya.

"Wait a minute," said Hiashi.

Everyone stopped and looked at Hiashi.

"There is one more thing; Jiryoku's next target is maybe Shimura Danzo," said Hiashi.

"What? But why?" asked Jiraiya.

"How dare he target an elder of Konoha?" came the old voice of a woman. It was Koharu, a member of the Konoha council.

Jiraiya looked sharply at Koharu, making her quiet down, and Homura, who wanted to speak, also stopped after seeing the eyes of Jiraiya. Jiraiya then turned towards Hiashi and said, "Continue what you were saying."

Then Hiashi told everything about the death of Jiryoku's father.

Everyone became silent after hearing this because now they knew that it was almost impossible to stop Jiryoku. And if they dared to stop him, they would have to face Jiryoku himself.


At present.

Outside the Hyuga clan compound, Jiryoku was standing opposite Jiraiya and other elite Jonins.

"I know everything that has happened with your parents, but believe me, revenge is not the correct way to go. If you stop right now, I will try my best to exempt you from any charges," said Jiraiya first.

"Although I'm only 13, don't think of me as a gullible child. According to the rules of Konoha, killing a fellow ninja from the village without any proper evidence and order of the Hokage is a crime and is more than enough for anyone to be declared as a rogue ninja. Not to mention, I have killed so many members of the Hyuga clan," said Jiryoku calmly.

And just as Jiraiya wanted to say more, he was interrupted by a roar. It was the roar of the one-tail, and it was just a few meters away from the Hyuga clan compound where Jiraiya and Jiryoku were standing.

'How is this possible? Shouldn't the One-tail have been defeated by Naruto, and Gaara must have calmed down and left Konoha by now. But what is he doing here?' Jiryoku thought to himself.

The one-tail roared again and started gathering red and blue chakra, forming a tailed beast bomb. Seeing this, the faces of everyone present here changed and became solemn, but when they saw the aim, the tailed beast bomb was aimed towards Jiryoku.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)