Ch-51 Meteor.

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As soon as Jiryoku released his conquerors, everyone below Jonin fainted. Even the special Jonins had difficulty standing. Although Homura and Koharu were once Elite Jonins in the past, their strength has deteriorated significantly. On top of that, the fear of Jiryoku made them faint immediately.

"Jiryoku, calm down. I sympathize with what happened to you, and don't worry, the next Hokage will surely punish these two based on their heinous act, if it is proven," said Jiraiya, trying to convince Jiryoku.

"Yes, Jiryoku, don't worry. I myself will read their minds, and these Elders will surely get punished," said Yamanaka Inoichi.

"And don't worry about Danzo. I will surely find proof against him, and he will also be punished accordingly by the new Hokage," said Jiraiya.

"Really? Then you must have found the proof against him when he destroyed the Senju clan, or when he forced Hatake Sakumo to death, or when he plotted against the Fourth Hokage and caused his death, or when he slaughtered the whole Uchiha clan. Let's talk about recent events: where is Danzo and his roots when Konoha is on the brink of destruction by Orochimaru? The list goes on like this, and I can't even count the dark deeds done by that Danzo, Till now you were unable to find the proofs now you will suddenly find proofs against him." said Jiryoku, not so much questioning but rather mocking Jiraiya.

Everyone here especially people in power like Ino-Shika-Cho knew things about Danzo in one way or another, but they didn't have any evidence to prove him wrong. Shikaku also doubted that Danzo was somehow involved in the death of the Fourth Hokage, as only the members of the Konoha council and Danzo knew the location where Kushina Uzumaki was going to give birth. They suspected that Danzo had set up the Fourth Hokage so that he could take over as Hokage.

Although everyone present became quiet after hearing Jiryoku's retort, one person became violent and shouted, "What do you mean by saying that Danzo slaughtered the whole Uchiha clan? Wasn't the Uchiha clan destroyed by Uchiha Itachi?" It was Sasuke who shouted.

Jiryoku turned towards him and said, "If you really think that Uchiha Itachi could wipe out one of the most elite clans in Konoha without making a sound, then either you are naive or you don't want to believe that Konoha is against your clan."

"Damn you!" Sasuke shouted, but before he could move any further, he was knocked out by Kakashi.

Kakashi held Sasuke and then looked towards Naruto, saying, "I am giving you a mission to take Sakura and Sasuke out of here."

And Naruto, who knew almost nothing about what was going on, took the unconscious Sasuke and Sakura with him and left, while Gaara, who was also conscious, took Temari and Kankuro with him and left. (A/N: According to me, Naruto and Sasuke have very strong willpower since they were kids, so they didn't faint.)

Jiraiya knew that if he let Jiryoku continue speaking, ninjas from Konoha might lose faith in Konoha and its management. So he said, "Even if what you said may be correct, that doesn't justify killing anyone just because you have strength. Everything has its process, and you have to abide by it."

"Don't mistake yourselves; I'm not asking you for anything. It's just that I don't want to do anything excessive to Konoha, but it seems that you don't care about Konoha's well-being," said Jiryoku.

As soon as Jiryoku's voice fell, Might Guy appeared in front of Jiryoku with his sixth gate active and punched Jiryoku on his face, saying, "Before harming Konoha, you have to deal with the Blue Beast of Konoha."

But Jiryoku, whom Might Guy punched, disappeared; it was an afterimage of Jiryoku. The real Jiryoku appeared beside Might Guy, covered in wind and lightning, using Storm Chakra mode. Jiryoku, with a crutch covered in 'Armament Haki,' hit Guy, causing Guy to fly away and destroying the houses that came in his way.

Jiryoku then turned towards Jiraiya and said, "It seems that you won't allow me to leave like this."

Jiryoku could have fought Jiraiya first and defeated him, but he could perceive with his 'Observation Haki' that Danzo was leaving Konoha. Maybe Danzo received the news that he was going to kill him, and Jiryoku didn't want to waste his time like this and miss such a golden opportunity to eliminate Danzo completely.

Jiryoku unsheathed his sword and pointed it towards the sky. Multiple purple circles traveled towards the sky, and Jiryoku swung the sword downward. Jiraiya was ready to defend against the attack from Jiryoku, but nothing happened even after Jiryoku swung his sword. This confused Jiraiya greatly. He looked up at the sky, but he didn't see anything. However, just as he was about to look back at Jiryoku, he noticed a small red dot that slowly grew bigger and bigger.

When Jiraiya looked back towards Jiryoku, Jiryoku was nowhere to be seen. At this time, Might Guy also came running, and just as he wanted to pursue Jiryoku, he was stopped by Kakashi. "Wait, Guy, and first of all, calm down. We will need you here. If I am guessing correctly, it's much more necessary for you to remain here rather than going after Jiryoku." Said Kakashi while removing his left eye's forehead protector and revealing his Sharingan, and seeing this Guy also stopped because he knows Kakashi never uses Sharingan unless absolutely necessary.

As the dot grew bigger, Kakashi could see it too, and it was covered in fire. "It's definitely a meteor," he said and then looked towards Jiraiya, asking, "Jiraiya-Sama, can you calculate in which direction the meteor will fall?"

Jiraiya shook his head in response and said, "It's impossible to guess its trajectory from this far, but it is surely a meteor, and a big one at that."

"Sigh, why is a strong person like Jiryoku willing to betray the Konoha village?" said Jiraiya.

"It's impossible for us to go after him until we deal with the meteor, as it might fall on important places in Konoha. All Jonins, be ready. Now, we can only save Konoha from such a predicament," said Jiraiya with a serious face.

(A/N: if you like the story please vote power stones.)