Ch-117 Dimension Slash.

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Gamamura, who had disappeared, suddenly reappeared next to Fukasaku. The reason for Gamamura's disappearance became apparent: Fukasaku had used the 'Summoning Technique' to call Gamamura to his side.

As Gamamura shouted, "NO!" and appeared before Fukasaku, others assumed it was due to the injuries he had sustained from Jiryoku. They anticipated he was reacting to the pain of those injuries. However, the true reason for Gamamura's cry was different. He had witnessed a future before Fukasaku summoned him, and that future had now come to pass. The head of Iwayado and the upper part of Gamashiri's body, above the chest, lay on the ground.

The other Toads from Mount Myoboku were in shock, shouting, "Sage Iwayado! Sage Gamashiri!"

Fukasaku, his face twisted in anguish over the deaths of Gamashiri and Iwayado, asked in pain, "How did this happen?"

Jiryoku muttered to himself, full of regret and anger over his failure to kill Gamamura. But he had a realization: he had cut through space.

"Did I finally cut through dimensions?" Jiryoku wondered. Then, in a fit of laughter, he proclaimed, "HAHA, yes, I've finally mastered the 'Dimension Slash.' I've been working so hard to master this for ages. HAHA."

As Jiryoku laughed, the effects of the 'Gravity Field' were lifted, and he gradually calmed down. He began to address the toads.

"I must say, you toads constantly surprise me. You are truly clever. You could have used the 'Summoning Technique' to free Iwayado from the Earth sphere's seal, but instead, you saved the 'Summoning Technique' for a dire situation involving Gamamura."

Jiryoku's voice grew colder with each word as he continued, "You know what I think? I believe I fell into your trap. By having all the toads come here, you assessed my strength. If you truly faced difficulty defeating me, you could have just retreated and abandoned Mount Myoboku. You toads played me brilliantly."

Jiryoku's laughter seemed to mock the deaths of Iwayado and Gamashiri. Fukasaku, filled with anger, retorted, "How dare you mock the deaths of Sage Iwayado and Sage Gamashiri!"

Jiryoku, however, clarified, "I am not mocking them. They should have died in the first place, but they survived thanks to the intervention of your Great Toad Sage, Gamamura. Now, things will be different. I will not spare any of you."

A heavy silence fell over the spectators, each of them contemplating that the toads were now in grave danger. Witnessing the destructive power of the 'Gravity Field,' doubt spread through their minds about whether the toads could survive this ordeal.

At that moment, Jiraiya, his eyes reddened from grief and anger, turned towards Tsunade and implored, "Tsunade, now is the time for Konoha to support Mount Myoboku and save them."

Tsunade remained composed as she responded, "I am sorry, Jiraiya, but I am a Hokage, and I must prioritize the interests of Konoha."

She continued, "The reason I initially chose to support Mount Myoboku was that, while Jiryoku is indeed a monster, but with the cooperation of ninja and Toads we can win against Jiryoku but his strength exceeds what Konoha can confront. What I fear is that even if I were to call upon the entire Konoha ninja army, they would undoubtedly meet their demise."

Jiraiya, looking perplexed, questioned Tsunade, "Tsunade, you? You were ready to stand with Mount Myoboku as an ally, but now you're retracting your support?"

Tsunade explained with a composed demeanor, "As much as it pains me to say this, it's the reality. Observe Jiryoku closely. Even after employing these devastating techniques, he appears somewhat winded, as if he had completed a sprint. He's not exhausted, and his power remains substantial. I believe he can continue to fight."

She turned towards Hiashi and instructed, "Hiashi, inform him of Jiryoku's condition."

Hiashi nodded and reported, "From the beginning of the battle until now, Jiryoku has barely utilized his chakra. He is nearly at his peak in terms of chakra."

Tsunade continued, "Furthermore, he has yet to activate his Sage Mode. Jiraiya, my response is clear. If you want to support Mount Myoboku, it's not an issue, and I will join you. However, the Konoha ninjas will not be sent to their certain deaths."

Jiraiya fell into deep contemplation, torn between his desire to assist and the knowledge that the safety of Konoha's ninjas took precedence.

At this moment, Gamamura, his face etched with pain, whispered, "I'm sorry, my friend, that I have to disturb you from your eternal slumber." He then performed the 'Summoning Technique,' causing a mysterious coffin to rise from the ground and appear before everyone.

The appearance of the coffin left everyone bewildered, including Jiryoku, who watched with curiosity. They continued to observe as Gamamura gently placed his hand above the coffin, causing it to emit a vibrant green light. Gradually, from a circular pattern above the coffin, a phantom figure materialized.

The phantom was that of a man with pale skin, possessing two Rinnegan eyes and distinct red Rinnegan-like markings on his forehead. He also had two horn-like protrusions on either side of his forehead, and behind him, ten Truth-Seeking Balls floated in the air. He donned a full-length kimono adorned with a pattern of six black magatama encircling a high collar.

Upon witnessing this apparition, Obito uttered in shock, "Sage of Six Paths."

Black Zetsu, catching sight of the Sage of Six Paths, immediately panicked and scurried away, vanishing into the ground to escape from the unfolding situation.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)