Ch-127 Horror of 'Black Hole'.

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Just as Jiryoku retreated, all the remaining hands of 'Sage Art Wood Release: True Several Thousand Hands' also started moving. As the area covered by these almost five hundred hands was huge, Jiryoku had no choice but to confront these hands. Of course, if Jiryoku wants, he can run away, but his fighting spirit won't allow this. So, he was going to take the attack of Asura head-on.

Asura, who was inside the largest sphere made of 'Truth-Seeking Ball,' finally, the large black sphere again turned into six small black 'Truth-Seeking Ball' spheres, and Asura's figure was revealed back.

Asura controlled all of these 'Truth-Seeking Ball,' and it moved at an incredible speed towards the rear side of Jiryoku so that Jiryoku can't retreat and is forced to take all the punches of these giant wooden hands head-on.

Till now, Jiryoku was avoiding all the wooden hand punches, and he didn't immediately destroy them because even for him, it will take a considerable amount of strength to destroy each hand. After all, each of these hands' defence is as strong as that of a mountain, and the reason for this may be because Ashura was using 'Sage of Six Path Mode' and can use 'Yang Release' to make wood release even stronger.

Jiryoku sensed the impending threat as the 'Truth-Seeking Ball' approached from behind, while wooden hands rained down from above and in front, threatening to turn him into a meat paste. In this critical moment, he made the decision to unleash one of his most powerful moves.

Coming to a sudden halt, Jiryoku tapped his sword on the ground. As he stood still, the wooden hands closed in around him, and the 'Truth-Seeking Ball' drew dangerously close. Observers, perplexed by Jiryoku's lack of response, began to speculate. Some wondered if he had finally surrendered to the overwhelming assault, while others questioned whether he had come to the realization that he couldn't withstand such a formidable attack. Ino, anxiously clasping her hands, could only hope for Jiryoku's safety.

However, amid the uncertainty and speculation, a sudden twist unfolded. A black hole materialized beneath Jiryoku, with a diameter spanning almost 10 meters. Remarkably, Jiryoku found himself suspended at the center of this cosmic vortex, defying the imminent threats that had surrounded him.

As Nagato, Obito, Itachi, and Kisame witnessed the emergence of the black hole, memories of their past battles with Jiryoku resurfaced in their minds.

"Here comes that move again, the one that forced us to retreat. And look at the size of the black hole this time—it's much larger than before," remarked Pain.

Kisame concurred with a nod, and Itachi added, "Last time, he struggled to control it properly. But now, he seems to handle it with ease."

The onlookers, perplexed by the unfolding spectacle, soon had their questions answered. The onslaught of attacks on Jiryoku slowed to a crawl, the sheer gravitational force making it difficult for them to reach him. Yet, this was just the beginning.

The wooden hands, initially on the brink of striking Jiryoku, began to disintegrate. Their remnants followed the orbit of the black hole, gradually being drawn inside.

As the black hole exerted its influence, chaos ensued. Everything in the vicinity started being pulled toward the gravitational anomaly. Even the wooden hands that were initially distant from Jiryoku accelerated toward the black hole at an astonishing speed. However, upon nearing the event horizon, they too succumbed to a deceleration and eventual disintegration, their particles absorbed by the black hole.

The 'Truth-Seeking Ball' was not exempt from this gravitational force. Asura, recognizing the impending danger, swiftly took control of the six orbs, redirecting them away from Jiryoku and back towards himself. The fate of the 'Truth-Seeking Ball' hung in the balance, caught in the cosmic dance orchestrated by the formidable black hole.

The gravitational force exerted by the black hole not only affected Asura's attacks but also drew the onlookers towards its ominous center.

Kakashi couldn't help but voice his thoughts, "If we're already feeling this pull from this distance, I shudder to think of the gravitational force at the center."

Fukasaku, reflecting on the power displayed, added, "Just how formidable is Jiryoku? If he unleashed such a devastating move upon our arrival, survival would have been questionable."

Gamamura, The Toad Sage, interjected with a revelation, "You're correct. He aimed not only to defeat us but to force us to unleash our ultimate power, equivalent to the Sage of Six Paths."

As the onlookers grappled with the horrifying suction of the black hole, Asura, on the other side, faced his own dilemma. Attempting to retrieve the 'Truth-Seeking Balls,' he was shocked to discover that two of them had already succumbed to the event horizon, beyond retrieval. Despite his efforts, the 'Truth-Seeking Balls' were disintegrating at a rate faster than he could pull them back.

Realizing the inevitable, Asura made a crucial decision—he chose to detonate the two 'Truth-Seeking Balls' that were beyond salvation.

(A/N: If you like the story please vote power stones.)